construction of q p with two approaches

Construction of Q p with Two Approaches Lanqi Fei University of - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

Construction of Q p with Two Approaches Lanqi Fei University of Maryland Lanqi Fei (UMD) Construction of P-adic Numbers 1 / 29 Why do we study P-adic Numbers? The p-adic numbers is a larger number system containing Q

  1. Construction of Q p with Two Approaches Lanqi Fei University of Maryland Lanqi Fei (UMD) Construction of P-adic Numbers 1 / 29

  2. Why do we study P-adic Numbers? The p-adic numbers is a larger number system containing Q , with nicer properties. Lanqi Fei (UMD) Construction of P-adic Numbers 2 / 29

  3. Why do we study P-adic Numbers? The p-adic numbers is a larger number system containing Q , with nicer properties. When the p-adic numbers were introduced they considered as an exotic part of pure mathematics without any application. Lanqi Fei (UMD) Construction of P-adic Numbers 2 / 29

  4. Why do we study P-adic Numbers? The p-adic numbers is a larger number system containing Q , with nicer properties. When the p-adic numbers were introduced they considered as an exotic part of pure mathematics without any application. It turns out later to have powerful applications in fields like number theory, including, for example, in the famous proof of Fermat’s Last Theorem by Andrew Wiles. Lanqi Fei (UMD) Construction of P-adic Numbers 2 / 29

  5. Why do we study P-adic Numbers? The p-adic numbers is a larger number system containing Q , with nicer properties. When the p-adic numbers were introduced they considered as an exotic part of pure mathematics without any application. It turns out later to have powerful applications in fields like number theory, including, for example, in the famous proof of Fermat’s Last Theorem by Andrew Wiles. Since 80th p-adic numbers are used in applications to quantum physics . Lanqi Fei (UMD) Construction of P-adic Numbers 2 / 29

  6. Overview Algebraic Construction 1 Topological Construction 2 Connecting the Two Constructions 3 Lanqi Fei (UMD) Construction of P-adic Numbers 3 / 29

  7. Algebraic Construction Lanqi Fei (UMD) Construction of P-adic Numbers 4 / 29

  8. P-adic Integer Given a prime p , for each integer m , we can write it in base p in a unique way, m = a 0 + a 1 p + a 2 p 2 + · · · + a n p n , 0  a i < p Example 7 = 1 + 1 · 2 + 1 · 2 2 Lanqi Fei (UMD) Construction of P-adic Numbers 5 / 29

  9. P-adic Integer Definition (P-adic Integer) Let p be a prime. The set of p-adic integers is defined as a 0 + a 1 p + a 2 p 2 + . . . � Z p = where 0  a i < p Example 1 + 1 · 2 + 1 · 2 2 + · · · + 1 · 2 n + · · · 2 Z 2 Lanqi Fei (UMD) Construction of P-adic Numbers 6 / 29

  10. P-adic Integer a 0 + a 1 p + a 2 p 2 + . . . mod p n # [ a 0 + a 1 p + · · · + a n � 1 p n � 1 ] 2 Z / p n Z where 0  a i < p Lanqi Fei (UMD) Construction of P-adic Numbers 7 / 29

  11. P-adic Integer This defines a map from Z p to Q 1 n =1 Z / p n Z n � 1 n 1 a i p i 7� X X X a 1 p i ] , [ a 1 p i ] , . . . ) ! ([ a 0 ] , [ a 0 + a 1 p ] , . . . , [ i =0 i =0 i =0 Lanqi Fei (UMD) Construction of P-adic Numbers 8 / 29

  12. P-adic Integer This defines a map from Z p to Q 1 n =1 Z / p n Z n � 1 n 1 a i p i 7� X X X a 1 p i ] , [ a 1 p i ] , . . . ) ! ([ a 0 ] , [ a 0 + a 1 p ] , . . . , [ i =0 i =0 i =0 Moreover, we have n � 1 n mod p n − 1 X X a 1 p i ] a 1 p i ] [ 7� � � � � � � ! [ i =0 i =0 Lanqi Fei (UMD) Construction of P-adic Numbers 8 / 29

  13. Inverse Limit Definition 1 Y � Z / p n Z = � Z / p n Z | x n 7! x n � 1 , n = 1 , 2 , . . . lim ( x n ) n 2 N 2 n =1 Lanqi Fei (UMD) Construction of P-adic Numbers 9 / 29

  14. Inverse Limit Theorem i =0 a i p i the sequence ( x n ) n 2 N of Associating to every p-adic integer a = P 1 equivalence classes n � 1 mod p n 2 Z / p n Z , X a i p i x n = i =0 yields a bijection � Z / p n Z . ! lim Z p � Example 1 + 2 + 2 2 + · · · + 2 n + . . . ! ([1] , [1 + 2] , [1 + 2 + 2 2 ] , . . . ) = (1 mod 2 , 3 mod 4 , . . . ) Lanqi Fei (UMD) Construction of P-adic Numbers 10 / 29

  15. P-adic Numbers Definition we extend the domain of p-adic integers into that of the formal series 1 a v p v = a � m p � m + · · · + a 0 + a 1 p + . . . , X v = � m where m 2 Z and 0  a v < p . We call such series p-adic numbers and denote the set of p-adic numbers as Q p . Lanqi Fei (UMD) Construction of P-adic Numbers 11 / 29

  16. Topological Construction Lanqi Fei (UMD) Construction of P-adic Numbers 12 / 29

  17. Motivation R ⌘ completion of Q with respect to the usual absolute value | | , which has the following properties 1 | a | = 0 , a = 0 2 | ab | = | a || b | 3 | a + b |  | a | + | b | We’ll construct p-adic numbers in a similar way, with a di ff erent absolute value. Lanqi Fei (UMD) Construction of P-adic Numbers 13 / 29

