company presentatjon

company presentatjon Our Group Energeen is an - PDF document

company presentatjon Our Group Energeen is an affjliate of FDS group, which operates in the constructjon fjeld, and ,especially, in the renewable energy sector, along with the industrial and residentjal technological systems.

  1. company presentatjon

  2. Our Group Energeen is an affjliate of FDS group, which operates in the constructjon fjeld, and ,especially, in the renewable energy sector, along with the industrial and residentjal technological systems. The FDS group organizatjon: FDS Holding S.r.l. FDS Energeen Energeenica Salinello FDS S.r.l. Costruzioni S.r.l. S.r.l. S.r.l. S.r.l. Energeen The company ENERGEEN, based in L’Aquila - Abruzzo, Italy -, was created in 2006 primarily for the design and installatjon “turnkey” of photovoltaic residentjal and industrial systems; it operates in the market with the aim of consolidatjng its positjon as subject leader in the natjonal framework for the renewable energy sector, capitalizing its technological know-how, acquired for the project and the constructjon of sustainable buildings, in respect for the man and his environment, preserving the territory and its resources. Energeen is an affjliate of FDS, which is a holding company created as a new historical landmark in the fjeld of Corporate Finance. Energeen uses the best industry professionals and boasts, to its credit, many initjatjves, all with positjve results in the strategy of “turnkey”, for the development of business planning for projects which integrate technological solutjons in the renewable energy sector for the constructjon and / or restructuratjon of residentjal and industrial / commercial buildings fjnalized to energy saving, to reductjon of CO2 emissions and to safety. From the preparatjon of technical and executjve drawings to calculatjon reports, from estjmated costs to the start up of the work, our company has a team of engineers, architects and designers which create new solutjons for its clients, integratjng them with the existjng conventjonal architec- tures or new realizatjon, exaltjng their brightness, their ventjlatjon and aesthetjc value. dell’utilizzo specifico

  3. The objectjve is to achieve a comfortable constructjon which can last through tjme, integratjng it in the specifjc environment and with maximum respect for the balance of the ecosystem. The “turnkey” formula is the company main quality; it ofgers not only the “price of the building”, but it provides Propertjes for which clients know in advance their consumptjon in relatjon to their specifjc use, and with the knowledge of management fares and their operatjonal achievements. The company can boast many environmental certjfjcatjons which guarantee quality and durability to buildings, along with seismic resistance and energy effjciency. Energeen is also a qualifjed partner for restructuring, remediatjon, recovery and disposal of the asbestos. Their experience allow the Company to look afuer designing, installatjon and maintenance of each constructjon with the following types of interventjon: • Solar Photovoltaic Energy The company, which undoubtedly lies between the industry leader at the natjonal level, can now boast of achieving “turnkey” installatjons of all sizes, with power between 2 and 2,000 KW, some of which may be considered the largest operatjng facilitjes in Italy, all promoted through the “Conto Energia”, as well as others which have benefjted of additjonal Public Incentjves (the company owns 100% of admissions for the incentjves required). • Biomass (liquid and solid) the company has important collaboratjons in the constructjon of those which are now the largest power plants of Italy, thanks to the acquisitjon of the necessary skills for the development of the entjre project, from initjal planning to turnkey delivery. • Aeolian Partnership with major internatjonal groups allows Energeen to be also considered as an operatjng company in the fjeld of wind power with partjcipatjon in several projects. • Hydroelectric ENERGEEN is currently in the planning stage for some costumers, for hydroelectric facilitjes and it is to expand its interests in the exploitatjon of water courses. Biogas • The company has already signed agreements with local suppliers for the exploitatjon of biogas from solid and liquid wastes • Solar thermal plants The company now owns the realizatjon of many installatjons with difgerent power, all made with the turnkey policy.

