Coordination : Cécile Guieu (LOV, Villefranche), Xavier Durrieu de Madron (CEFREM, Perpignan) and Richard Sempéré (COM/MIO, Marseille), Ivanne Pairaud (IFREMER, La Seyne)
Motivations Strong anthropogenic pressure A changing environment : with geographical and seasonal on ‐ going increase of temperature imbalances Surface waters : + 1.1 ° C in 27 years Deep waters : + 0.05 ° C in 10 years A unique coupled system (ocean/atmosphere/continent) RIVERS Deep water at DYFAMED 2005 1995 ATMOSPHERIC WINDS INPUTS, (Marty & Chiaverini, 2002) PYROGENIC Annual mean temperatures in the Mediterranean area are likely to increase STRAITS more than the global mean (IPCC, 2007) ATMOSPHERIC INPUTS, SAHARAN
Motivations Med Sea = 0.7% of global Ocean volume, but a major reservoir of diversity (18%) that might be affected introduction of many thermophilic species and global change disturbance of ecological status, changes in the trophic chain and consequently on the resources
A scientific paper on current knowledge and key questions MERMeX White Book « Marine ecosystems’ responses to climatic and anthropogenic forcings in the Mediterranean » Progress In Oceanography , Octobre 2011 ‘Mermex Group’, Progress In Oceanography, 2011
Scientific Objectives
groundwaters megacities rivers Land-Sea interactions Main topic: and extreme events air-sea RESPONSE OF MEDITERRANEAN ECOSYSTEMS TO CLIMATE CHANGE interactions AND ANTHROPOGENIC PRESSURE Hydrodynamics and ecological processes Bio- and eco- regionalization of the Mediterranean Sea Mapping of Ecosystem Services
Implementation started in 2011 • Laboratory • in situ Experimentation Experimentation (mesocosms) Observations Observations • Cruises Cruises Main topic: • Buoy Buoy RESPONSE OF MEDITERRANEAN • Satellite… Satellite… ECOSYSTEMS TO CLIMATE CHANGE Modelling Modelling AND ANTHROPOGENIC PRESSURE A dedicated working group A dedicated working group MISTRALS- SEDOO Databases Databases LEFE-CYBER SISMER
MISTRALS Interconnected MISTRALS Interconnected Research Projects supported by Long Term Research Projects supported by Long Term Observations Observations MERMeX Marine Ecosystems Response Atmospheric impact Impact of physics on Impact of physics on on biogeochemistry biogeochemistry biogeochemistry and feedbacks CHARMeX HyMeX Chemistry ‐ Aerosol Hydrological Cycle MOOSE Long Term Observations
MERMEX endorsed by 3 international programs: LOICZ: Land-Ocean IMBER: Integrated SOLAS: Surface Ocean - Interactions in the Marine Biogeochemistry Lower Atmosphere Study Coastal Zone & Ecosystem Research
Budget and activity MERMEX today = • 15 projects funded or co-funded by MISTRALS • ~630 man-month 35 PhD • YEAR MISTRALS 10 post-doc • 2011-12 200 K€ 2012-13 213 K€ TOTAL BUDGET 2013-14 314 K€ MERMEX in 2014 = 1321 K€ 2014-15 331 K€ Other funding* = 865 K€ Europe (Hermione, Perseus, Medsea, Groom) french ANR (Costas, Sam, Ecogely, Risco) Other National projects (EC2CO, Equipex NAOS) Regional (PACA) Foundation (BNP-Paribas, FRB) Ministry foreign affairs (Envi-Med)
