connecting neutrinoless double beta decay to colliders or

Connecting Neutrinoless double beta decay to colliders. Or not. - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

Connecting Neutrinoless double beta decay to colliders. Or not. Amherst, Massachusetts July 2017 Michael Graesser (Los Alamos) based on: MG, arXiv:1606.04549, submitted to JHEP V. Cirigliano, W. Dekens, MG, E. Mereghetti, (PLB

  1. Connecting Neutrinoless double beta decay to colliders. Or not. Amherst, Massachusetts July 2017 Michael Graesser (Los Alamos) based on: MG, arXiv:1606.04549, submitted to JHEP V. Cirigliano, W. Dekens, MG, E. Mereghetti, (PLB 2017,1701.01443) V. Cirigliano, W. Dekens, J. de Vries, MG, E. Mereghetti, (1707/08.zzzz)

  2. Neutrinoless double beta decay and TeV* scale physics Motivation Neutrinos have mass and search is on to discover the nature of their mass. Ongoing or future experiments may detect a “neutrinoless double beta decay” signal. Such a signal arises when neutrino masses violate lepton number (i.e., Majorana) Question: is that the correct interpretation of such a signal? Are there other (new physics scenario) interpretations?

  3. New physics scenarios for neutrinoless double beta decay Should a Δ L=2 signal be detected, such exotic possibilities should be excluded before concluding that effect is due to Majorana neutrino exchange Resolving competing explanations may need a next-generation detector reconstructing both electron kinematics (e.g. NEXT, SuperNEMO) 300 300 300 250 250 250 � m Ν � � meV � � m Ν � � meV � � m Ν � � meV � 200 200 200 150 150 150 100 100 100 50 50 50 0 0 0 � 4 � 2 0 2 4 � 4 � 2 0 2 4 � 4 � 2 0 2 4 Λ � 10 � 7 � Λ � 10 � 7 � Λ � 10 � 7 � (a) (b) (c) Comparison SuperNEMO sensitivity to various admixtures of W R contribution (0%, 30%, 100%). Figure from Arnold et. al. (SuperNEMO, 2010) • If hierarchy is “normal’’, then planned 0nubb have no chance of detecting Standard Model Majorana neutrinos (outside of the quasi-degenerate region) • In such a circumstance, only hope is for exotic scenarios

  4. BSM contributions to neutrinoless beta decay: Left-Right symmetric model • new electroweak gauge bosons couple to right-handed currents • new right-handed or “sterile” neutrinos, electroweak partners of Standard Model right-handed electron d u • possibility for type-II see-saw at TeV scale L Y = 1 ↵ ∆ L � ∆ L ⌅ L + 1 M ν L M ν R ↵ ∆ R � ∆ R ⌅ R + h.c. , 2 ⌅ L 2 ⌅ R W R • Assuming a type-II see-saw, C invariance leads e − the connection between th M ν R / ↵ ∆ R � = M ∗ ν L / ↵ ∆ L � ∗ . or m N m ν X N R M R the proportionality of the lightest m N in GeV 1 10 100 400 500 1. 1 . 0 e − 0.5 normal inverted W R ν + N | in eV 0.1 0 . 1 u 0.05 | m ee d 0.01 0 . 01 0.005 M WR = 3 . 5 TeV largest m N = 0 . 5 TeV 10 − 3 0.001 10 − 4 10 4 0.001 0 . 001 0.01 0 . 01 0.1 0 . 1 1 1 lightest neutrino mass in eV Figure from Tello, Nemevsek, Nesti, Senjanovic and Vissani, 2011

  5. BSM contributions to neutrinoless beta decay: R-parity violation inspired • see also e.g. Deppisch, Hirsch, Pas, 2012 • new charged scalar leptons (“sleptons”) d u • new electroweak partners of the electron • generate different contact operator at low energies ˜ e LNV = C 1 e − O 1 = ¯ Q ⌧ + d ¯ Q ⌧ + d ¯ L e ff LL C Λ 5 O 1 +h . c . , F X see e.g. M. Ramsey-Musolf, T. Peng and P . Winslow, 2015 F e − for thorough LHC collider phenomenology analysis (and see M. Ramsey Musolf’s talk) ˜ e u • R-M P W include leading 2 pion interactions and RGE d analysis, backgrounds, detector sim. • and determine signal acceptances - very model- dependent

  6. Sidebar: Acceptance is model-dependent E.g.Monojet bounds on Non-standard Neutrino Interactions (A. Friedland, MG, I. Shoemaker, L. Vecchi, ’12) q/q g q/q g q/q g ν α ν α ν α q/q ν β q/q ν β q/q ν β Z’ model For fixed cuts, weaker limit for lighter mediator • can’t just use reported sigma*BR, common to ν ν ν many 0nubb <-> LHC comparisons • need to determine acceptance for your ν ν ν favorite model 10 1 10 0 CDF ADD l o Broad resonance w v CDF GSNP P e 10 0 T 10 - 1 r y H C i g D h F P LHC lowPT T acceptance G S N 10 - 2 10 - 1 P CDF ADD ∂ LHC highPT 10 - 3 h i g h P T 10 - 2 LHC veryhighPT 10 - 4 10 - 3 10 0 10 1 10 2 10 3 10 4 10 5 10 0 10 1 10 2 10 3 10 4 M Z ' @ GeV D M Z ' @ GeV D

