compulsory third party insurance scheme update

Compulsory Third Party Insurance Scheme Update 2018 State Taxi - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

Compulsory Third Party Insurance Scheme Update 2018 State Taxi Conference: Sunshine Coast 12 September 2018 Neil Singleton, Insurance Commissioner, MAIC 1 Presentation Overview National CTP Overview Taxi experience Maxi-Taxis a

  1. Compulsory Third Party Insurance Scheme Update 2018 State Taxi Conference: Sunshine Coast 12 September 2018 Neil Singleton, Insurance Commissioner, MAIC 1

  2. Presentation Overview • National CTP Overview • Taxi experience • Maxi-Taxis – a quick look • Ride booking vehicles • Concluding remarks 2

  3. NT Queensland No-fault Fault-based Government Common law underwritten Private underwriting NSW Fault-based WA Common law Fault-based Private underwriting Government underwritten ACT Fault-based SA Common law Fault-based Private underwriting Common law Private underwriting VIC No-fault TAS Government No-fault underwritten Government underwritten

  4. Taxi premiums nationally….. Interstate Taxi Premium Comparison - July 2018 QLD Class 3 Taxis (Cars and Station Wagons) Equivalent Premiums $9,000.00 $8,000.00 $7,000.00 $6,000.00 $5,000.00 $4,000.00 $3,000.00 $2,000.00 $1,000.00 $0.00 ACT NSW SA QLD WA NT TAS VIC • Taxi premiums vary nationally – based on a variety of factors such as claims experience, scheme design, claimant benefits • NSW reflects maximum metro premium. Alternative option is to pay a base premium plus five cents per km travelled

  5. Queensland CTP premium – a positive story Class 3 Filed Insurer Premium (ITCE basis) $8,000.00 2500% $7,000.00 2000% $6,000.00 $5,000.00 1500% $4,000.00 1000% $3,000.00 $2,000.00 500% $1,000.00 $0.00 0% Premium ($) Levies ($) MAIC Adopted Relativity % • Premium relativity reduced from peak of 22 down to 16 times Class 1 • Current premium = $4,030 • Analysis excludes maxi-taxis 5

  6. National Injury Insurance Scheme Queensland (NIISQ) A no-fault Scheme providing necessary and reasonable lifetime treatment, care and support to those who sustain eligible serious personal injuries in a motor vehicle crash in Queensland, on or after 1 July 2016. Covers serious personal injury arising from registered vehicle road crash regardless of fault Permanent spinal Traumatic brain injuries Multiple or high-level cord injuries limb amputations NIISQ provides protection to seriously injured people regardless of their role Permanent legal Permanent injury to the Severe burns in a crash. blindness brachial plexus Class 3: NIISQ levy $566.60 per annum. Will collect around $1.5million per annum 6

  7. Queensland Taxi Crash Statistics 2017…..50 claims received Driver 17 17 Pedestrian 13 13 Passenger - Claimant Role 8 8 at fault vehicle Cyclist 6 6 Passenger - 4 4 other vehicle Motorcyclist 2 2 0 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 16 18 No. of claims 7

  8. Class 3 accidents – by severity of claimant injury Tuesday 10 7 3 Thursday 5 4 9 Wednesday 3 2 3 8 Day of Week Monday 3 2 1 6 Saturday 6 5 1 Sunday 3 1 4 Friday 2 2 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 No. of crashes 8

  9. Class 3 accidents with pedestrians….focusing on a specific cohort of claims Day of Week Crash Region SA4 Severity BRISBANE INNER CITY 4 SUNDAY 2 2 6 TOWNSVILLE 2 SATURDAY 1 BRISBANE - EAST 1 Crash Region SA4 Day of Week FRIDAY 1 1Y 5 BRISBANE - SOUTH 1 Severity THURSDAY 5 BRISBANE - WEST 1 CAIRNS 1 1N 1 WEDNESDAY 0 GOLD COAST 1 TUESDAY 2 LOGAN - BEAUDESERT 1 9NA 1 MONDAY 2 TOOWOOMBA 1 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 0 1 2 3 4 5 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 Pedestrian Claims Pedestrian Claims Severity • Helping taxi drivers reduce incidence of crashes with pedestrians will improve safety outcomes 9