  4. • Electric heatjng with radiant panels The Company operates in the domain of electric heatjng with radiant panels and it has designed, manufactured and tested civil and industrial installatjons over the years. • Heat pumps The Company operates in the air conditjoning and heat pumps fjeld and it has acquired the neces- sary experience and skills for the design, installatjon and testjng of civil and industrial installatjons during the years. • Electrical MV / LV civil and industrial the company has acquired over many years, signifjcant experience in the design, calculatjon and installatjon of electrical mv/lv for civil and industrial setulements. • Energy Certjfjcatjons and Qualifjcatjons Zoning and cadastral practjces, architectural studies and structural calculatjons according to specifjc laws. • LAN and telephone installatjons • Alarm systems and video surveillance • Home Domotjcs Energeen Is also present in the fjeld of Energy Management. Our experts are able to analyze all emergencies with the ratjonal use of energy thus creatjng a planning for all needs. Qualifjed technical personnel allows the company to deal with almost any situatjon by obtaining the best solutjon for the most complex requirements of our customers. Our business strategy is not that of using subcontracts for constructjon actjvitjes, so that is univo- cally defjned the responsibility of the fjnal result, moreover, this choice has the advantage of not having the need to coordinate with contractors, raising of additjonal risks associated with interfer- ence between various processes in terms of security. The proven experience and the expertjse of the stafg enable to manage all kind of situatjons which may arise, with the utmost professionalism in order to optjmize the results, always aiming to high quality, without ever neglectjng safety aspect. Furthermore, with internal fund raising, ENERGEEN provides the ability to perform all constructjon with the formula “turnkey”. Our results, achievements in the work and, most importantly, satjsfjed customers are our calling card. Signifjcant investments are oriented in research and development.

  5. The Eco-sustainable building The idea of sustainable buildings is born with the aim of capitalizing on technological know-how developed with previous experience in Energeen for energy optjmized buildings, from their design phase, developing original solutjons in terms of materials such as solutjons of functjonal architec- ture with new design solutjons. Energeen performs SAFE buildings (with the most advanced earthquake technologies), and espe- cially energy ASSETS, that is to say, industrial / commercial and residentjal units with high energy output, thanks to design features, and to installatjon for saving energy and reducing CO2 emissions. From technical and executjve drawings creatjons to calculatjon notes, from formulatjon quote to the start of work: Energeen has a team of architects, engineers and designers who create the best technical solutjons for their customers . The design of the architecture carries a new philosophy of living where man moves within the struc- tures that create a healthy, safe and aesthetjcally pleasing environment. The Energeen architectural design wants to represent a tangible link between the line of thought of business and customer needs, facing a return to a healthy and natural life. These are the premises that form the basis for the design of constructjons of the company oriented to the best living conditjons in terms of space, light and elegance.

  6. Innovatjve Materials Wood, despite being considered a natural “poor” resource, has propertjes of effjciency and fmexibil- ity uncommon to other materials. The experience of living in a wooden building means enjoying an environment of very high energetjc performances providing welfare and containment of cost management. Today, thanks to the use of certjfjed technology and productjon process that optjmizes and enhances the structural characteristjcs, is extremely reliable, providing strength and certjfjed performance. The evolving design techniques and the integrated system technologies ofger difgerent solutjons in design and constructjon, providing more resources in the areas of feasibility and cost-efgectjveness of interventjons. The opportunitjes and constructjve expressions of Steel are virtually limitless. Nowadays, the range of available solutjons, added to the high structural reliability and to the easy integratjon with other materials, such as wood and glass, allow the constructjon of buildings with no architectural limits. These solutjons enable high-speed constructjons, which allow to characterize the image of a com- pany and build a home unique, personalizing its constructjon. In additjon, the reliability of controls, speed of constructjon and reduced labor required for the im- plementatjon, provide a rapid return on investment by reducing fjnancial costs. No less important is the behavior of steel structures in case of seismic actjvity; the results obtained so far with the steel are the safest in case of earthquake.


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