context for transform business and civic community survey

Context for Transform Business and Civic Community Survey 220 - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

Context for Transform Business and Civic Community Survey 220 respondents to business and civic community survey, representing all major NAICS industry categories Greatest number of responses are from manufacturing (64), public

  1. Context for Transform Business and Civic Community Survey 220 respondents to business and civic community survey, representing all major NAICS industry categories • Greatest number of responses are from manufacturing (64), public administration (28), and health care (23) sectors • Nearly 200 open-ended responses Survey results can be used for three primary purposes: 1) To gain insight into the business community perspective, and to articulate the value of Transform to this community 2) Gain additional input from open-ended responses, to be used to inform: – Programming, to align to CT workforce in the near-term – Create alignment of system-wide program offering with business needs in the longer-term 3) To inform potential partnerships at both the institution and system level – 61 (28%) of respondents provided personal information and wish to be contacted directly Draft — for discussion only Transform CSCU 2020 0

  2. For reference: full set of survey questions Question 1: What sector is your business / organization in? (drop-down) Question 2: What is your business / organization size? (drop-down) Question 3: What is your role? (drop-down) Question 4: On average, how many new graduates has your business / organization hired annually in the past 3 years? (drop-down) Question 5: On average, how many new graduates do you anticipate your business / organization will hire annually in the next 3 years? (drop-down) Question 6: What skills, qualifications and expertise are needed for new employees at your business / organization today? How do you envision this changing in the next 5-10 years? (open ended, optional) Question 7: If you have hired graduates from one or more of the Connecticut State Colleges and Universities, how have these graduates performed relative to your expectations? (Option to rank for each institution: highly satisfied (1), neither satisfied nor dissatisfied (3), highly dissatisfied (5) Question 8: Today and going forward, how do you envision your business / organization will engage or collaborate with individual Connecticut State Colleges and Universities (CSCU) or the CSCU system overall? (For all that apply, select if already partner today or are interested in forming a partnership) Question 9: Please feel free to share any other comments, questions or suggestions that would be helpful to the CSCU system in the Transform effort (open-ended, optional) If you are interested in a follow-up from CSCU, to further your engagement per question 8 above, please provide your name and e-mail address here: (open-ended, optional) Draft — for discussion only Transform CSCU 2020 1

  3. Respondent summary 220 respondents from all 17 sectors, primarily CEOs or EVPs at smaller companies By sector By company size # Sector responses % total Company size # responses % total Accommodation and Food Services 4 2% 0-50 employees 127 58% Administrative and Support and Waste Management 1 0% 51-200 employees 49 22% and Remediation Services Agriculture, Forestry, Fishing and Hunting 2 1% 201-500 employees 12 5% Arts, Entertainment, and Recreation 16 7% 501-1000 employees 11 5% Construction 4 2% 1000+ employees 21 10% Education Services 17 8% Finance and Insurance 7 3% Total 220 100% Health Care and Social Assistance 26 12% By role Information 2 1% Management of Companies and Enterprises 1 0% Respondent role # responses % total Manufacturing 64 29% CEO, President or Chairman 96 44% Other Services (except Public Administration) 23 10% Executive Vice President or 37 17% Professional, Scientific and Technical Services 13 6% Executive Director Public Administration 28 13% Vice President or Divisional 45 20% Manager Real Estate and Rental and Leasing 3 1% Sub-divisional manager or 16 7% Retail Trade 5 2% assistant manager Transportation and Warehousing 1 0% Other staff member 14 6% Wholesale Trade 3 1% Other 12 5% Total 220 100% Total 220 100% Source : Transform CSCU 2020 Business and Civic Community Survey, July 2014. Draft — for discussion only Transform CSCU 2020 2

