Conclusions We have surveyed surface reconstruction algorithms from the perspective of • priors Assumptions on the shape • Assumptions on the exterior space • Assumptions on acquisition • Assumptions on the point cloud • Useful to consider priors in dealing with significant imperfections in the point • cloud Berger , Tagliasacchi, Seversky, Alliez, Levine, Sharf, Silva State of the Art in Surface Reconstruction from Point Clouds 1
Innovations in Acquisition ? • • line of sight real-time scanning • • low noise structured noise • • limited coverage RGB imagery Berger , Tagliasacchi, Seversky, Alliez, Levine, Sharf, Silva State of the Art in Surface Reconstruction from Point Clouds 2
Acquisition on Your Phone [Tanskanen et al. ICCV’13] Berger , Tagliasacchi, Seversky, Alliez, Levine, Sharf, Silva State of the Art in Surface Reconstruction from Point Clouds 3
Specialized Reconstruction Reconstruction of Hair Strands [Luo et al. SIG’13] Point cloud & orientation field Ribbons Berger , Tagliasacchi, Seversky, Alliez, Levine, Sharf, Silva State of the Art in Surface Reconstruction from Point Clouds 4
Specialized Reconstruction Leaf Reconstruction [Bradley et al. SIG’13] Berger , Tagliasacchi, Seversky, Alliez, Levine, Sharf, Silva State of the Art in Surface Reconstruction from Point Clouds 5
Massive Reconstruction Online Reconstruction [Nießner et al. SIGA’13] Berger , Tagliasacchi, Seversky, Alliez, Levine, Sharf, Silva State of the Art in Surface Reconstruction from Point Clouds 6
Questions? Berger , Tagliasacchi, Seversky, Alliez, Levine, Sharf, Silva State of the Art in Surface Reconstruction from Point Clouds 7
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