compendium of appellate bar organizations

Compendium of Appellate Bar Organizations inadvertently omitted, - PDF document

Compendium of Appellate Bar Organizations inadvertently omitted, please send an appellate lawyers. Membership in the John J. Bursch e-mail to with that Academy is exclusive; there are cur- Warner Norcross & Judd LLP

  1. Compendium of Appellate Bar Organizations inadvertently omitted, please send an appellate lawyers. Membership in the John J. Bursch e-mail to with that Academy is exclusive; there are cur- Warner Norcross & Judd LLP information so the groups can be rently fewer than 300 fellows. To Grand Rapids, MI added to the website. United in pur- qualify, you must have a minimum of pose, appellate organizations will con- 15 years’ practice in appellate law and Kathryn A. Wood tinue to increase the quality of be nominated by a judge, practitio- Warner Norcross & Judd LLP advocacy before state and national ap- ner, or existing fellow. The Academy Grand Rapids, MI pellate benches, and the collegiality of publishes 3-4 newsletters per year and appellate lawyers. also publishes reports and recommen- dations on appellate practice topics. You have resolved in your 2005 busi- All Academy fellows receive a sub- National Organizations ness plan to make a more concerted scription to The Journal of Appellate effort to connect with judges, mem- DRI Appellate Ad v ocacy Committee. Practice and Process , an academic pub- bers of the bar, and business profes- The Defense Research Institute’s Ap- lication edited by faculty members of sionals by joining an appellate bar pellate Advocacy Committee provides the University of Arkansas at Little organization. There are many benefits a forum for attorneys who handle ap- Rock’s William H. Bowen School of to such an affiliation, including edu- peals, regularly or on an occasional Law. The Academy has sponsored an cation, networking, and business de- basis. Committee members include award, the “Eisenberg Prize,” for the velopment. But where do you begin? those practicing both in firms and in- year’s best published article on appel- There are a multitude of groups offer- house who want up-to-date practice late practice and procedure, and it of- ing a wide range of services and publi- tips, publications, and seminars dedi- fers continuing legal education cations at the state, circuit, and cated to handling litigation before seminars from time to time, often national levels, and finding informa- state or federal appellate courts. The with other bar associations. You can tion on the World Wide Web can be Committee sponsors annual continu- learn more about the Academy at its difficult, at best. Simply typing in the ing education programs that focus on website: http:// terms “appellate” and “organizations” appellate practice, contributes to the on Google’s search engine generates TIPS Appellate Ad v ocacy Committee . appellate advocacy issue of DRI’s more than 725,000 results! monthly publication, For the Defense , The American Bar Association’s Tort As a service to the members of and publishes Cert w orthy , a bi-annual Trial & Insurance Practice Section DRI’s Appellate Advocacy Committee newsletter with a wide range of ar- (TIPS) has an Appellate Advocacy and appellate practitioners every- ticles addressing the arts of written Committee that provides a profes- where, Cert w orthy presents what is be- and oral appellate advocacy. DRI sional forum for attorneys and judges lieved to be the first ever members can access the Appellate Ad- interested in all aspects of appellate “Compendium” of United States ap- vocacy Committee’s website with a advocacy. Membership is open to all pellate bar organizations and re- password at: members of TIPS. The Committee sources. You will find a list of easily committees/committeelist.cfm. sponsors and presents continuing edu- accessible links for all of the organiza- American Academy of Appellate La w - cation programs at the annual ABA tions referenced in this Compendium yers . The Academy was formed in and TIPS meetings, and also sponsors with web pages at http:// 1990 to advance the highest national several regional meetings each year of standards and practices of appellate interest to local appellate and trial If you are aware of additional ap- advocacy and to recognize outstanding practitioners. The Committee pub- pellate bar associations that have been The Business Suit Summer 2005 17