  4. Key findings Respondent businesses expect to increase hiring of new graduates modestly in next 3 years 1 • Percentage of respondents with businesses hiring 6-10 graduates annually up from 9% (3-year historical) to 11% (3-year forecast); increase from 5% to 9% for those hiring 11-25 graduates per year 2 Overall, respondents are satisfied with performance of graduates from CSCU institutions • Respondents had option to rank satisfaction with graduates from specific institutions • Of 372 responses, 257 (69%) indicated satisfaction or high satisfaction with graduate performance; only 14 responses (4%) indicated dissatisfaction or higher dissatisfaction 3 Respondents view their role primarily in providing internships, with growing interest in volunteer- based partnerships (e.g., mentors) Respondents highlighted that soft and basic skills are needed in new employees in addition to 4 domain-specific or other intellectual skills • Respondents suggest it is institutional role to fill basic skills gaps – professional and personal 5 The business community is supportive of strengthening the CSCU system through Transform • Respondents reinforce system value, suggest ways to improve efficacy Draft — for discussion only Transform CSCU 2020 3

  5. 1 Annual hiring of respondent businesses expected to increase modestly in next three years Number of new graduates business / organization hired annually in the past 3 years; and anticipated hiring in the next 3 years Respondent businesses expect to increase Supporting detail hiring slightly in next 3 years % respondents by hiring volume Increases anticipated in the categories of 220 220 businesses hiring 6-10 graduates annually 100 5 5 2 2 and 11-25 graduates annually 5 9 9 80 11 Industries anticipating hiring the most workers annually in the next 3 years include: 60 • Health Care and Social Assistance • Manufacturing • Education Services 40 79 72 • Professional, Scientific, and Technical Services 20 0 Past 3 years Next 3 years Hiring timeline 75+ 26-50 6-10 51-75 11-25 0-5 Questions : 1) On average, how many new graduates has your business / organization hired annually in the past 3 years? (n=220) 2) On average, how many new graduates do you anticipate your business / organization will hire annually in the next 3 years? (n=220). Source : Transform CSCU 2020 Business and Civic Community Survey, July 2014. Draft — for discussion only Transform CSCU 2020 4

  6. 2 Overall, respondents satisfied with performance of graduates from CSCU institutions Respondent satisfaction with CSCU graduate performance, relative to expectations (for each institution, option to rank 1=highly satisfied, 5=highly dissatisfied) # responses 70 Of 372, 257 (69%) responses indicate businesses was satisfied or highly satisfied with performance of institution graduates 61 60 50 41 40 35 30 26 26 19 19 18 20 17 16 16 15 14 14 13 11 11 10 Institution 0 Colleges Universities Highly satisfied Satisfied Neither satsified nor dissatisfied Dissatisfied Highly dissatisfied Question : If you have hired graduates from one or more of the Connecticut State Colleges and Universities, how have these graduates performed relative to your expectations? (n=120). Source : Transform CSCU 2020 Business and Civic Community Survey, July 2014. Draft — for discussion only Transform CSCU 2020 5

  7. 3 Respondents most interested in providing internships, with growing interest in volunteer-based partnerships Respondent interest in partnering with CSCU institutions and/or system (for each mode of partnership, option to select if already partnering or interested in partnering) Interested in partnering Partner today # responses Most interest in 150 145 internships Growing interest in volunteer- based partnerships (e.g., mentors, advisory board membership) 46% 100 89 88 86 77 71 31% Least interest in 60 scholarships and 56% 64% donating money 58% 50 61% 41 38 37 63% 54% 34% 30% 26 69% 61% 35% 44% 36% 42% 39% 66% 70% 37% 65% 39% 0 Cont’d ed Internships Guest Contributing Program Fnd. or Mentors Advocating Employee Donating Scholarships lecturers to course for Ad. Board Regional volunteer money employees Ad. Board Mode of partnership Question: Today and going forward, how do you envision your business / organization will engage or collaborate with individual Connecticut State Colleges and Universities (CSCU) or the CSCU system overall? (For all that apply, select if already partner today or are interested in forming a partnership) (n=173). Source : Transform CSCU 2020 Business and Civic Community Draft — for discussion only Transform CSCU 2020 6 Survey, July 2014.

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