Compact Survival Kits
Da Bears! Bob Bies Bob Schuette Greg Skrivseth Jan Stavroplus Jon Uzel
The UK’s Chief Scout Inducted at Gilwell Park, he is the tenth person to hold the position and the youngest Chief Scout since the role was created for Robert Baden-Powell in 1920.
We would NOT recommend this method of cleaning out your peanut butter jars…
Boys of all ages would love to help empty those jars instead, though that can be just as dangerous as dealing with the bear….
1 32 oz. Water Bottle 1 Carabiner attached 1 Flashlight 2 AA Batteries 1Survival Blanket 1 Emergency poncho 1 5 in 1 whistle 1 Reusable zip lock bag The above jars are designed for snowmobiles and atvs.
Backpacking Hiking Natural Disaster First Aid
Want Have Material Want Have Material 10’ to 12’ of duct tape Cigarette lighter 6’ Snare wire Clip Alcohol pads Coffee can with lid Alcohol prep pad Cold compress Aluminum foil Compact mirrors Anti-biotic Ointment Compass Antiseptic hand wipes Cotton balls Band-Aids Cough drops Butterfly closure adhesive strips Dental floss sewing thread, fishing line Candy bar Emergency blanket Change coins Emergency candle
Want Have Material Want Have Material Fire Starter Poncho Fishing hook bobber Q tips Flint with magnesium strip Safety pens Gauze pad Sharpie for notes or messages even on rock Handwarmer Snack size zip lock bag Hard Candies Splinter remover Knife Square pieces of material Lanyard Strike anywhere matches Leatherman tool Tongue depressor (stick) Led light Trash bag (39 gallon) Mason string Twist ties Mirror Tylenol Paper clips repair boots Vaseline Paper/pencil Wide mouthed jar Para-cord Zip ties Plastic tarp 5X8 Ziploc bags large with zipper Fire Starter Poncho
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