corporate performance

Corporate Performance Performance against the Corporate Plan 1 st - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

Corporate Performance Performance against the Corporate Plan 1 st July 30 th September 2011 Presentation by: David Taylor-Smith Cabinet 3 rd November 2011 Corporate Overview: Performance against Corporate Plan Indicators Performance

  1. Corporate Performance Performance against the Corporate Plan 1 st July – 30 th September 2011 Presentation by: David Taylor-Smith Cabinet – 3 rd November 2011

  2. Corporate Overview: Performance against Corporate Plan Indicators Performance against Corporate Plan Projects 40 30 1 30 6 20 10 Over Perf Red 3 20 Red 3 Amber 6 Amber 10 Green 20 10 Green 2 13 5 12 2 4 5 1 8 1 2 3 3 2 0 0 Your FAMILY: Your FAMILY: Your Your ECONOMYYour COUNCIL Your FAMILY: Your FAMILY: Your Your ECONOMY Your COUNCIL C&YP ADULTS NEIGHBOURHOOD C&YP ADULTS NEIGHBOURHOOD 1 indicator is awaiting data 1 project is on hold Revenue Budget 2011/12 Performance against Strategic Change Projects Position Statement at 30th September 2011 Current Approval Forecast 10 (Budget) Pressures Overspend Dept £m £m £m 8 6 DASS 67.4 7.1 0.00 6 Red CYPD 75.3 2.0 0.00 Amber 4 Corp Green Services 26.0 0.5 0.00 2 2 2 Finance 26.6 0.0 0.00 2 2 LHR&AM 16.3 0.0 0.00 1 1 0 Tech Your FAMILY: Your FAMILY: Your Your ECONOMY Your COUNCIL Services 60,1 0.0 0.00 C&YP ADULTS NEIGHBOURHOOD Totals 271.7 9.6 0.00 8 projects are within the concept stage

  3. Sickness Absence Average absence per employee on a running basis FTE - All Authority (not including temporary staff employed for less than 12 months) The average absence per employee on a Year End Targets 6.00 running basis has 2009/10 = 10.00 5.00 2010/11 = 9.80 dropped by 0.65 (14%) 4.00 2011/12 = 9.80 for Quarter 2 2011/12, 3.00 when compared to 2.00 Quarter 2 2010/11 1.00 0.00 (provisional figures for June Sept September 2011) 2.49 4.60 2009/10 2.51 4.67 2010/11 2.21 4.02 2011/12 Average absence per employee on a running basis FTE - By Department The average absence (not including temporary staff employed for less than 12 months) Q1 Target Q2 Target lost per employee on a running basis has 5.68 Tech Serv dropped for June and 2.42 3.94 Sep 2011 when LHR&AM Sep-11 1.35 compared to 2010. 3.93 Jun-11 Finance The department with 1.80 3.36 Corp Serv the highest average 1.80 4.70 for June 2011 was CYPD 2.67 Adult Social Services 5.44 DASS and for September 2.90 2011 was Technical 2.42 4.49 0.00 1.00 2.00 3.00 4.00 5.00 6.00 Services

  4. Customer Feedback Customer feedback ‐ average working days to resolve: Customer feedback received: 1st July ‐ 30th September 2011 LGO Cllr/MP Corporate 1st July ‐ 30th Sept 2011 complaints Technical Services Suggestions 2% LHRAM Compliments Corporate Statutory 9% Complaints Finance Complaints 19% DASS 4% Ombudsman Contacts CYPD 1% Corporate Services All Departments Councillor/MP 0 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40 45 50 Contacts Complaints Councillor/MP contacts LGO contacts (calendar days) 65% Complaints received by department: 1st Complaints resulting in changes by department: 1st July ‐ 30th September 2011 July ‐ 30th Sept 2011 Corporate Services 11% Technical Services 86 14 CYPD LHRAM 100 8% Technical Services Finance 100 No Changes DASS 47% 100 DASS 12% Changes CYPD 93 7 Corporate Services 94 6 Finance LHRAM 19% 3% 0% 20% 40% 60% 80% 100%

