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  3. Tim Dixon Analyst Title slide James Brabben Head of Training

  4. Change form Last Report Reason CP16 CP17 CP18-25 • 5.0mn Rocs banked into CP16, and higher forecast Roc issue from fuelled and offshore wind technologies (up 2.0mn) Roc supply • A higher capacity forecast for fuelled technologies • We have made a reduction to our electricity demand forecast from CP16 – CP25 Demand • We expect EII exemptions to be implemented from 1 April 2018 • RO targets CP16 RO target down on EII delay, all other CPs have risen • Delay in the implementation of energy intensive industry exemptions to CP17 has lowered CP16 costs Costs to • Higher-than-forecast RO target set for CP17 than forecast suppliers • A rise in forecast Roc issue, and therefore higher forecast RO targets for all other compliance periods • CP16 down due to the addition of 5.0mn Rocs banked from CP15 and an uplift in our Roc issue forecast Roc values • CP17 down on an increased Roc issue forecast coupled with a reduction in our electricity demand forecast 4

  5. • BEIS published its response to its consultation on Implementing an Exemption for Energy Intensive Industries o The response applies to the RO scheme only, and confirmed its intention to exempt up to 85% of electricity supplied to eligible EIIs from the indirect costs of the RO o An updated note was issued from BEIS claiming it expects exemptions to be implemented from 1 April 2018. This was followed by confirmation with the revised RO for 2018-19 • BEIS published a consultation on controlling the costs of biomass conversion and co-firing under the RO o The consultation looks to gather views on two proposed options: an annual generator cap or an adjustment to the support level for non-grandfathered units • BEIS announced the RO for 2018-19, and issued a revised RO on 18 December o BEIS set the RO (before EII exemptions) at 129.7mn Rocs, or 0.452 Rocs/MWh in GB and 0.185 Rocs/MWh in NI. With EIIs, the GB RO for CP17 is now confirmed at 0.468 Rocs/MWh 5

  6. • Demand forecast has fallen by 1.0% for all years on our last report o Average annual reductions for the UK from CP17 to CP25 are forecast at 0.2%. UK demand is expected to fall from 290.1TWh in 2017-18 to 286.9TWh in 2026-27 (not accounting for EII exemptions) o We now expect EII exemptions to commence from 1 April 2018. A maximum exemption rate of 85% means that EII exempt volumes are forecast as 9.9TWh for 2018-19 to 2026-27 RO-liable Demand Forecasts (before and after EII exemptions) 292 GB Demand (TWh) 288 284 280 276 272 268 264 GB (Q417 forecast, before EII exemptions) GB (Q417 forecast, after EII exemptions) 6

  7. Capacity Forecast – This Report vs Last Report • CP15 capacity forecast at 28.2GW , End of CP17 End of CP16 End of CP17 capacity – Feb 1.0GW above our last report (MW) capacity – capacity – 17 baseline Q417 forecast Q417 forecast forecast • CP16 forecast at 31.5GW , 0.1GW Fuelled 3,693 3,768 3,517 above our last forecast Hydro 721 721 730 • CP17 projected at 31.7GW , unchanged on our last report Landfill gas 869 844 837 Offshore wind 6,439 6,555 6,500 • Capacity expected to accredit through grace periods until 2019 Onshore wind 12,584 12,628 12,465 PV 7,174 7,174 7,549 Wave/tidal 37 37 14 Total 31,516 31,726 31,612 7

  8. Capacity Forecast by Technology (CP15-CP26) 35,000 30,000 Installed capacity (MW) 25,000 20,000 15,000 10,000 5,000 0 CP15 CP16 CP17 CP18 CP19 CP20 CP21 CP22 CP23 CP24 CP25 ACT Biomass Biomass conversion Enhanced co-firing Hydro Landfill gas Offshore wind Onshore wind PV Sewage gas + EfW Wave/tidal 8

  9. • The total number of Rocs presented by suppliers for compliance in CP15 came to 90.2mn, despite the total number of Rocs available for compliance in CP15 at 95.2mn Rocs o This represents a supplier compliance levels of 89.5%, with 5.0mn Rocs banked into CP16 • Roc supply for CP16 is now forecast at 107.3mn, 7.0mn above the value stated in our report o Largely due to suppliers banking 5.0mn Rocs from CP15 into CP16 o Our Roc supply forecast for fuelled technologies for CP16 has risen by 2.0mn, and our forecast for offshore wind by 0.5mn o This has been partially offset by a 0.4mn reduction in our Roc issue forecast for onshore wind, and a 0.1mn reduction for landfill gas • Roc issue forecast for CP17 to CP25 up by an average of 3.5% (or 3.9mn Rocs) on our last report. Roc issue is expected to peak in CP18 at 118.3mn 9