  2. lishes a quarterly newsletter and par- scription to The Journal of Appellate information about the Council at ticipates in the TIPS annual survey by Practice and Process, an academic The Bar Association of the Fifth Federal providing an article on developments publication edited by faculty mem- Circuit . The purpose of the Bar Asso- in appellate advocacy. The Committee bers of the University of Arkansas at also recently published the second edi- Little Rock’s William H. Bowen ciation of the Fifth Federal Circuit is tion of its popular book, The Amicus School of Law. CAL also honors jurists to improve and facilitate the adminis- Brief: Ho w to Be a Good Friend of the and members through a Distin- tration of justice within the Circuit. Court . For more information about the guished Contribution to Appellate The organization provides continuing Committee’s activities, please refer to Law Award. You can learn more about legal education, access to unpublished its website: CAL at its website: http:// opinions that are not otherwise avail- tips/appellate/home.html. [Editor’s able on the Fifth Circuit’s web page, Note: Chuck Craven, Certworthy’s home.html. and seeks to raise the standards of Third Circuit editor, is vice-chair of proficiency and integrity in federal this committee and editor of its quar- practice. The Association’s website is: Federal Circuit Organizations terly newsletter.] ABA Litigation Section’s Appellate Prac- The Federal Circuit Bar Association . Sixth Circuit Judicial Conference . The tice Committee . The American Bar The Federal Circuit Bar Association is Sixth Circuit does not currently have Association’s Section of Litigation a national organization for the bar of a bar association per se, but does have also has a subdivision devoted to is- the Court of Appeals for the Federal a Judicial Conference sponsored by sues involving appellate practice, the Circuit. Organized to unite the differ- the Sixth Circuit. The Court hosts an Appellate Practice Committee. In ad- ent groups that practice within the annual gathering of all circuit, dis- dition to continuing education pro- Circuit’s legal community, it seeks to trict, bankruptcy and magistrate grams, the Committee publishes The strength and serve the Court and of- judges of the Circuit, and every other Appellate Practice Journal on a quar- fers a forum for common concerns and year invites members of the bar to terly basis. In the Committee’s words, dialogue between bar and court, gov- participate. More information is avail- its goal is to “demystify the appellate ernmental counsel, and private practi- able at: process through its programs and the tioner, litigator, and corporate internet/judical_conference/ work of its subcommittees.” The counsel. It sponsors regional seminars judicialconf.htm. The Se v enth Circuit Bar Association . Committee also sponsors an annual regarding court practice and can be National Law Student Appellate Ad- contacted through its website: http:// The primary goal of the Association is vocacy Contest. The Committee’s to work together—as lawyers and The Federal Bar Council . The Federal website can be found at: http:// judges—to understand and address is- Bar Council is an organization of law- sues relating to the administration of appellate/home.html. yers who practice in federal courts justice within the Circuit. Members Council of Appellate La w yers (CAL). within the Second Circuit. It is dedi- have significant opportunities for edu- CAL, which is part of the ABA Judi- cated to promoting excellence in fed- cation and networking and to com- cial Division’s Appellate Judges Con- eral practice and fellowship among municate concerns with the judges of ference, is the first national appellate federal practitioners and to encourag- the circuit. The Association’s website bench-bar organization in the coun- ing respectful, cordial relations be- can be found at: http:// try. It offers annual continuing educa- tween bench and bar. Over twenty The Eighth Circuit Bar Association . tion programs that bring together former Trustees of the Federal Bar judges and attorneys to discuss issues Council have gone on to service in the This Association, formed in 2003, of appellate practice and procedure. federal judiciary, including the Hon- seeks to improve and facilitate the ad- CAL publishes a biannual e-Newslet- orable Ruth Bader Ginsburg, Associ- ministration of justice in the federal ter and sponsors a member ListServ. ate Justice of the United States courts within the Eighth Circuit. Its All CAL members also receive a sub- Supreme Court. You can find more goal is to serve as a complement to ex- Cert w orthy Summer 2005 18


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