  5. Your FAMILY: Children & Young People Performance against Projects Green Resource Implications Corporate Plan 2 Financial (2 Corporate Projects) 100% Budget pressures of £2 million identified (reduced from Strategic Change Programme £5.6 million for quarter 1 by use of one off reserves and Green (1 Strategic Projects) uncommitted funds). 1 •All of the projects are on target Children’s care services, numbers of looked after children and transport costs remain as pressures. Performance against Over Green Amber Red Indicators Perf 2011/12 Capital budget has been re-profiled and is now (24 Corporate Indicators) £24 million. Significant progress includes Cathcart and 12 3 3 6 Pensby Primaries and on numerous schemes funded Red: 50% 12.5% 12.5% 25% from within the capital maintenance and basic need grant allocation. •The gap between pupils eligible for free school meals and their peers achieving the expected attainment level at Key Stages 2 Staffing and Key Stages 4 are lower than the 2010/11 academic year. Improvements have been made, but performance has not met The restructure of the Children's Services Department the 2011/12 targets has been agreed and is being implemented. •The gap between Special Educational Needs (SEN)/ non SEN pupils achieving Key Stages 2 in English & Maths is wider compared to the 2010/11 academic year. Both groups have Future Challenges and Risks made progress, but the non SEN group has improved by 2.4% more than the SEN group, therefore widening the gap Safeguarding arrangements for children is a continuous significant risk and is therefore under constant review Amber: The general economic position has created additional •The SEN/non SEN gap in achieving 5 A*-C GCSE inc. English & demand pressures on services. Maths is lower than 2010/11 academic year •Stability of placements of looked after children In response to the Munro Review a national review of children's social care processes is being undertaken. •Reduce emergency hospital injury admissions 0-4 years

  6. Your FAMILY: Adults Performance against Projects Resource Implications Green (8 Corporate Projects) Financial 8 Corporate Plan Budget pressures of £7.1 million have been identified, as 100% follows: • Increased demand for older people and learning • All projects are on target disabilities accounts for £2.9million. • Slippage on savings e.g. market review negotiations and Early Voluntary Retirement / Voluntary Severance £3 million Strategic Change Programme • Community Care £1.2 million (3 Strategic Projects) £3 million capital programme includes grant allocation for Amber Red Red: personalisation and final payments for Mendell lodge extra care •Learning Disabilities 1 2 housing scheme. •Market Management Staffing Amber: Cabinet approved a new staffing structure for DASS on 22 nd •Re-provision of in-house care services September 2011. This will strengthen safeguarding arrangements. Future Challenges and Risks Performance against Indicators Safeguarding arrangements for adults are always a risk and are (5 Corporate Indicators) Green therefore under constant review • All Indicators are on target 5 Revised policies and procedures were approved by the Safeguarding Adults Board on 4 July. These will assist in the 100% mitigation of risk. Challenges remain in dealing with demand pressures from an ageing population within a constrained budget.

  7. Your NEIGHBOURHOOD Performance against Projects Resource Implications Green Amber Red (32 Corporate Projects) 20 10 1 Financial Corporate Plan 63% 31% 3% Major areas for close monitoring Red: remain car parking and Cultural •Implement a new Sub Regional Choice Based Lettings Scheme Services income. Amber: Number of policy options progressing •Heating improvement programme to 140 vulnerable private sector residents including Library improvements, free •Housing plan for people with Learning Difficulties after 3 parking and deep clean street •Implement proposals to reduce under occupation in social housing cleansing initiatives. The Community •Reduce number of people killed or serious injured in road traffic casualties Asset Transfer programme continues. •Implement a speed restriction programme •Effectively implement the Community Energy Efficiency Fund Capital programme activities include •Co-locate two libraries with one stop shops works at the Williamson Art Gallery •Roll out WiFi; Install Information Screens and E books in libraries and Landican cemetery. On Hold - Deliver Parks & Countryside Services Procurement Exercise (PACSPE) Future Challenges and Risks Strategic Change Programme (3 Strategic Projects) Amber Ensuring services meet the needs of Amber: local residents and businesses is 2 •Street Lighting and PACSPE (1 project is within the closure stage) crucial. A significant consultation programme, asking the people of Over Wirral to identify budget priorities and Green Red Performance against Indicators Perf areas for improvement, as part of a (9 Corporate Indicators) 2 1 5 project to develop individual neighbourhood plans is currently Red: 22% 11% 56% underway. •Repeat incidents of domestic violence, referrals have increased by 11.16% compared to 2010/11. The increase in referrals has been in part due to the success Weather events can severely disrupt in engaging agencies in Wirral’s Multi-Agency Risk Assessment Committee process services. A review of winter and improved police reporting systems maintenance arrangements has been undertaken to help mitigate impacts 1 indicator is awaiting data

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