DEWEX DEep Water formation EXperiment • Strong dynamic in specific area determine the distribution of nutrients at large scale • Nutrient stœchiometry is not constant over the bassin (East–West gradient and surface-deep waters gradients • Strong trophic gradients; very poor waters in the Eastern Bassin; strong seasonal variability Bosc et al., 2004
DEWEX DEep Water formation EXperiment EOP (2012/09-2013/05) plans The main objective: to reconstruct the physics and biogeochemical history of the water masses of the NW Med S a full year observation cycle (2012-2013) • MerMeX • HyMeX • 6 cruises covering key moments • SOERE MOOSE • Large number of Autonomous platforms with • ANR ASICS-MED • EQUIPEX NAOS biogeochemical sensors during and in • GMMC MESOLAB between the cruises comprising: Gliders for high frequency acquisition Coll. ES, IT • FP7 GROOM Floats for the law frequency acquisition • FP7 PERSEUS, • FP7 JERICO • Satellite, in particular Ocean Color • FP7 E-Aims • FP7 OSS-2015
DEWEX DEep Water formation EXperiment 6 cruises = 119 days at sea = 499 stations CTD profiles DOWEX2012 DEWEX2013-1 MOOSE-GE2012 2012 − 07 − 06 2 ˚ 3 ˚ 4 ˚ 5 ˚ 6 ˚ 7 ˚ 8 ˚ 9 ˚ 2012 − 09 − 15 44 ˚ 44 ˚ 2013 − 02 − 19 2 ˚ 3 ˚ 4 ˚ 5 ˚ 6 ˚ 7 ˚ 8 ˚ 9 ˚ 2 ˚ 3 ˚ 4 ˚ 5 ˚ 6 ˚ 7 ˚ 8 ˚ 9 ˚ 44 ˚ 44 ˚ 44 ˚ 44 ˚ 43 ˚ 43 ˚ 43 ˚ 43 ˚ 43 ˚ 43 ˚ 42 ˚ 42 ˚ 42 ˚ 42 ˚ 42 ˚ 42 ˚ 41 ˚ 41 ˚ Feb 2013 Sep 2012 Jul 2012 41 ˚ 41 ˚ 41 ˚ 41 ˚ 40 ˚ 40 ˚ 71 stations 63 stations 40 ˚ 40 ˚ 40 ˚ 40 ˚ 90 stations 39 ˚ 39 ˚ 39 ˚ 39 ˚ 2 ˚ 3 ˚ 4 ˚ 5 ˚ 6 ˚ 7 ˚ 8 ˚ 9 ˚ 39 ˚ 39 ˚ 2 ˚ 3 ˚ 4 ˚ 5 ˚ 6 ˚ 7 ˚ 8 ˚ 9 ˚ 2 ˚ 3 ˚ 4 ˚ 5 ˚ 6 ˚ 7 ˚ 8 ˚ 9 ˚ 0.0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1.0 1.2 1.4 0.0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1.0 1.2 1.4 0.0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1.0 1.2 1.4 DOWEX2013 DEWEX2013-2 MOOSE-GE2013 2013 − 07 − 05 2013 − 04 − 12 2013 − 09 − 04 2 ˚ 3 ˚ 4 ˚ 5 ˚ 6 ˚ 7 ˚ 8 ˚ 9 ˚ 2 ˚ 3 ˚ 4 ˚ 5 ˚ 6 ˚ 7 ˚ 8 ˚ 9 ˚ 44 ˚ 44 ˚ 2 ˚ 3 ˚ 4 ˚ 5 ˚ 6 ˚ 7 ˚ 8 ˚ 9 ˚ 44 ˚ 44 ˚ 44 ˚ 44 ˚ 43 ˚ 43 ˚ 43 ˚ 43 ˚ 43 ˚ 43 ˚ 42 ˚ 42 ˚ 42 ˚ 42 ˚ 42 ˚ 42 ˚ 41 ˚ 41 ˚ 41 ˚ 41 ˚ 41 ˚ 41 ˚ Apr 2013 Jul 2013 Sep 2013 40 ˚ 40 ˚ 40 ˚ 40 ˚ 40 ˚ 40 ˚ 79 stations 100 stations 96 stations 39 ˚ 39 ˚ 39 ˚ 39 ˚ 2 ˚ 3 ˚ 4 ˚ 5 ˚ 6 ˚ 7 ˚ 8 ˚ 9 ˚ 39 ˚ 39 ˚ 2 ˚ 3 ˚ 4 ˚ 5 ˚ 6 ˚ 7 ˚ 8 ˚ 9 ˚ 2 ˚ 3 ˚ 4 ˚ 5 ˚ 6 ˚ 7 ˚ 8 ˚ 9 ˚ 0.0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1.0 1.2 1.4 0.0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1.0 1.2 1.4 0.0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1.0 1.2 1.4
Floats = ~1500 profils Argo (0 ‐ 1000, 520 Bio/02) EOP (2012/09-2013/05) plans Real time transmission of the data to CORIOLIS Flotteur NAOS 6.0 7.0 8.0 9.0 Modis du 10 Janvier
Gliders: a total of 30 Missions = ~13000 profiles (0 ‐ 1000m) Real time transmission of the data to CORIOLIS Courants 0 ‐ 1000m Temperature Turbidite Oxygene Salinity CDOM Fluorescence
