cooperation capabilities for escap space applications

COOPERATION CAPABILITIES for ESCAP: Space Applications Developed - PDF document

COOPERATION CAPABILITIES for ESCAP: Space Applications Developed by Russian Space Systems 1 1 EXPERTISE Space systems Ground facilities Navigation Communication, Space Space Ground control facility broadcasting Data

  1. COOPERATION CAPABILITIES for ESCAP: Space Applications Developed by Russian Space Systems 1 1 EXPERTISE Space systems Ground facilities • Navigation • Communication, Space Space • Ground control facility broadcasting • Data acquisition, processing and technologies technologies • Remote sensing distribution ground facility • Distant space • Human spacecraft Integrated products Navigation data systems GIS and remote sensing Satcom and services Products and Products and services services Real estate and Emergency management, Agriculture, forest sector, government control, security construction ecology, geology  Natural and industrial disaster monitoring and  Agricultural land and ecosystem monitoring and  Building plans; post-analysis; analysis;  Construction monitoring;  Fire monitoring service;  Earthquake prediction;  Status monitoring for complicated engineering  Drug control;  Forest inventory; structures;  Government and special comms; Satcom and data acquisition from agricultural  Markets  Communication and object status data  Satellite internet objects and remote lands delivery Transport and Mapping Education, science Tourism communication  Monitoring of ground, air, marine  Joint investigations;  Rescue system;  Cadaster plans; Training of space application specialists; transport;   Mobile satcom and internet;  Mapping services;  Transport and logistics services;  Space products for education  Navigation data services  Delivery of mapping data Mobile satcom;   Global on-way internet 2 2 1

  2. COOPERATION CAPABILITIES Governmental authorities  Scientific, engineering, procedural support for development of space service centers and implementation of utilization projects;  Pilot projects in the area of space data applications Education  Joint development of space applications technologies;  Development of methodological materials; Science  Integration of available data resources, data bases, knowledge, for commercial purposes as well Business communities  Commercial and socially-oriented projects 3 3 SOCIAL DEVELOPMENT. High-Precision Positioning Network (HPN) HPRN unites reference stations and networks of different property and manufactured by various companies, allowing operator to construct a set of services taking into account constantly growing user requirements to high-precision positioning HPNN customers GNSS signal Correcting data HPN – united integrated GNSS space segment network (GLONASS, GPS, Galileo, BeiDou) 2017 2020  250 stations  1400 stations  Station maintenance system 4 4 2

  3. ENVIRONMENTAL and DISASTER CONTROL. Remote Sensing Data Application PARAMETRES: 2 years 2 years 10-15 m 10-15 m 1m 1m Stage-by-state commissioning Stage-by-state commissioning depending on a region depending on a region Customers Customers Spatial resolution Spatial resolution Data actuality Data actuality Cadaster Flood monitoring Fire detection Mapping Regional Disaster development monitoring Forest monitoring Land monitoring State customers in Russia Commercial Customers in Russia EMERCOM EMERCOM Ministry of Nature Ministry of Nature Rosreestr Rosreestr Railway Railway Rostelecom Rostelecom GAZPROM GAZPROM Ministry Ministry Ministry of Agriculture Ministry of Agriculture Oil and gas Oil and gas of Transport of Transport Remote sensing coverage provides data basis for services and products for state and commercial customers 5 5 TRANSPORT. RSS-COMPLEX NAVIGATION DATA SYSTEM Road School buses infrastructure Passenger Field services trasnport RSS Communal Hazardous cargo service transport transportation COMPLEX The system supports RSS-Complex advantages Transport real-time control and monitoring in accordance with time-table, Wide spectrum of the system functions; including route, speed, stop location and timing, distance run estimation; Capability to monitor 5000- 100000 vehicles; development of optimal routes, traffic schedules; Flexible control of users’ rights; Monitoring of fuel consumption, operations of car mechanical components, Protocoling of users’ actions; technical status of the vehicle (i.e. monitoring of main parameters for the Reports in .pdf, .doc, .xls (set of typical reports); vehicle components and assemblies); The system can be applied with SW with open source code Monitoring of vehicle deviation from the defined operational areas, routes, (operational systems, data base management systems, apps servers, schedules; web-servers); Analysis of vehicle long-term status; Enhanced integration capabilities due to open API, all server Reports for transporting company (orders, route lists, updates for running and functions are implemented as web-services. waiting, etc.) 6 6 3

  4. INDUSTRIAL DISASTER MANAGEMENT. MARINE VESSEL MONITORING SYSTEM Marine Vessel Monitoring System provides capabilities for ship/crew technological control based on application od space navigation and communication data. The system is intended for:  Monitoring of vessel motion and status, as well as their missions and tasks;  Monitoring of the crew activities;  Optimization of fleet control business processess. 7 7 INDUSTRIAL DISASTER MANAGEMENT. Engineering Construction Disturbance High-precision Monitoring System (ECDHMS) ECDHMS is intended for: permanent monitoring of disturbances and shifts in bridge, dam, tower, etc. structure elements with the aim to: -Early diagnostics of construction integrity; -Prompt detection of construction stability loss. Basis line Monitored point Reference point Vibration spectral parameter Test results assessment error Basis line measurement system – approval certificate for measurement tool Vibration range, Hz 0,1-10 RU.C.27.002.А №49297 Shift in the plan, mm < 0,1 Federal Agency of Technical Regulation and Metrology Shift in the height, mm < 0,2 Real-time shift measurement 2013 – ECDHMS mockup Test results error 2014 – ECDHMS installed on the bridge over the Ob’ river, Novosibirsk 2016 - ECDHMS installed on the bridge over the Zeya river, Siberia Shift in the plan, mm 1,8 Shift in the height, mm 3,0 Invention patent № 2496124 «ECDHMS system», patent holder – JSC Russian Space Systems 8 8 4

  5. JSC Russian Space Systems tel.: +7 ( 00, 41- 22 495) 539- 41- email: 9 9 5


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