corp4898 the manufacturing supply and delivery of ion

CORP4898 The manufacturing, supply and delivery of ion exchange - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

Tender Clarification Meeting for CORP4898 The manufacturing, supply and delivery of ion exchange resins to various power stations on an as and when required basis for a period of five (5) Date: 11 September 2019 Housekeeping Rules 2 Agenda

  1. Tender Clarification Meeting for CORP4898 The manufacturing, supply and delivery of ion exchange resins to various power stations on an as and when required basis for a period of five (5) Date: 11 September 2019

  2. Housekeeping Rules 2

  3. Agenda Description Responsibility Opening and welcome BK Mashila Safety and Evacuation Procedure Safety Official Commercial (RFP highlights) Marubini Chauke Technical Sidwell Muthavhine Finance Nozipho Thala Quality Lesego Garegae Safety, Health & Environmental Marc Lebea (SHE) Supplier Development and Ishmael Modiko Localisation General All Questions and answers will be after each presentation 3

  4. The purpose of the meeting • The purpose of the session is to guide tenderers on how to respond to the enquiries by: • Providing a high level understanding and clarity of Eskom’s tendering requirements; • Providing a forum for Q & A. 4

  5. Contacts & Important dates Tender number/ RFP number CORP4898 Issue date 04 September 2019 Closing date and time 08 October 2019 at 10:00 AM Tender validity period 52 (fifty two) weeks from the closing date and time Clarification meeting 11 September 2019, 10am at Saturn Boardroom Megawatt Park Eskom Holdings SOC Limited Tenders are to be delivered to the Megawatt Park Retail Centre following address on the stipulated Megawatt Park Tender Office situated on the closing date and time: Northside Maxwell Drive Sunninghill Sandton Tender No: CORP4898 Deadline for clarifications 04 October 2019 Eskom representative Marubini Chauke 011 800 6085 5

  6. Tender submission The tender/proposal shall be submitted as follows: • one (1) original; • one (1) copy of the original and • one (1) soft copy in a memory stick . And failure to submit 1 (one) copy for each tender document submitted the tender should be regarded as non-responsive. The original and complete hard copy of the tender must be clearly divided into the following sections: • Commercial (As per Commercial Tender Returnable)  SD&L (As per SD&L Tender Returnable) • Technical (As per Technical Tender Returnable) • Finance (As per Finance Tender Returnable) 6

  7. Evaluation Method  Evaluation Process  Note: Tenderers must tender for clusters in full which will be ranked individually in line with PPPFA ranking methodology. The evaluation will be conducted in terms of the Preferential Procurement Policy Framework Act (“ PPPFA ”). Following technical assessment of product performance analysis the evaluation process and criteria will be as follows:  Step 1 - Basic Compliance All responses will be evaluated for overall compliance to the conditions of tender and the test for responsiveness.  Step 2 - Mandatory tender returnables  Review tender submission for compliance to all submission requirements;  Ensure mandatory requirements are met; and  Tenders that do not meet the mandatory requirements will be eliminated.  Step 3 – Functionality Functionality will be evaluated on a total weight of 100% with a minimum threshold of 75%. The evaluation on functionality shall be on Technical. A minimum overall threshold will have to be met before proceeding to the next stage, failure to achieve the minimum threshold, will result in disqualification. Below is a further breakdown of the Functionality criteria:  Step 4 – Price and Preference Price points will be calculated out of 90 for price. A maximum of 10 points will be allocated to the B-BBEE level contribution. The prices and preference points will be added together to determine the highest scoring tenderer  7

  8. Contractual conditions Contractual conditions • Contractual conditions will not be evaluated but will be linked to awarding of contracts to the tenderers that meet specific conditions. Contractual conditions may not necessarily be linked to the allocation of points for further scoring and tenderers may be disqualified if not agreeing to meet such conditions.  Shipping  SD&L  NEC • Shipping • Shipping Department facilitates the movement of all Eskom foreign importations, exportations, and local materials from OEM to Eskom sites. Eskom Shipping and Haulage also has a mandate to: • Foster transparency between Eskom’s prospective suppliers. • ensure that Eskom complies with all Customs and Excise requirements • ensure that supplier’s proposed shipping prices are market related • A copy of the Shipping Evaluation form will be submitted to the supplier to complete all the necessary details pertaining to the transportation of the consignment. The same information will be used to solicit estimates from Eskom’s approved Clearing and Forwarding Agents to determine whether the shipping estimated costs provided by the supplier are competitive. Based on the comparison a report will be prepared with recommendations and advice will be provided on whether to let the supplier do the shipping or Eskom’s Clearing and Forwarding Agents will be used. 8

