coping with life s uncertainty

Coping With Lifes Uncertainty Introduction 1. One of the things we - PDF document

Coping With Lifes Uncertainty Introduction 1. One of the things we heard a lot at St. Jude was about coping. It was interesting to see the different ways people coped with one of life's most difficult trials. 2. Many people still ask us how we

  1. Coping With Life’s Uncertainty Introduction 1. One of the things we heard a lot at St. Jude was about coping. It was interesting to see the different ways people coped with one of life's most difficult trials. 2. Many people still ask us how we are coping, and I'll tell you that it's only through faith and hope in God, and the love we feel coming from others. 3. We are not unique in this. Learning to cope with life's uncertainty has been an issue the people of God have been dealing with since time began. 4. It's a question that even caught the attention of the wise man, Solomon. Discussion I. Mankind’s Common Fate (Ecclesiastes 9:1-6) A. Solomon set out to learn the meaning of life. After trying just about everything life has to offer Solomon shares some universal truths with us. B. The first is that God is in control. Vs. 1 1. Even when man fails to acknowledge His existence! 2. Especially, when we can't understand it, or explain it. C. We cannot find out what the future will hold for us in this life. Vs. 1 1. Man does not know whether it will be love or hatred; anything awaits him. NASB 2. Anything can happen to us, whether we are righteous or wicked. a) What happens to this life is not necessarily an indication of how God feels about us. Matthew 5:45 b) Some things just happen. That’s how life is! Vs. 11 3. We appreciated Dr. Broniscer saying tumor not caused by hot dogs. D. Regardless of what does happen to us, eventually we will all die and seal our fate. 1. In this instance Solomon sees death as evil. Vs. 3 2. In this life man has hope that things can get better, but once life is over that’s it. 3. A living stray might be able to improve his condition, but in death even the king of the beast decays to nothingness. Vs. 4 E. The real question becomes, knowing that life is uncertain, knowing that regardless of what life has in store for us eventually we will all die, how do we cope? How do we go on living with such knowledge? 1

  2. II. How Do We Cope With Life’s Uncertainty? (Ecclesiastes 9:7-10) A. Solomon offers three pieces of advice that will improve every man’s outlook on life and allow any man to cope with the vanity of this life, but is especially helpful for those who trust in God. B. Be Happy! Vss. 7-8 1. God wants us to enjoy the good things He’s prepared for us. Ecc. 5:18-20 2. He approves of our using those gifts wisely and giving thanks for them. 3. Verse 8 even tells us to look happy. a) White clothes were festive clothes as opposed to sackcloth that was worn in times of morning. b) In ancient times people put oil on their heads every morning, except in times of mourning. c) Solomon is telling us not to mourn even in the knowledge that we will die. 4. Sometimes we make Christianity out to be this hard stern life, completely devoid of joy, but how many times in NT are we simply told to rejoice? a) 69 times in NT; 40 times in Epistles b) Rejoice and be exceedingly glad, for great is your reward in heaven… Matt. 5:12 c) Rejoice in the Lord always. Again I will say, rejoice! Philippians 4:4 5. Yes, life can be a bummer at times, but we ought not let life’s occasional misfortune rob us of all joy. 6. “I wouldn’t wish cancer on anybody, but this is pretty cool!” - Kelsey 7. Let me also say, that it's impossible to be happy 24/7, but we can enjoy the happy moments of life, even in the midst of a crisis. 8. “Life is more interesting when you’re happy!” C. Enjoy life with your wife. Vs. 9 1. When God created the world He said everything was good except one thing. He said it was not good that man should be alone. 2. The companionship of a good spouse is truly one of God’s highest blessings. 3. During Kelsey’s illness there were times when it was wonderful to be able to close the door at night an exist in a world of only two people. 4. In this instance, maybe Solomon is telling us not to look for comfort and happiness by overlooking the best place to get it. 5. We could broaden this to understand that Solomon is encouraging us to enjoy the people who God has put in our lives. a) Happiness is not really found in the stuff God has given us. b) The deepest, most lasting happiness is found in loving relationships. c) It’s these relationships that bring (i) Ask an elderly person to recall some happy memory. (ii) It will be about people! d) Have you ever noticed that the photos that mean the most to you are the ones with your loved ones in them? 2

  3. D. Solomon’s third piece of advice is to work hard. Vs. 10 1. If life is meaningless, if we cannot control what goes on in the world, why work hard when we are going to die anyways? 2. Because it’s the right thing to do! a) God always intended for man to work. Even before the fall there was work in the Garden, and in heaven we’ll work in praising God. b) It gives man a sense of self-worth that nothing else seems to give. c) It reminds us that while we cannot change the world, we can accomplish the tasks given to us by God. 3. There is no greater, more satisfying work than doing the work God has given us to do in His Kingdom. Galatians 6:9-10 a) Kingdom work is not just evangelism, or what happens at the building. b) It’s teaching your children, loving your spouse, being a good neighbor… E. Too often we make our lives harder by worrying about things we cannot change. Unless the Lord comes back first, I am going to die. 1. I can let that bother me. I can let it keep me from enjoying the time that I do have overlooking every blessing God has given me. 2. Or I can focus on what is important in my little part of the world, enjoying the great blessing of a wife who loves me and knows how to make the world go away, even if but for a moment. 3. One brings misery, while the other makes life pleasant in spite of living in a lost and dying world! It also helps to recharge us to face the difficult times. F. Solomon wants us to understand that even though this is the right way to live under the sun that we shouldn’t expect life to be any different for us. III. Living Right Doesn’t Guarantee Life Will Be Better. (Ecclesiastes 9:11-18) A. Some times life isn’t fair, and rarely works out the way we’d like. Vss. 11-12 B. History has shown us the truth of verse 11 . 1. The sorrow of Jeremiah Jeremiah 15:10, 19 2. The poverty of Jesus Matthew 8:20 3. The fate of the Apostles 1 Corinthians 4:9-13 C. No matter how prepared we might be, we cannot control time or chance. 1. So much of what happens to us is completely beyond our control. 2. People would say, “We don’t know how you are coping with all this.” Our response would be, “We have no other choice.” 3. Some things just happen and none of us can beat time. D. Solomon even shares an example of this principle with us of a poor wise man who saved his city from a powerful king. Vss. 13-15 1. So the battle did not go to the strong, but to the wise. 2. But the rest of the story is that the wise man was forgotten. 3. Time and chance even happened to him. 3

  4. E. But doing what is right is still the best way to live. Vss. 16-18 1. The people should have listened to the wise man, and they should have kept listening to him. 2. Regardless of anything else, it is always best to do right. Ecclesiastes 8:12 Conclusion 1. Many of us are worried about the moral and financial stability of our country. Some of you are worried about the possibility of a more personal crisis that might be looming in your future. 2. Americans wonder and worry if we could see another 9/11. a) Something much worse than 9/11 could be in our future, and there is nothing anybody can do to stop it! b) There are things that can happen on a much smaller scale that are just as devastating and trying for you personally. 3. The only way to deal with that knowledge is to: a) Eat your bread with joy. b) Enjoy life with your family. c) Work hard at whatever it is that you do. 4. Take care of the things God has given you and let Him take care of the rest. 5. In this chapter Solomon is not really concerned with the afterlife, but He will be. 6. Really this is good advice for all mankind, but it too would be meaningless without God. 7. Without the hope of going to heaven when this life is over there is nothing about it that really makes it worth living! –Simon Harris Columbus, MS 4


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