C LICK TO EDIT M ASTER TITLE STYLE Coraopolis Water and Sewer Authority ● Click to edit Master text styles Stormwater Utility Fee o Second level ● Third level o Fourth level Resident Informational Meeting November 2018 ��������� Lennon, Smith, Souleret Engineering, Inc. Civil Engineers and Surveyors
W HAT IS S TORMWATER ? C LICK TO EDIT M ASTER TITLE STYLE ● Click to edit Master text styles ● What is Stormwater Runoff? o Second level o Stormwater runoff is rainfall that flows over impervious surfaces ● Third level that do not allow water to soak into the ground. o Fourth level 2
W HAT IS S TORMWATER ? C LICK TO EDIT M ASTER TITLE STYLE ● Click to edit Master text styles ● Impervious Surface and its Impact o Second level o Impervious surfaces are hard ● Third level surfaces that do not allow rain o Fourth level or snowmelt to infiltrate at the same rate as natural surfaces such as grass or dirt including rooftops, driveways, patios, parking lots, sidewalks and other man-made structures. o Impervious surfaces increase the amount and speed of water allow the runoff to become contaminated with pollutants before entering rivers and other water bodies. 3
S TORMWATER M ANAGEMENT C LICK TO EDIT M ASTER TITLE STYLE ● Click to edit Master text styles ● Operation and Maintenance o Second level o The Coraopolis Water and Sewer Authority is responsible for ● Third level operation and maintenance of the Borough’s public stormwater o Fourth level infrastructure. o This infrastructure must be maintained to manage impact of stormwater runoff and minimize potential negative effect of runoff to public and private property. o The Authority and Borough are required to maintain stormwater infrastructure in compliance with state/federal regulations. 4
S TORMWATER - R EGULATORY C OMPLIANCE C LICK TO EDIT M ASTER TITLE STYLE ● Regulatory Compliance ● Click to edit Master text styles o The Municipal Separate Storm Sewer System (MS4) is regulated o Second level by the Pennsylvania Department of Environmental Protection ● Third level (PaDEP) under the National Pollution Discharge Elimination o Fourth level System (NDPES) established as part of the federal Clean Water Act administered by the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA). o Compliance with the NPDES Permit requires a Stormwater Management Plan designed to reduce the discharge of pollutants from the MS4 and protect water quality. o These include unfunded mandates. ● NPDES MS4 Permit o Initial Issuance 2003, First Renewal in 2013 o Most recent Renewal 2018 – Additional regulatory requirements (Pollutant Reduction Plan) 5
S TORMWATER – R EGULATORY C OMPLIANCE C LICK TO EDIT M ASTER TITLE STYLE W HAT INITIATED THE NEED FOR THIS USER FEE ? ● Click to edit Master text styles ● The Borough and Authority are Joint Permittees of a DEP-issued, federally mandated MS4 permit. The o Second level ● Third level 2018 MS4 permit includes provisions which has o Fourth level increased annual expenses including but not limited to: o Provisions requiring that the Authority to reduce the amount of pollutants discharge to impaired waters including construction of stormwater management facilities during this 5 year cycle (2018- 2023) with new requirements anticipated in the next 5 year permit. 6
S TORMWATER – R EGULATORY C OMPLIANCE C LICK TO EDIT M ASTER TITLE STYLE W HAT INITIATED THE NEED FOR THIS USER FEE ? ● Click to edit Master text styles ● Pollutant Reduction Plans (PRPs) were developed as required by PADEP to meet the following o Second level ● Third level requirements: o Fourth level o All permittees that discharge to waters impaired for the following pollutants require PRPs: ● Nutrients (Nitrogen and Phosphorus) ● Sediment o The following reductions must be achieved within 5 years of permit issuance (March 2023) ● Achieve 10% reduction in pollutant loading of sediment ● Achieve 5% reduction in pollutant loading of total phosphorus 7
