Introducing Employee Experience (EX) Concepts to Assessment Centres ACSG Annual Conference, 12 March 2020, Sandton, South Africa
Aim of presentation To introduce concepts that are used in optimising the employee/candidate experience to ACs, focusing on: Identifying moments that matter, personalisation, NPS and design thinking to create an optimal experience ACSG Annual Conference, 12 March 2020, Sandton, South Africa
Overview of presentation • Why the focus on the employee/candidate experience? • Definition of EX and CX • Key concepts and its application in assessment centres ACSG Annual Conference, 12 March 2020, Sandton, South Africa
Why the focus on the employee/candidate experience? ACSG Annual Conference, 12 March 2020, Sandton, South Africa
It started here James L. Heskett, W. Earl Sasser, Jr. and Leonard A. Schlesinger “The Service Profit Chain” 1997 ACSG Annual Conference, 12 March 2020, Sandton, South Africa
People First Strategies As one forward- thinking retail executive noted, “We used to prioritize our stakeholders as shareholders first, customers second, and employees third. We now realize we had it backward. If we put employees first, they in turn take care of our customers, and they in turn take care of our shareholders.” The employee experience: Culture, engagement, and beyond. By Josh Bersin, Jason Flynn, Art Mazor, Veronica Melian culture-engagement.html
The drivers for a focus on candidate engagement within an AC fell into three broad categories: • Maximising the chances of successful participants accepting job offers • Making participants (either internal or external) advocates of the process or organisation • Role modelling customer service Candidate/ orientation for organisations where this is a key value Participant • The focus on candidate experience was experience defined as more important for certain groups such as younger candidates and in certain sectors where “experience” is more of a factor, such as in retail International Perspective – current practices and future challenges by Nigel Povah, Philippa Riley and Jordon Jones in Assessment Centres: Unlocking People Potential for Growth, edited by Sandra Schlebusch and Gert Roodt. 2019. ACSG Annual Conference, 12 March 2020, Sandton, South Africa
EX: Why now? Some reasons • Greater focus on experiences • The changing world of work • Consumerisation of employees • Technology • Personalisation • Consistently low engagement ACSG Annual Conference, 12 March 2020, Sandton, South Africa
Why experience? • Let’s hear what Jacob Morgan says…. ACSG Annual Conference, 12 March 2020, Sandton, South Africa
It gets written about! ACSG Annual Conference, 12 March 2020, Sandton, South Africa
The Business Case What’s the difference between Employee Experience and Employee Engagement? February 13, 2018 by Carolyn Nevitte.
• Aon Hewitt 2015 Trends in Global Employee Engagement: a 5% increase in employee engagement is linked to a 3% increase in revenue growth in the subsequent year. • Dale Carnegie Training uncovered that companies with engaged employees outperform those without by up to 202%. • PwC cited: Based on stock performance, Wharton professor Alex Edmans determined that companies on the Fortune list of “best companies to work for” outperformed their peers by 2 – 3 percent per year. • In a whitepaper by Rutgers, A New Framework of Employee Engagement, they note that: a meta-analysis of the financial performance of 1,979 business units in ten companies found that business units that score above the database median on both employee and customer engagement metrics were, on average, 3.4 times more effective financially (in terms of total sales and revenue, performance to target, and year-over-year gain in sales and revenues) than units that rank in the bottom half on both measures. • CustomerThink shows that a 5 point improvement in employee attitudes will drive a 1.3 point improvement in customer satisfaction, which in turn The business Case will drive a 0.5% improvement in revenue growth. • for-a-great-employee-experience/ ACSG Annual Conference, 12 March 2020, Sandton, South Africa
How does candidate experience affect hiring? According to a survey by CareerBuilder, faced with a bad candidate experience: 42% of workers would never seek employment with a company again 22% would tell others not to work there 9% would tell others not to purchase products or services from the company ACSG Annual Conference, 12 March 2020, Sandton, South Africa
How does candidate experience affect hiring? If they had a good candidate experience: 56% would consider seeking employment with the company again in the future 37% would tell others to seek employment there 23% would be more likely to purchase products or services from the company ACSG Annual Conference, 12 March 2020, Sandton, South Africa
“ Recent years have witnessed an emerging body of research on candidate reactions to selection processes. These reactions reflect how candidates perceive and respond to selection tools (e.g., standardized tests, interviews, situational judgment tests) and include feelings of anxiety, levels of motivation, belief in tests, levels of self-efficacy, and perceptions of fairness and justice (Ryan & Ployhart, 2000). Consideration of candidate reactions is crucial, as Why the focus reactions have been found to have notable implications for scores on selection procedures, as well as for candidates’ subsequent attitudes and on the intentions. For example, candidates with positive reactions are more likely to be motivated during experience of the selection process, perceive the organization as an attractive place to work, and recommend the organization to others (Hausknecht, Day, & assessments? Thomas, 2004)”. McCarthy JM, Van Iddekinge CH, Lievens F, Kung MC, Sinar EF, Campion MA. Do candidate reactions relate to job performance or affect criterion-related validity? A multistudy investigation of relations among reactions, selection test scores, and job performance. Journal of Applied Psychology. 2013 Sep;98(5):701- 19. doi: 10.1037/a0034089. Epub 2013 Aug 12. ACSG Annual Conference, 12 March 2020, Sandton, South Africa
Applicant Perspectives in selection Applicant Perspectives During Selection: A Review Addressing “So What?,” “What’s New?,” and “Where to Next?” Julie M. McCarthy, Talya N. Bauer, Donald M. Truxillo, Neil R. Anderson, Ana Cristina Costa, Sara M. Ahmed Journal of Management, Vol 43, Issue 6, 2017. ACSG Annual Conference, 12 March 2020, Sandton, South Africa
Is the EX optimal? Gartner Quarterly Update on Global Workforce Trends, June 12, 2019. Mary Baker. trends/ ACSG Annual Conference, 12 March 2020, Sandton, South Africa
Is the CX optimal? • Great Experience: Increase the relationship 2016 2017 2018 2019 21% 20% 22% 23% • Poor Candidate Experience: sever the Relationship – The resentment factor 2016 2017 2018 2019 8% 11% 8% 12% 2019 EMEA (Europe, the Middle East & Africa) Candidate Experience Research Report. Talent Board and the Candidate Experience Awards (CandEs) ACSG Annual Conference, 12 March 2020, Sandton, South Africa
Reasons why candidates withdraw from recruitment process 2019 EMEA (Europe, the Middle East & Africa) Candidate Experience Research Report. Talent Board and the Candidate Experience Awards (CandEs) ACSG Annual Conference, 12 March 2020, Sandton, South Africa
• The perception of a job seeker about an employer, based on the interaction during the complete recruitment process. This includes all points of contact during recruitment – job search, the application process, interview process and onboarding. recruitment-onboarding/what-is- candidate-experience-definition- components-technology/ Definition of the Candidate Experience ACSG Annual Conference, 12 March 2020, Sandton, South Africa
Definition of EX “The intersection of employee expectations, needs, and wants and the organizational design of those expectations, needs, and wants” Or “designing an organization where people want to show up by focusing on the cultural, technological, and physical environments” Sources: Jacob Morgan. What’s the Difference Between Employee Engagement and Experience? August 10, 2017. ACSG Annual Conference, 12 March 2020, Source: Jacob Morgan. The Employee Experience Equation. February 25, 2016. Sandton, South Africa
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