
Conclusions We have surveyed surface reconstruction algorithms from - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

Conclusions We have surveyed surface reconstruction algorithms from the perspective of priors Assumptions on the shape Assumptions on the exterior space Assumptions on acquisition Assumptions on the point cloud Useful

  1. Conclusions We have surveyed surface reconstruction algorithms from the perspective of • priors Assumptions on the shape • Assumptions on the exterior space • Assumptions on acquisition • Assumptions on the point cloud • Useful to consider priors in dealing with significant imperfections in the point • cloud Berger , Tagliasacchi, Seversky, Alliez, Levine, Sharf, Silva State of the Art in Surface Reconstruction from Point Clouds 1

  2. Innovations in Acquisition ? • • line of sight real-time scanning • • low noise structured noise • • limited coverage RGB imagery Berger , Tagliasacchi, Seversky, Alliez, Levine, Sharf, Silva State of the Art in Surface Reconstruction from Point Clouds 2

  3. Acquisition on Your Phone [Tanskanen et al. ICCV’13] Berger , Tagliasacchi, Seversky, Alliez, Levine, Sharf, Silva State of the Art in Surface Reconstruction from Point Clouds 3

  4. Specialized Reconstruction Reconstruction of Hair Strands [Luo et al. SIG’13] Point cloud & orientation field Ribbons Berger , Tagliasacchi, Seversky, Alliez, Levine, Sharf, Silva State of the Art in Surface Reconstruction from Point Clouds 4

  5. Specialized Reconstruction Leaf Reconstruction [Bradley et al. SIG’13] Berger , Tagliasacchi, Seversky, Alliez, Levine, Sharf, Silva State of the Art in Surface Reconstruction from Point Clouds 5

  6. Massive Reconstruction Online Reconstruction [Nießner et al. SIGA’13] Berger , Tagliasacchi, Seversky, Alliez, Levine, Sharf, Silva State of the Art in Surface Reconstruction from Point Clouds 6

  7. Questions? Berger , Tagliasacchi, Seversky, Alliez, Levine, Sharf, Silva State of the Art in Surface Reconstruction from Point Clouds 7

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