  9. Tender Returnables Mandatory Mandatory returnable for returnable for Returnables from supplier evaluation contract award  One (1) hard copy of the tender  Acknowledgement Form  Letter of intent to form a JV/consortium Valid joint venture agreement confirming the rights and obligations of each of the joint venture partners and their profit-sharing ratios.  Written confirmation that the joint venture will operate as a single business entity (incorporated) for the duration of the contract (this may be included as an obligation within the JV agreement)  A trust, consortium or joint venture (including unincorporated consortia and joint ventures) must submit a consolidated (original or certified copy of a valid) B-BBEE Status Level Verification Certificate for every separate tender.  Details and confirmation of a single designated bank account in the name of the JV and independent of the individual JV partners, as set out in the joint venture agreement.  Authority to submit a tender  9 Declaration of fair bidding practices form

  10. Tender Returnables  Tenderers Particulars  Integrity Pact Declaration form  CPA for local goods/services (if applicable)  CPA(IG) for imported goods/services (if applicable) Confirmation of receipt of addenda to enquiry document  SBD 1- to be submitted with the tender at tender submission deadline  SBD 6.1- Preference Points Claim Form in terms of PPPFA 2017 regulations  Shipping evaluation form  Supplier Development Localisation & Industrialisation (SDL&I) Undertaking  COIDA - Original certificate of good standing or proof of application issued by the Compensation Fund (COID) or a licensed compensation insurer (South African tenderers only)  An original or certified copy of a valid B-BBEE certificate is required. In the case of EME/QSE, an original or copy of a sworn affidavit.  Foreign suppliers (with a footprint in South Africa) and local suppliers must submit a printed or copy of its tax clearance certificated as well as their SARS e-filing PIN number and their CSD number for verification by Eskom. Foreign suppliers with no footprint in South Africa must complete the SBD1 document. No proof of tax compliance is required.  Evaluation questionnaire to be completed and submitted to determine whether a company, close corporation (CC) or Trust is a personal service provider for purposes of PAYE 10

  11. Tender Returnables To the extent that the tenderer falls within the definition of a “designated  Employer” as contemplated in the Employment Equity Act 55 of 1998, the tenderer is required to furnish the Employer with proof of compliance with the Employment Equity Act, including proof of submission of the Employment Equity report to the Department of Labour. (South African tenderers only)  Audited Financial Statements of the tenderer for the previous 18 months or to the extent those statements are not available, for the last year. Tenderers must note that in the case of a joint venture or special purpose vehicle (SPV) especially formed for this tender, audited financial statements for each participant in the JV / SPV is required. Start-up enterprises formed within the last 12 months are not required to send in statements, but if successful with their tender will be required to send statements for the first year when once available.  Shareholding organogram /breakdown (for each individual company/JV member) clearly identifying percentages owned by individual shareholders (full names & ID Numbers) and other entities (provide full legal/trading name and respective identifying registration/trust numbers)  Completed NEC pricing schedule and contract data. 11

  12. CONTRACTUAL REQUIREMENTS DOCUMENTS REQUIRED AS CONTRACTUAL REQUIREMENTS  Copy SHE policy signed by CE/MD  Valid (copy) letter of Good Standing  Baseline Risk Assessment  Signed acknowledgement of Eskom SHE rules  SHE Plan (specific to the project)  Material Safety Data Sheet  Product/Service Scoping ISO certificate is defined and relevant  Valid Certificate by approved and Authorised certification authority  Certification Authority has recognized International Accreditation OR  Quality Manual  Copy SHE policy signed by top management  Procedure for control of documents  Internal Audit Procedure  Procedure for control of nonconforming products  Corrective and Preventive action procedure  Annexure (A&B) is completed and signed Financial statements etc. that may be required for due diligence purposes.  12



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