construction storm water construction storm water

Construction Storm Water Construction Storm Water Storm W ater - PDF document

Construction Stormwater Pre-Wet Season Workshop, Fall 2007 California Regional W ater Quality California Regional W ater Quality Control Board Control Board Central Valley Region, Sacram ento Central Valley Region, Sacram ento Office Office

  1. Construction Stormwater Pre-Wet Season Workshop, Fall 2007 California Regional W ater Quality California Regional W ater Quality Control Board Control Board Central Valley Region, Sacram ento Central Valley Region, Sacram ento Office Office Storm W ater Construction Coordinator Construction Storm Water Construction Storm Water Storm W ater Construction Coordinator Construction Perm it Com pliance: Construction Perm it Com pliance: Pre- - Wet Season Wet Season Pre Stanislaus, Tuolum ne, Am ador, Stanislaus, Tuolum ne, Am ador, Calaveras, Sutter, Yuba, Colusa Calaveras, Sutter, Yuba, Colusa Workshop Workshop Rich Muhl Muhl Rich 2007 2007 ( 9 1 6 ) 4 6 4 - ( 9 1 6 ) 4 6 4 - 4 7 4 9 4 7 4 9 rm uhl@w rm uhl@w Key topics to be addressed: Key topics to be addressed: RWQCB Expectations • Perm it Requirem ents Perm it Requirem ents • Construction Projects – Minimize Water • Enforcem ent • Enforcem ent Quality Impacts From Land Development • Em erging I ssues • Em erging I ssues • All Construction Sites > 1 acres • W ater Board Expectations • W ater Board Expectations • Must Have An NPDES Permit: NOI • Top 2 0 problem s observed last year • Top 2 0 problem s observed last year • SWPPP (Living Document, Dynamic and • Entrapm ent • Entrapm ent Defensible); • Implementation of Effective Pollution Prevention • Hard Arm or • Hard Arm or vs vs Soft Arm or Soft Arm or BMPs • Monitor the site The Regional Board has a number of ways it can respond to stormwater violations CALIFORNIA REGIONAL Informal CALIFORNIA REGIONAL Informal Enforcement Enforcement WATER BOARD WATER BOARD PROGRESSIVE � Verbal Warning PROGRESSIVE � Verbal Warning � Staff Enforcement � Staff Enforcement ENFORCEMENT TOOLS ENFORCEMENT TOOLS Letter Letter � � Notice of Violation Notice of Violation 1

  2. Construction Stormwater Pre-Wet Season Workshop, Fall 2007 State Administrative Penalties State Administrative Penalties Formal Formal Enforcement Enforcement Maximum Penalties are $10,000 Maximum Penalties are $10,000 per day, plus $10/ gallon of per day, plus $10/ gallon of sediment - - laden or polluted water laden or polluted water sediment � Cleanup and Abatement Order � Cleanup and Abatement Order discharged for each violation discharged for each violation � Administrative Civil Liability (ACL) � Administrative Civil Liability (ACL) � Joint enforcement with Department of � Joint enforcement with Department of Minim um Am ount is the Minim um Am ount is the Fish and Game and U.S. EPA Fish and Game and U.S. EPA econom ic savings of the Violation econom ic savings of the Violation � Referral to District Attorney, � Referral to District Attorney, Environmental Circuit Prosecutor, or Environmental Circuit Prosecutor, or Attorney General Attorney General REGION 5 REGION 5 RECENT STORM WATER RECENT STORM WATER ACLS/ ENFORCEMENT ACLS/ ENFORCEMENT DISCHARGER ACL COUNTY French Bar Bluffs $1,100,000 Stanislaus (Joint Agency Enforcement / $175,000 stipulated Judgement) PL Roseville (West Park) $700,000 Placer Roseville Fiddment LLC $600,000 Placer JMC Homes $350,000 Placer DR Horton $200,000 Solano CRV Enterprises Inc. $150,000 Calaveras (Board raised to $225,000) Tehama Market Assoc. $150,000 Tehama (Board raised to $250,000) Lemke Construction $25,000 Calaveras 2

  3. Construction Stormwater Pre-Wet Season Workshop, Fall 2007 TOP 2 0 Problem s TOP 2 0 Problem s Emerging Issues Emerging Issues Observed Observed (AKA (AKA “ “Things to Look Out For Things to Look Out For” ”) ) On Construction Sites On Construction Sites - Revised Permit Revised Permit - Lack of an Effective Combination of Lack of an Effective Combination of Erosion and Sediment Control Erosion and Sediment Control BMPs BMPs 3

