conder plc s

Conder PLCs PLC = Professional Learning Communities PLC Meeting - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

Conder PLCs PLC = Professional Learning Communities PLC Meeting Outline/Agenda 1. Team Builder - 5-10 min 2. Create Group Norms- 5 min 3. Meeting Content- Group Protocol- 20-30 min 4. Debrief- 5-10 min Team Builder activity team builder

  1. Conder PLC’s PLC = Professional Learning Communities

  2. PLC Meeting Outline/Agenda 1. Team Builder - 5-10 min 2. Create Group Norms- 5 min 3. Meeting Content- Group Protocol- 20-30 min 4. Debrief- 5-10 min

  3. Team Builder activity team builder activities- choose an activity for your are some suggested activities

  4. Creating Group Norms - In your first PLC meeting you will create “ground rules” that will help your group function fast and efficiently throughout the year. -You will quickly review these norms at each meeting to remind the group of how to function at its highest level. -Protocol: “ Forming Ground Rules” Sample Agreements (scroll to the end of the document)

  5. Meeting Content Determine what you team will work on during your 1st meeting. Include any directions, links, or information here! During this time you may want to create a SMART goal for your PLC

  6. Debrief This is a time for us to reflect… What worked? What didn’t work? (the process and the product) Think about today’s meeting. How can you use anything we did today in a different way?


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