  7. BSM contributions to neutrinoless beta decay e- e- High Energy d d u u e- e- n n p p e- e- Low existing and Energy A’ next-gen-multi-tonne A’ experiments A A

  8. Dimension 7 Δ L =2 Nice figures from E. Mereghetti, LNV operators INT seminar 2017 e - e - d e - e - ε ij ε mn L T i C ( D µ L ) j H m ( D µ H ) n ε ij ¯ d γ µ u L T i C ( D µ L ) j u e - e - ν ν e - d e - ε ij ε mn ¯ dL i Q T j CL m H n ε ij ε mn L T i C γ µ e H j H m ( D µ H ) n u ν ν Sample dimension -5,-7,-9 Δ L =2 LNV operators W R W R ν R ν R ν R W R e - d ν e - e - ν u ν

  9. Dimension 7 Δ L =2 Nice figures from E. Mereghetti, LNV operators INT seminar 2017 e - e - d e - e - ε ij ε mn L T i C ( D µ L ) j H m ( D µ H ) n ε ij ¯ d γ µ u L T i C ( D µ L ) j u e - e - ν ν e - d e - ε ij ε mn ¯ dL i Q T j CL m H n ε ij ε mn L T i C γ µ e H j H m ( D µ H ) n u ν ν Sample dimension -5,-7,-9 Δ L =2 LNV operators W R W R ν R ν R ν R W R e - d ν e - Part 1 e - ν u ν

  10. Dimension 7 Δ L =2 Nice figures from E. Mereghetti, LNV operators INT seminar 2017 e - e - d e - e - ε ij ε mn L T i C ( D µ L ) j H m ( D µ H ) n ε ij ¯ d γ µ u L T i C ( D µ L ) j u e - e - ν ν e - d e - ε ij ε mn ¯ dL i Q T j CL m H n ε ij ε mn L T i C γ µ e H j H m ( D µ H ) n u ν ν Sample dimension -5,-7,-9 Δ L =2 LNV operators W R W R ν R ν R ν R W R e - d ν e - e - ν u ν Part 2

  11. Disclaimer/Philosophy for new physics scenarios for neutrinoless double beta decay • Will use effective field theory to study connection between high-energy (below Δ L=2 mass scale) and 0nubb experiments (low-energy) • Plug-in favorite UV model to matching condition of Wilson coefficients • But it would be nice if favorite UV model had some other compelling feature (Feynman) • Theoretical inputs: - (pQCD) anomalous dimensions of operators - lattice inputs to QCD matrix elements (becoming increasingly under control) - nuclear matrix elements of nucleon operators • Neutrino mass generation may be sub-dominant to 0nubb experimental signal (see Michael Ramsey-Musolf’s talk)

  12. BSM contributions to neutrinoless beta decay Model -> gauge e- e- High invariant operators Energy d d u u RG evolution Match at EW scale RG evolution to QCD scale e- e- Match onto chiral EFT n (lattice input for LEC) n p p e- e- Low Neutrino potentials, Energy A’ nuclear matrix element A’ A A

  13. Effective field theory analysis of BSM contributions to neutrinoless double beta decay • new particles generating Δ L=2 processes have masses in multi-TeV scale. • 0nubb process generated at very short distances. • Leading effects of such TeV scale physics can be described by series of Δ L=2 violating operators involving only quarks and leptons c d Λ d − 4 O ( d ) X i L eff = L SM + L ν ,M + i i,d> 4 e.g., dd → uue − e − (collider signal: Keung, Senjanovic, PRL, 1983)

  14. At “low energy” - ie QCD scale - there are a number of “short distance” operators that contribute to neutrinoless double beta decay (Prezeau, Ramsey-Musolf and Vogel (PRD, 68, 2003)) " X # 1 ee c + c 0 X c i,V O µ e γ 5 e c � e γ µ γ 5 e c � L e ff = c i,S ¯ O i + ¯ i,S ¯ i Λ 5 LNV i =vector i =scalar What is a minimal basis (MG, arXiv:1606.04549) ? • leading Δ L=2 operator with two charged leptons has a minimum of 4 quarks, in other words, dimension 9 • For Δ L=2 phenomenology (e.g., 0nubb decay rates) need to know a minimal basis of operators, the set of relevant operators that cannot be reduced by Fierz operators • Electromagnetic invariance: 24 (compared to 14=2*5+4 in prior literature): 8 scalar and 8 vector 4-quark operators • Electroweak invariance: If scale Λ of Δ L=2 violating physics is much larger than the electroweak scale, effect of Δ L=2 physics appears as a series of higher dimension operators invariant under the full Standard Model gauge symmetry • If color + electroweak invariance is imposed, then 11 operators at LO in v/ Λ : 7 scalar and 4 vector • At hadron colliders, if E << Λ , then collider only probing (color + electroweak invariant) Δ L=2 contact operators. In this “contact limit” can classify their experimental signatures.


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