  4. Construction Stormwater Pre-Wet Season Workshop, Fall 2007 4

  5. Construction Stormwater Pre-Wet Season Workshop, Fall 2007 Erosion Control is the Erosion Control is the Key to Effective Storm Key to Effective Storm W ater Managem ent W ater Managem ent The First Order of Business The First Order of Business Preserve existing vegetation Preserve existing vegetation Existing vegetation has Existing vegetation has already stabilized the area already stabilized the area it is growing in, to some it is growing in, to some degree, so if you can leave degree, so if you can leave it in place, do it! it in place, do it! Without plants, we would Without plants, we would have lost all our topsoil have lost all our topsoil already. They are uniquely already. They are uniquely and perfectly suited to and perfectly suited to prevent erosion in all its prevent erosion in all its forms. forms. 5

  6. Construction Stormwater Pre-Wet Season Workshop, Fall 2007 Tracking up and down reduces ersoion By 20 to 30 % Three step hydroseeding with mulch Step One: Apply seed and fertilizer Step Two: Apply mulch (2 tons per acre) Step Three: Apply tactifier (glue) 6

  7. Construction Stormwater Pre-Wet Season Workshop, Fall 2007 Bonded Fiber Matrix - BFM 7

  8. Construction Stormwater Pre-Wet Season Workshop, Fall 2007 I neffective I nstallation I neffective I nstallation Token measures Token measures do not prevent do not prevent Monitoring and Monitoring and storm water storm water Maintenance of BMPs Maintenance of BMPs pollution and pollution and result in civil result in civil liabilities. liabilities. 8

  9. Construction Stormwater Pre-Wet Season Workshop, Fall 2007 Fiber Rolls Fiber Rolls Straw Mulch Fiber Rolls are alternative to hay bales and silt Fiber Rolls are alternative to hay bales and silt fences in almost every situation. fences in almost every situation. Installation Instructions: Place rolls into key trench 3 inches deep Place excavated soil on uphill or flow side of the roll Rolls should be abutted at the ends, not overlapped Alternate stakes on both sides of the roll, every six inches 9

  10. Construction Stormwater Pre-Wet Season Workshop, Fall 2007 This is how to do it right. This is how to do it right. Key in filter fabric a Key in filter fabric a minimum minimum of 4 of 4” ” below the ground surface below the ground surface and 2 to 5 feet from slope toe, then backfill with dirt or grave and 2 to 5 feet from slope toe, then backfill with dirt or gravel to l to 6 to 8 inches deep. 6 to 8 inches deep. 10

  11. Construction Stormwater Pre-Wet Season Workshop, Fall 2007 Always align silt Always align silt fences along the fences along the natural contours natural contours of slopes. If silt of slopes. If silt fences divert and fences divert and concentrate flow, concentrate flow, they only make the they only make the problem worse. problem worse. To be effective, To be effective, silt fences must silt fences must disrupt the flow of disrupt the flow of runoff. runoff. 11

  12. Construction Stormwater Pre-Wet Season Workshop, Fall 2007 Poor Good Poor Good Housekeeping Housekeeping Practices Practices 12

  13. Construction Stormwater Pre-Wet Season Workshop, Fall 2007 Utilize Covered Dumpsters Covered dumpsters are (BAT) Covered dumpsters are (BAT) Tracking on Tracking on Roadw ays Roadw ays Construction Entrance Controls Construction Entrance Controls A very A very significant significant source of non- source of non - storm water storm water pollutants pollutants discharge is discharge is tracking mud tracking mud from from construction construction site entrances. site entrances. This is very This is very easy to easy to mitigate, as mitigate, as shown to the shown to the right. right. 13

  14. Construction Stormwater Pre-Wet Season Workshop, Fall 2007 I m proper W ashing I m proper W ashing of Streets of Streets 14

  15. Construction Stormwater Pre-Wet Season Workshop, Fall 2007 Sweep Sweep str street ets, walks and s, walks and driv ivew eways ays bef before re wa washi shing down g down! 15

  16. Construction Stormwater Pre-Wet Season Workshop, Fall 2007 Stockpile Stockpile Managem ent Managem ent Dana Estate: I neffective Concrete I neffective Concrete W ashout Areas W ashout Areas 16

  17. Construction Stormwater Pre-Wet Season Workshop, Fall 2007 Concrete, Gypsum, Stucco & Lime discharge…Ph >10 17

  18. Construction Stormwater Pre-Wet Season Workshop, Fall 2007 Placem ent and Placem ent and Condition of Toilets Condition of Toilets I neffective Drain I neffective Drain I nlet Protection and I nlet Protection and Maintenance Maintenance 18

  19. Construction Stormwater Pre-Wet Season Workshop, Fall 2007 Storage of Storage of Materials Materials 19

  20. Construction Stormwater Pre-Wet Season Workshop, Fall 2007 Paint / Stucco / Paint / Stucco / Concrete / and Related Concrete / and Related Discharges Discharges 20


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