ANNUAL MONITORING 2020 (ABOUT 2019-20) Inputs: • Data analysis: Core Metrics, University KPIs, Gap Metrics (new) , External Examiner’s Reports • Benchmarks set by Office for Students for University Evaluation: • Evaluation of performance against benchmark at programme, subject and University levels Outputs: • Reports including action plans produced at Programme, Subject and University level • Exception Reporting: when benchmark is not met specify action to improve: Action Plan • Remember to celebrate good practice
CORE METRICS & UNIVERSITY BENCHMARKS Core Metric Subject or Programme University Benchmark actual set by OfS (%) (%) 1. Teaching on my course xx 84.42 2. Assessment and Feedback xx 74.26 3. Academic Support xx 79.93 4. Course Non-continuation (revised metric) xx 12.2 (Max.) 5. Employment and further study xx 93.4 6. Highly Skilled employment and further study xx 72.3
UNIVERSITY KPIs & BENCHMARKS University Key Performance Indicators (KPIs) Source of data University Benchmark set by Exec Board (%) 1. Applications (n) UNiPULSE - 2. Conversion Rate (%) UNiPULSE 40 + (applications to enrolment) 3. Enrolments (n) UNiPULSE - 4. Attendance (%) UNiPULSE 80 + 5. Average Module Mark UNiPULSE 55 + (mean %) 6. Modules passed first time (%) UNiPULSE 86 + 7. Achievement of good honours degrees (%) UNiPULSE 65+
SUBJECT QEP: GAP METRICS (NEW) • To monitor our progress in relation to the University’s APP targets • Access Metrics – to show the student profile • Attainment Gaps by Index of Multiple Deprivation (IMD), by young participation rate in HE (POLAR 4) and by ethnicity: for full time students • Continuation Gaps by ethnicity: for full time students • Progression Gaps by Index of Multiple Deprivation (IMD) for part time students; and by ethnicity for full time students • In the Subject QEP NOT in the Programme Plan this year
SUBJECT QEP: ACCESS METRICS (NEW) Proportion of New UK Enrolments for Under-Represented Demographic Groups • Number of students enrolling: New UK enrolments (N) • Proportion of students who are Male (%) • Proportion of students who are Female (%) • Proportion of students who report that they have a disability: Disabled (%) • Proportion of students who are from a Black, Asian, or other Minority Ethnic backgrounds: BAME (%) • Proportion of students who are Mature (%) • Proportion of students who are from Polar4 Quintile (%) • Proportion of students who are from IMD Quintile (%)
SUBJECT QEP: GAP METRICS (NEW) GAP Metrics University Milestone Benchmark (%) Attainment gaps identified in the University’s APP GAP 1: attainment gap between POLAR4 Quintile 1 and Quintile 5 for full 9% or less time undergraduate students GAP 2: attainment gap between IMD Quintile 1 and Quintile 5 for full time 24% or less undergraduate students GAP 3: attainment gap between full time undergraduate Black students and 27% or less White students GAP 4: attainment gap between full time undergraduate Asian students and 15% or less White students
SUBJECT QEP: GAP METRICS (NEW) GAP Metrics University Milestone Benchmark (%) Continuation gaps identified in the University’s APP GAP 5 The continuation gap between full time undergraduate Black students 3% or less and White students GAP 6 The continuation gap between full time undergraduate Asian students 7% or less and White students GAP 7 The continuation gap between full time undergraduate Mixed 8% or less Ethnicity students and White students
SUBJECT QEP: GAP METRICS (NEW) GAP Metrics University Milestone Benchmark (%) Progression gaps identified in the University’s APP GAP 8 The progression gap between part time undergraduate IMD Quintile 2% or less 1 and Quintile 5 students GAP 9 The progression gap between full time undergraduate Asian and 2% or less White students
UNIPULSE REPORTS: PROGRAMME LEVEL • Core metrics and University KPIs with benchmark ranges shown visually, as before • UNiPULSE data allows drill through from University level to named student – to enable analysis/ understanding • Three year trend data • UNiPULSE Annual Monitoring Report
A WORD ABOUT REPORT TEMPLATES • Reporting templates ensure standardised approach • Templates available on the SEO web page for annual monitoring: • Evolving - over past four years, now includes GAP metrics at Subject and University level (to measure targets given in Access and Participation Plan) • Programme Report • Subject Report includes analyses of performance against benchmark in all metrics for every programme, on & off campus
REPORTS AND DATA 2020 1. Programme Plan – using internal data in new look UNiPULSE database 2. SUBJECT Quality Enhancement Plan – using data at CAH2 level Data generated by Student Data Management team in pre-populated tables on the internal UoB shared drive: L:\Corporate Intelligence\Annual Quality Monitoring\Nov-2020 Release Date for the data: 16 November 2020 Submission Dates for completed reports • Programme Plans: 11 December 2020 • Subject QEPs: 17 December 2020
LIVE DEMONSTRATION BY SDM COLLEAGUES : • UNiPULSE data tables and charts • UNiPULSE How to guide • Subject Annual Monitoring Reports L:\Corporate Intelligence\Annual Quality Monitoring\Nov-2020 • Q&A
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