  10. • BEIS already set targets for CP16 and CP17 o CP16 target 0.409Rocs/MWh in GB and 0.167Rocs/MWh in NI o CP17 target 0.468Rocs/MWh for GB and 0.185Rocs/MWh for NI • The GB RO target forecast (CP17-CP25) has increased by 4.6% on average on our 2017 baseline forecast o Due to a reduction in our RO-liable demand forecast and a rise in our Roc issue forecast o The GB RO target is forecast to peak at 0.479Rocs/MWh in CP20 10

  11. Roc Supply, Target and Value Forecast (CP15-CP25) 140 120 100 Roc issue (mn Rocs) 80 60 40 20 - CP15 CP16 CP17 CP18 CP19 CP20 CP21 CP22 CP23 CP24 CP25 Fuelled Offshore wind Onshore wind Photovoltaics Landfill gas Eligible hydro Wave/tidal Banking from previous Compliance Period Drax co-fired Rocs Renewables Obligation (with headroom) 11

  12. • The initial recycle value in CP15, including buy-out payments only, came to £4.89/Roc o There was a combined shortfall of £18.7mn in the buy-out funds due to 16 suppliers owing late payments. This will add an additional £0.21/Roc to the recycle value o The final recycle value is expected to outturn at £5.10/Roc • CP16 value (with recycle) forecast at £49.58/Roc in our Central Scenario –– the buy- out price of £45.58/Roc and a recycle of £4.00/Roc (2017-18 money) o £4.00/Roc lower than our previous long-term report, due to a 7.0mn (7.0%) rise in forecast Roc issue for CP16, following high levels of banking and an increase in forecast Roc issue • CP17 values (with recycle) forecast at £49.88/Roc o £0.23/Roc below our last forecast, due to a 4.1mn rise in forecast Roc issue for CP17 • CP18 – CP25 values (with recycle) forecast to be stable at £50.10/Roc - £50.11/Roc 12

  13. Roc Value Forecast (CP15-CP25) 50.2 50.1 50.0 Roc value (£/Roc) (with recycle) 49.9 49.8 49.7 49.6 49.5 49.4 49.3 CP15 CP16 CP17 CP18 CP19 CP20 CP21 CP22 CP23 CP24 CP25 13

  14. • CP16 costs for GB are expected at £18.64/MWh, £0.17/MWh under our last forecast due the delay in implementing EII exemptions (2017-18 money) • CP17-CP25 costs have risen by 4.6% (£0.91/MWh for GB customers), in line with the lift in our RO target forecast • GB costs are forecast to rise to a maximum of £21.85/MWh in CP20, before declining to £19.36/MWh by CP25 14


  16. • Government announced that it will consult on widening the eligibility criteria for the EII exemptions in the Industrial Strategy, published on 27 November 2017 • However, the magnitude of the change will not be known until government issues guidance on the likely volume of electricity that will be exempt £/MWh impact of additional exempt supply on consumer bills (annual, • In this sensitivity, we show CP18 – CP25) the cost impact for every 0.90 additional TWh of exempt Additional RO cost (£/MWh) 0.80 supply is £0.08/MWh 0.70 (from CP18 to CP25) 0.60 0.50 0.40 0.30 0.20 0.10 0.00 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 Additional exempt demand (TWh) 16

  17. • It is possible that a further coal-fired unit is considering converting to biomass to exploit subsidies it has already secured o We believe the unit considering converting to biomass is likely to be a Drax unit • However, this unit would not be grandfathered under its current Roc award and would therefore receive an award that is subject of the outcome of the consultation on controlling the costs of biomass conversion and co-firing under the RO • We show the impacts if an additional unit is converted to biomass, but has its Roc award reduced to 0.1 Rocs/MWh. We consider this an unlikely scenario • In this scenario, the unit would add 0.4mn Rocs per year to the market. This would increase costs of the scheme 0.4% (£0.08/MWh) from CP18 for every year it operated under the scheme • Our Roc value forecast for CP17 would also fall to £49.70/Roc (including a recycle value of £4.12/Roc), down £0.18/Roc on our Central Forecast, due to higher Roc issue in the compliance period Historic Banking Levels 17

  18. 18

  19. Contact Tim and Alex 01603 959881 01603 959881


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