DEWEX DEep Water formation EXperiment Gliders transects temperature
DEWEX DEep Water formation EXperiment Gliders transects Chlorophyll
DEWEX DEep Water formation EXperiment Bio-Argo floats
DEWEX DEep Water formation EXperiment Bio-Argo floats
DEWEX DEep Water formation EXperiment Data on board Si(OH)4 µM NO3+NO2 µM PO4 µM 0 2 4 6 8 10 0 2 4 6 8 10 0.0 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5 0 0 0 500 500 500 1000 1000 1000 1500 1500 1500 2000 2000 2000 2500 2500 2500 2013 − 02 − 19 2013 − 02 − 19 2013 − 04 − 12 2013 − 04 − 12 2 ˚ 2 ˚ 3 ˚ 3 ˚ 4 ˚ 4 ˚ 5 ˚ 5 ˚ 6 ˚ 6 ˚ 7 ˚ 7 ˚ 8 ˚ 8 ˚ 9 ˚ 9 ˚ 2 ˚ 2 ˚ 3 ˚ 3 ˚ 4 ˚ 4 ˚ 5 ˚ 5 ˚ 6 ˚ 6 ˚ 7 ˚ 7 ˚ 8 ˚ 8 ˚ 9 ˚ 9 ˚ 44 ˚ 44 ˚ 44 ˚ 44 ˚ 44 ˚ 44 ˚ 44 ˚ 44 ˚ 43 ˚ 43 ˚ 43 ˚ 43 ˚ 43 ˚ 43 ˚ 43 ˚ 43 ˚ 42 ˚ 42 ˚ 42 ˚ 42 ˚ 42 ˚ 42 ˚ 42 ˚ 42 ˚ Février 41 ˚ 41 ˚ 41 ˚ 41 ˚ 41 ˚ 41 ˚ 41 ˚ 41 ˚ April 40 ˚ 40 ˚ 40 ˚ 40 ˚ 40 ˚ 40 ˚ 40 ˚ 40 ˚ 39 ˚ 39 ˚ 39 ˚ 39 ˚ 39 ˚ 39 ˚ 39 ˚ 39 ˚ 2 ˚ 2 ˚ 3 ˚ 3 ˚ 4 ˚ 4 ˚ 5 ˚ 5 ˚ 6 ˚ 6 ˚ 7 ˚ 7 ˚ 8 ˚ 8 ˚ 9 ˚ 9 ˚ 2 ˚ 2 ˚ 3 ˚ 3 ˚ 4 ˚ 4 ˚ 5 ˚ 5 ˚ 6 ˚ 6 ˚ 7 ˚ 7 ˚ 8 ˚ 8 ˚ 9 ˚ 9 ˚ 0.0 0.0 0.2 0.2 0.4 0.4 0.6 0.6 0.8 0.8 1.0 1.0 1.2 1.2 1.4 1.4 0.0 0.0 0.2 0.2 0.4 0.4 0.6 0.6 0.8 0.8 1.0 1.0 1.2 1.2 1.4 1.4
DEWEX DEep Water formation EXperiment Modelling Model (LA Toulouse): •Symphonie/ECO3m •1km résolution •Aux frontières: Mercator PSY24v4r2 •Forcé en surface: ECMWF (« bulk ») •Réajustement de l’ état initiale avec les données (Juillet-Aout 2012) DEWEX an original and huge data set; development of data is underway and a special issue is being prepared
Land-Sea interactions and extreme events Transfers and transformations of carbon, nutrients and contaminants from rivers to the open sea, including the impact of extreme events (storms, floods,…). Ex. Storm-Induced Export to the Basin 18 march 2011 ‐ Turbidity 10 march 2011 ‐ Turbidity Storm induced plume on the Gulf of Lion’s shelf → Along-shore propagation of a turbid plume of buoyant ( cold but (mg/l) fresh ) coastal water during a 0 strong eastern storm 200 → Storm-induced downwelling in a canyon , with the intrusion of 400 turbid and chlorophyll rich Salinity (psu) Turbidity (FTU) 600 coastal water down to 400 m 0 depth in the canyon head 200 400 Temperature (°C) Chl-a (µg/L) 600
groun megacitie dwater s s rivers Land-Sea interactions Main topic: and extreme events air-sea RESPONSE OF MEDITERRANEAN ECOSYSTEMS TO CLIMATE CHANGE interactions AND ANTHROPOGENIC PRESSURE Hydrodynamics and ecological processes Bio- and eco- regionalization of the Mediterranean Sea Mapping of Ecosystem Services
Natural and anthropogenic air-sea interactions Impact on ecosystem functionning Action 2 Action 3 Aerosols Fluxes Radiative Fluxes Action 1 Gas Fluxes DMS CO 2 Marine aerosols Diming effect COV Backscattering Ocean Gas production Nutritive acidification and elements consumption Planktonic Planktonic and and benthic benthic communities communities
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