components in an adaptive and qos qos based architecture

Components in an Adaptive and QoS QoS- -based Architecture based - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

Components in an Adaptive and QoS QoS- -based Architecture based Architecture Components in an Adaptive and Claudia Raibulet, Francesca Arcelli, Mussino Stefano, Mario Riva, Francesco Tisato, Luigi Ubezio Universit degli Studi di

  1. Components in an Adaptive and QoS QoS- -based Architecture based Architecture Components in an Adaptive and Claudia Raibulet, Francesca Arcelli, Mussino Stefano, Mario Riva, Francesco Tisato, Luigi Ubezio Università degli Studi di Milano-Bicocca DISCo – Dipartimento di Informatica Sistemistica e Comunicazione Milan, Italy SEAMS 2006 SEAMS 2006 ICSE 2006 Workshop on Software Engineering for ICSE 2006 Workshop on Software Engineering for Adaptive and Self- -Managing Systems Managing Systems Adaptive and Self Shanghai, China Shanghai, China

  2. Issue Issue � Today information systems are composed of various entities, which can provide similar or identical services � How to: identify choose exploit at runtime the entity able to provide the desired service, the one that suits best for the current request? => Adaptive Resource Management (ARM)

  3. Solution Solution � Explicitly represent and exploit additional information about the entities providing the services: � qualities , location , cost � structural , topological information � … to adapt dynamically to the users’ requests � Examples of common scenarios: � print on the nearest A3-format printer � display an image on a monitor supporting a specific resolution � send this message using the most appropriate device and network connectivity � …

  4. Architectural Reflection Architectural Reflection � Reflection enables a system to observe and control itself through meta-representations � Architectural reflection introduces: � additional components within the logical layer or � additional layer(s) between the application and the logical layer � Reflective components/layers are causally connected to logical components/layers

  5. ARM Architecture ARM Architecture Reflective Layers Reflective Layers Extended Reflective Layer Base Reflective Layer

  6. Representation of the Reflective Knowledge Representation of the Reflective Knowledge � Reflective objects represent QoS non-functional aspects of the systems components Structural Property Property ... � R_Objects are characterized Reflective by their related: Object Topological Cost � QoS Property Property � Properties Location Property <<observ able>> 1..* 1..* 1..* 1..* 1..* 1..* 1..* 1..* R _O bject Q oS R _Property (from qualityOfService) nam e : String (from r_property) resource : FunctionalObject 1 1 C ausal C onnection 1 1 FunctionalO bject (from functionalClas s es )

  7. Management of the Reflective Knowledge Management of the Reflective Knowledge Views and Strategies Views and Strategies H ighLev elQ oS BestEf fortStrategy Low Lev elQ oS R _Vie w R _Property (from qualityOfService) (fr om arc hitec tu ra l_s tr ategies ) 1..n 1..n 1..n 1..n (from qualityOfService) 1..n 1..n (from r_property) R _LocationProperty R _Locatio nView ( from r_p roper ty ) * * * * R _StructuralProperty R _Structu reView (from r_property) * * * * R _TopologyPr operty R _T opologyView (from r_property) * * * * R _Serv iceView � A view = an organizational structure on the reflective objects with its own semantics and computational strategies to evaluate the objects under its control

  8. The Service View The Service View � Catalogs the resources based on the services they provide Serv iceStrategy ( from serviceStrategy) * * 1 1 HighLev elQoS R_Serv iceView (fr om qualityOfService) 1 1 * * * * 1..* 1..* * * BestEffortStrategy (from architectural_s trategies ) 0..* 0..* <<observable>> * * * * LowLev elQoS R_Object (from qualityOfService) (from r_Classes)

  9. Location, Topology, Structural, … … Views Views Location, Topology, Structural, Peer 1 a Peer 4 Pc Structural g View e Peer 2 Peer 5 c f Peer 3 Case Structural View Modem Cpu

  10. The Causal Connection Mechanism The Causal Connection Mechanism Observer Design Pattern Observer Design Pattern � The causal connection between functional and reflective objects is implemented by: � update() – adapts reflective objects to functional objects � force() – adapts functional objects to reflective objects +observers Subject Observer R_Object FunctionalObject (from r_Classes) +subject (from functionalClasses) update() runService() force()

  11. The Chain of Services Views The Chain of Services Views Chain of Responsibility Design Pattern Chain of Responsibility Design Pattern Reflective View Manager ServiceStrategy R_Service_Display R_Service_Scan R_Service_Call BestEffortStrategy

  12. Strategies Strategies Strategy and Composite Design Patterns Strategy and Composite Design Patterns � Strategies implement ArchitecturalStrategy R _View decisions ( from archite ctura l_ stra teg ies ) (from r_View s ) m apU p() m apD ow n() � A best effort strategy chooses the most appropriate resource for Serv iceStrategy BestEffortStrategy (from s erviceStrategy) (from architectural_s trategies ) the current service request m apD ow n() m apU p() m apU p() m apD ow n() div ide() Serv iceStrategy (from s erviceStrategy) mapD ow n() � Strategies may be 1..* 1..* mapU p() decompose() simple or compositions of other strategies R _ElementaryStrategy R _C ompositeStrategy (from s erviceStrategy) (from s erviceStrategy) 0..* 0..*

  13. Validation of ARM Validation of ARM � A totally distributed solution exploiting the P2P paradigm (JXTA) � Three types of requests: � Non adaptive – specify the service and the input data � Low-adaptive – specify the service, the entity that should execute the service and the required QoS � High-adaptive – specify the service and the QoS � Currently, two services: Serv ice R equest (from Service) <<observ able>> id � display sName : String[] R _O bject state sDev ice : String 1 1 1 1 (from r_Classes) 0..* 0..* 0..* 0..* requester � print ty pe getServ ice() 1..* 1..* � … 0..* 0..* 0..* 0..* 0..* 0..* Q oS InputD ata (from qualityOfService)

  14. Conclusions (I) Conclusions (I) � ARM proposes a solution to address dynamic adaptivity through architectural reflection � Representation of the reflective knowledge: � reflective objects and QoS � properties: � model important aspects of the system (structural, topological, location, etc.) for achieving adaptivity � allow an efficient organization and management of the reflective knowledge � Management of the reflective knowledge: � views � strategies: implement decision support � Validation of ARM concepts through a prototype

  15. Conclusions (II) Conclusions (II) � Disadvantages of architectural reflection: � significant increase of the number of software components which may reduce overall efficiency � modification of the reflective components may cause overall damages � Advantages of architectural reflection in ARM: � separation of concerns: functional vs. reflective objects � modularity: separation of the reflective entities from their management mechanisms � improving maintainability of the overall architecture � reusability and extensibility both of individual components and of the entire approach in various application domains

  16. Further Work Further Work � Allocation and negotiation of resources � Extension of our approach to mobile devices which are not characterized by high computational capacities (e.g., mobile phones) � Extension of our current approach with other services � Using ARM in various application domains


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