  18. P-adic Absolute Value Definition (P-adic Absolute Value) Let p be a prime. Given a non-zero rational x = m n , where m , n 2 Z ,we can write it as follows, x = p v p ( x ) a 0 b 0 such that p 6 | a 0 and p 6 | b 0 . The p-adic absolute value is defined as follows, | x | p = p � v p ( x ) and we define | 0 | p = 0. Lanqi Fei (UMD) Construction of P-adic Numbers 14 / 29

  19. P-adic Absolute Value Example 3 = 5 0 ⇥ 3 125 = 5 3 | 3 | 5 = 5 0 = 1 | 125 | 5 = 5 � 3 + | 125 | 5 < | 3 | 5 ! Lanqi Fei (UMD) Construction of P-adic Numbers 15 / 29

  20. Absolute Values on Q Theorem (Ostrowski’s) Every non-trivial absolute value on Q is either | | p for some prime p or the usual absolute value | | . Lanqi Fei (UMD) Construction of P-adic Numbers 16 / 29

  21. Topology In ( Q , d ), d ( x , y ) = | x � y | p All triangles are isosceles. Any point of ball B ( a , r ) = { x 2 Q : | x � a | p  r } is center. Two balls are either disjoint, or one is contained in the other. Lanqi Fei (UMD) Construction of P-adic Numbers 17 / 29

  22. Completion Definition � C = Cauchy Sequences in Q w.r.t | | p = { ( c 1 , c 2 , . . . ) } � m = Nullsequences in Q = { ( x 1 , x 2 , . . . ) | | x n | p ! 0 } Lanqi Fei (UMD) Construction of P-adic Numbers 18 / 29

  23. Completion Definition � C = Cauchy Sequences in Q w.r.t | | p = { ( c 1 , c 2 , . . . ) } � m = Nullsequences in Q = { ( x 1 , x 2 , . . . ) | | x n | p ! 0 } Theorem C forms a ring, and m forms a maximal ideal of C . Lanqi Fei (UMD) Construction of P-adic Numbers 18 / 29

  24. Completion Definition We define the field of p-adic numbers to be Q p ⌘ C / m Lanqi Fei (UMD) Construction of P-adic Numbers 19 / 29

  25. Completion Definition We define the field of p-adic numbers to be Q p ⌘ C / m We extend the p-adic absolute value to Q p by setting | x | p = | ( x 1 , x 2 , . . . ) + m | p = lim n !1 | x n | p Lanqi Fei (UMD) Construction of P-adic Numbers 19 / 29

  26. Completion Theorem The field Q p of p-adic numbers is complete with respect to the absolute value | | p , i.e., every Cauchy sequence in Q p converges with respect to | | p . Lanqi Fei (UMD) Construction of P-adic Numbers 20 / 29

  27. P-adic Integers Definition The set of p-adic integers is defined as � Z p := x 2 Q p | | x | p  1 is a subring of Q p . It is the closure with respect to | | p of the ring Z ⇢ Q p . Lanqi Fei (UMD) Construction of P-adic Numbers 21 / 29

  28. P-adic Integers Theorem The non-zero ideals of the ring Z p are the principal ideals x 2 Q p | | x | p  1 p n Z p = � p n with n � 0 , and we have Z p / p n Z p ⇠ = Z / p n Z Lanqi Fei (UMD) Construction of P-adic Numbers 22 / 29

  29. Isomorphism Theorem (Cont.) Z p / p n Z p ⇠ = Z / p n Z [ x ] $ [ a ] p n , and [ a ] 2 Z / p n Z is unique. 1 where a 2 Z satisfies | x � a | p  Lanqi Fei (UMD) Construction of P-adic Numbers 23 / 29

  30. Connecting the Two Constructions Lanqi Fei (UMD) Construction of P-adic Numbers 24 / 29

  31. Connecting Two Approaches For each n , we get a homomorphism ⇠ Z p / p n Z p Z / p n Z Z p � ! = x 7� ! [ x ] ! [ a n ] Lanqi Fei (UMD) Construction of P-adic Numbers 25 / 29

  32. Connecting Two Approaches For each n , we get a homomorphism ⇠ Z p / p n Z p Z / p n Z Z p � ! = x 7� ! [ x ] ! [ a n ] Combine the homomorphisms for all n , we get a homomorphism 1 Y Z / p n Z Z p � ! n =1 In fact, the we get � Z / p n Z Z p � ! lim Lanqi Fei (UMD) Construction of P-adic Numbers 25 / 29

  33. Connecting Two Approaches Theorem The homomorphism � Z / p n Z ! lim Z p � is an isomorphism (and even homeomorphism). LHS = Topological definition of p-adic integers RHS = Algebraic definition of p-adic integers Lanqi Fei (UMD) Construction of P-adic Numbers 26 / 29

  34. Connecting Two Approaches For the algebraic side, we define Q p to be the quotient field of p-adic integers; for the topological side, we can prove Q p = quotient field of Z p . Because the two rings are isomorphic, their quotient fields are isomorphic, so two definitions of p-adic numbers coincide. Lanqi Fei (UMD) Construction of P-adic Numbers 27 / 29

  35. References Fernando Q. Gouvea (1997) p-adic Numbers: An Introduction Jurgen Neukirch (1999) Algebraic Number Theory U. A. Rozikov (2013) What are p-adic Numbers? What are They Used for? Lanqi Fei (UMD) Construction of P-adic Numbers 28 / 29

  36. Thank You Lanqi Fei (UMD) Construction of P-adic Numbers 29 / 29


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