comprehensive newborn care package comprehensive newborn

Comprehensive Newborn Care Package Comprehensive newborn care - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

Comprehensive Newborn Care Package Comprehensive newborn care package - Interventions Promotion of Birth Neonate and Emergency Preparedness (BNEP) and safe delivery For all newborn Immediate and Essential newborn care including

  1. Comprehensive Newborn Care Package

  2. Comprehensive newborn care package - Interventions • Promotion of Birth Neonate and Emergency Preparedness (BNEP) and safe delivery • For all newborn – Immediate and Essential newborn care including application of 7.1% Chlorhexidine – Postnatal Care • For sick newborn or newborn complication – Newborn resuscitation (HBB) – Management of Newborn and young infant (0-59 days) with symptom of PSBI – Kangaroo Mother Care for preterm/low birth weight babies (<2000gm) • For prevention of preterm complication – Identification of threatened preterm labour and application Antenatal Corticosteroid if confirmed gestational age between 24-34 weeks

  3. Comprehensive Social Behavioral Change Communication Multi-sectoral engagement SBCC Objective: Newborn caretakers carry out high impact Health practices with System Comprehen Community acceptable level of (community sive SBCC engagement & facility) quality reach Local and national Media campaign

  4. High Impact Newborn Services- Facilities District Hospital and Medical College Hospital MCWC and Upazila Health Complexes Special Care Union Health and Family Welfare for Premature Center & LBW Special Newborn- Immediate and Essential care Community KMC Newborn Care newborn Clinic Unit Newborn Resuscitation ANC & PNC for all ACS- for (SCANU newborn confirmed impending Counselling for Newborn infection preterm Healthy MNH management Behavior during ANC deliveries

  5. Healthy Newborn Care

  6. Essential Newborn Care Immediate Family preparedness Drying for ensuring ENC Cord Care & Hygiene During ANC: ENC counselling :Ensure Immediate &ENC & Home visit and counselling pre-discharge counselling Including CHX Application During facility delivery [CATEGORY with SAFKOTHA with Checklist NAME][CA[ PERCENTAG During PNC Skin to skin & keeping warm E] Unskilled Provider, 58, 58% Immediate and exclusive [CATEGORY breastfeeding NAME][C[P ERCENTAGE ] Delayed Bathing Promoting ENC as NORMS

  7. Comprehensive Newborn Care Package PROGRAM LEARNING FOR NEW INTERVENTIONS

  8. Application of 7.1% Chlorhexidine Application during delivery Availability of CHX to Family Distribution & counselling by home visit During home delivery without skilled provider: Application by CHX + Misoprostol: distribution by family members CHWs in 3rd trimester Distribution & counselling during ANC During home delivery by CSBA or Satellite, CC, UH&FWC, UHC, MCWC other skilled provider: by skilled and other facilities provider after cord-cutting Inclusion in SDK and available in Pharmacy SBCC to create awareness for use of During facility delivery: by service CHX as part of ENC provider after cord-cutting

  9. PSBI Management in Union Level Facilities Major challenge is proper care seeking and compliance to referral to hospital SATT and AFRINEST provided evidence to manage cases in PHC settings with simplified regimen when referral is not possible Bangladesh developed new national guideline and WHO published its recommendations based on AFRINEST and SATT studies CNCP incorporated PSBI management and nested implementation research to operationalize new WHO recommendations and GoB guidelines

  10. Establish KMC Unit: UHC, MCWC & DH National Readiness National Readiness National Readiness Establish Consensus Development Development center of and policy for national of KMC excellence adoption guideline and Training and program SOP for KMC materials, learnings tools and Jobaids

  11. Prevention of Complication of Prematurity: Judicial use of ACS Conditions of threatened preterm labour Assessment of Gestational Age Facility where ACS can be administered: 1. Ability to accurately assess gestational age & determine risk of imminent preterm birth 2. Adequate care available for preterm newborns 3. Reliable, timely & appropriate identification and treatment of maternal infection

  12. Services initiated District Level Capacity National Readiness Caretakers enabled to Service Building seek timely Effective Completed care Coverage Caretakers enabled to Standards of engage in best care applied newborn practices

  13. Thank You

  14. Quality of Antenatal Care (ANC) Counselling Baseline Assessment- Kushtia SNL special studies, Kushtia, 14 September-October 2014

  15. Quality of Antenatal Care at health facilities: observed components of ANC counselling, percentage of pregnant women [N=622] SNL special studies, Kushtia, 15 September-October 2014

  16. Quality of Antenatal Care at health facilities: observed to have received messages about danger signs of pregnancy and newborns, percentage of pregnant women [N=622] SNL special studies, Kushtia, September- 16 October 2014

  17. Quality of Antenatal Care at health facilities: observed to have received messages about BNEP, percentage of pregnant women [N=622] SNL special studies, Kushtia, September- 17 October 2014

  18. Quality of Antenatal Care at health facilities: observed to have received messages about Essential Newborn Care, percentage of pregnant women in their 3rd trimester [N=401] SNL special studies, Kushtia, September- October 2014

  19. Quality of Antenatal Care at health facilities: observed to have received messages about newborn danger signs, percentage of pregnant women in their 3 rd trimester [N=401] SNL special studies, Kushtia, September- 19 October 2014


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