PURPOSE OF LOOKS LIKE - SOUNDS LIKE EXERCISE “If you give a child a choice, you give him a chance” Comprehensive P Pre reparatory Assistance P Program The FREE Comprehensive Preparatory Assistance Program is your one-stop resource center designed to help students, athletes and families to chart the best career path for them. The program also partners with community organizations and schools to offer a support system to serve the underrepresented communities throughout the country. www.bcsportsfoundation.com/CPAP
SO, , WHAT ARE MY CHOICES? *4-year Colleges Community Colleges Vocational or Trade Schools *HISTORICALLY BLACK COLLEGES & UNIVERSITIES www.bcsportsfoundation.com/CPAP
COLLEGE: : IME OR PART-TIME FULL-TIM What determines if you: (1) want to pursue a college degree, (2) or don’t desire to spend 4 years in a classroom, (3) prefer to seek an alternative such as a 2-year college associate degree or secure a certification in a skill training program? Is cost a factor? Is there funding available? What goals have you set? When do you apply? CPAP refines the process so you can make a seamless transition into college or the workforce. www.bcsportsfoundation.com/CPAP
COMMUNITY COLLEGE Community colleges offer far more than an associate degree. For those who cannot afford to enroll full-time or need to pursue credits toward a degree, the flexibility of day, evening, and/or weekend and online classes are a major advantage for those currently in the job market. CPAP has a database to help you identify your best approach and resources available. www.bcsportsfoundation.com/CPAP
Global initiatives continue to expand the work force. The demand for certified technicians to fill these jobs offer unlimited advantages for high pay and growth. CPAP assists students in community organizations and schools with our support programs. Our program provides analysis, guidelines and assistance in trending job opportunities. www.bcsportsfoundation.com/CPAP
ATHLETIC ICS: : COMPETING AT THE HIG IGHEST LEVEL Student athletes are required to meet certain eligibility standards set by the NCAA or NAIA clearinghouses. Although different, these guidelines are tied to classroom academic standards. CPAP offers assistance in helping you with curriculums and meeting qualifications. www.bcsportsfoundation.com/CPAP
IN ON A REWARDING CAREER ZOOM IN What choices do you have? CPAP has tools to help you decide. Some students may have already decided on their career path. They may have the support of family and school guidance counselors who offer the right advice and have the means to help them reach their goals. For those who need assistance to make the best choice for them, CPAP has a complete guide to create a roadmap to a successful future. www.bcsportsfoundation.com/CPAP
CPAP FUNCTIO IONS CPAP Functions Applications Funding Decision-making Curriculums Testing Scholarships Financial Aid Grants When to Apply www.bcsportsfoundation.com/CPAP
COMMUNICATIONS How we connect with our students, families and community organizations Tutorial Training Teleconference Email One on One Chat Assistance Mobile *On-site training Webinar * With Community organizations, etc. www.bcsportsfoundation.com/CPAP
COMMUNICATIONS Want to contact us? We want to hear from you! Black College Sports & Education Foundation, Inc. www.bcsportsfoundation.com Email: edd@bcsportsfoundation Phone: 770.376.6114 Executive Director Edd J. Hayes edd.j.hayes@gmail.com Education Director Charley Flint, Ph.D drcbflint@gmail.com Director Ken Free, Sr. kenfreesr@yahoo.com Director Whitfield Jenkins whitfield721@gmail.com Director Maurice L. Wilson maurice@wilsonwealth.com Academic Advisor Gil McGregor ghawk71@gmail.com www.bcsportsfoundation.com/CPAP
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