S TORMWATER – R EGULATORY R EQUIREMENT C LICK TO EDIT M ASTER TITLE STYLE W HAT INITIATED THE NEED FOR THIS USER FEE ? ● Click to edit Master text styles ● Each Permittee will have 5 years to implement the Pollutant Reduction Plan (PRP) and construct the o Second level ● Third level projects identified to achieve pollutant reductions o Fourth level 8
S TORMWATER U TILITY F EE C LICK TO EDIT M ASTER TITLE STYLE ● Click to edit Master text styles ● Why is a Stormwater Utility Fee necessary? o Second level o Funds for managing the storm water system have typically come ● Third level from the Sanitary Sewer portion of CWSA’s operating budget o Fourth level o This is no longer financially feasible given the following: ● Increased severity of storm water runoff issues. ● Increased regulatory requirements enacted in 2018 to comply with unfunded state and federal mandates. ● Increased operation and maintenance costs for aging stormwater infrastructure. ● Diminishing funds available for sanitary sewer operation and maintenance. 9
S TORMWATER U TILITY F EE C LICK TO EDIT M ASTER TITLE STYLE ● Click to edit Master text styles ● Why is a Stormwater Utility Fee equitable? o Second level o In addition to financial infeasibility, funding of stormwater ● Third level expenses through sanitary sewer funds is not equitable. o Fourth level o A separate stormwater utility fee establishes an equitable and fair system where users pay a proportionate share of stormwater costs. o All properties benefit from the Borough’s stormwater infrastructure and water quality improvements. Properties that have the most impervious area have the largest impact. 10
D EVELOPMENT OF AN E QUITABLE F EE S TRUCTURE C LICK TO EDIT M ASTER TITLE STYLE ● Click to edit Master text styles ● Establishment of the ERU o Second level o ERU (Equivalent Residential Unit) ● Third level is the basis of the Fee Structure o Fourth level o The ERU represents the average impervious area on an typical single family lot within the Borough. o Imperious area properties were determined using aerial photography o Statistical analysis of Coraopolis Borough results: ● 1 ERU = 1,900 square feet of imperious area 11
S UMMARY OF B OROUGH P ROPERTIES C LICK TO EDIT M ASTER TITLE STYLE ● Basis of Fee Assessment ● Click to edit Master text styles o Single Family Residential, Duplex Residential Property – 1 ERU o Second level o Non-Single Family Residential Properties (i.e. commercial, ● Third level industrial, institutional, etc.) – Based on actual impervious area, o Fourth level converted to number of ERUs Parcel Type Number of Properties Number of ERUs Single/Two Family 2,018 2,018 Residential Non-Single Family Residential 405 3,146 (Commercial/Industrial/ Institutional/Multi-Family) TOTALS 2,423 5,164 12
C LICK TO EDIT M ASTER TITLE STYLE E VALUATION OF A UTHORITY S TORMWATER E XPENSES ● Authority expenses were categorized for evaluation, ● Click to edit Master text styles though significant overlap exists between categories. o Second level Each category addresses different aspects of overall ● Third level MS4 Permit Compliance: o Fourth level o Administration o Capital Improvements o Annual O&M o MS4 Permit Compliance ● Summary of Expenses Expense Category Anticipated Annual Expenses Administration $25,000 Annual O&M $135,000 Capital Improvements $189,200 MS4 Permit Compliance $85,800 TOTAL $435,000 13
D ETERMINATION OF ERU F EE A MOUNT C LICK TO EDIT M ASTER TITLE STYLE ● Click to edit Master text styles ● Anticipated Fee Amount based on Expenses: o Second level ● $7 per ERU/month or $84/ERU annually ● Third level o Fourth level o Initial Stormwater Utility Fee bills will be issued to property owners starting in the first quarter of 2019 o All properties with impervious area(s) are subject to the fee o Fees will be billed to the property owner separate from those fees previously established for sanitary sewer and potable water public utilities 14
C LICK TO EDIT M ASTER TITLE STYLE ● Click to edit Master text styles o Second level ● Third level o Fourth level QUESTIONS? Non-Residential/Commercial/Institutional/Industrial property owners may sign up for schedule with Authority staff to review individual fees for your property. 15
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