  10. Actions to support improved road safety outcomes for taxis… • MAIC funded research analysis - identify opportunities to improve taxi road safety outcomes • Resulted in preparation of Road Safety Manual…..available to all taxi operators • Currently exploring further opportunities in collaboration with TCQ • CTP claims are ‘long - tailed’ with average life around three to four years. • Creates uncertainty about how quickly the benefit of safety initiatives can be seen 10

  11. Class 3 accidents with pedestrians….focusing on a specific cohort of claims Evidence Action Outcome • Pedestrians unpredictable, drunk, aggressive • Pedestrians put themselves in danger but taxi blamed? • Drivers tired towards end of shift, not concentrating? • Undertake claim file reviews – look at the specifics of the crashes/claims? • Identify what could be done differently to anticipate and prevent incidents 11

  12. Class 3 ‘same direction’ crashes Evidence Action Outcome • Distracted driving…mobile phones • Driving too close, vehicle braking distances? • Looking at initiatives to increase public awareness • Explore factors that are specific to taxi drivers? 12

  13. Alternative models: Roll Class 3 into Class 1 $700,000 premium pool collected if Class 3 rolled into Class 1 $10.5m premium pool • Licensed insurers have raised strong required to concerns about any such change given the cover crashes significant cross-subsidisation that would with Class 3 arise. Outstanding $9.8m • The claim cost doesn’t go away simply by moving vehicles to a different Class • Still need to maintain overall premium sufficiency Requires cross subsidization 13

  14. Alternative models: Risk based system Usage based premiums – Regional or Owner-driver different rates Exposure based Geographic zone versus fleet for hailed, in use premiums based premiums vehicles but vacant, not in use • Individual premiums might change under various options but the overall ‘pool’ still needs to remain sufficient • Likely to result in premium volatility for each sub-set based on even modest changes in claims experience 14

  15. A quick look at Maxi Taxis… • Vehicle Classes 10A or 11 based on size/seating capacity Class Number of maxi taxis Overall Class Size 10A 66 2,734 11 641 6,839 Total 707 9,573 Quarter commencing Quarter commencing Class 1 Jul 2018 1 Oct 2018 10A $914.40 $904.80 11 $994.80 $985.20 • Premium based on experience of all vehicles in the Class…not just maxi taxis 15

  16. Ride-booking premiums nationally Annual ITCE Ride-booking Premium Comparison (ITCE basis) as at 1 July 2018 $6,000.00 $5,000.00 $4,000.00 $3,000.00 $2,000.00 $1,000.00 $0.00 NSW SA NT ACT WA QLD VIC TAS • Approach to pricing and premium factors varies by jurisdiction. • NSW charge base premium (vehicle class) plus 10 cents per km when booked….uncapped. • All other jurisdictions have a set premium but may have geographic zone pricing. • Ride booking vehicles as a Class are relatively new – limited claims experience • (Class 26 October quarter premium $566.60)

  17. Ride-booking – growth since Class 26 inception Growth in Class 26 Queensland Registered Vehicles 16000 14000 12000 10000 8000 6000 4000 2000 0 Oct-17 Nov-17 Dec-17 Jan-18 Feb-18 Mar-18 Apr-18 May-18 Jun-18 Jul-18 • Class 26 showing steady growth – but yet to have a full year’s experience • Claims lodged to date are slightly lower than premium expectations…..but very early days

  18. Concluding Remarks • Comparing premiums across jurisdictions is not a simple exercise. • All jurisdictions classify taxis and ride-booking vehicles separately • NSW exposure based model will be watched closely….but cautiously • Queensland ride-booking premiums and taxi premiums will evolve in response to claims experience • MAIC remains committed to supporting TCQ in continuing to improve CTP claims experience. • TCQ is an important stakeholder in the Queensland CTP scheme 18

  19. Thank you 19


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