Community Satellite Processing Package (CSPP) Polar-Orbiting Satellite Software and Products Liam Gumley, Allen Huang, Kathy Strabala, Scott Mindock, Ray Garcia, Graeme Martin, Geoff Cureton, Elisabeth Weisz, Nadia Smith, Nick Bearson, James Davies, Jessica Braun. CIMSS/SSEC, University of Wisconsin-Madison. NOAA Satellite Conference 2015/04/29
What is CSPP? CSPP (Community Satellite Processing Package) is a collection of software systems for processing data from meteorological satellites. The primary goal of CSPP is to support users who • Receive satellite data via direct broadcast; • Create Level 1B and higher level products and images in real time. Funding is supplied by JPSS and NOAA. 2
CSPP Software Philosophy The CSPP software Creates useful products for the DB community, Includes up-to-date algorithms, Is pre-compiled for 64-bit Intel Linux (CentOS), Is easy to install and operate, Includes test data for verification, Runs efficiently on modest hardware, Has prompt user support. 3
CSPP by the numbers Satellites supported: 7 Software packages: 10 Sensors supported: 25 Releases and updates: 29 Registered users: 913 Individual downloads: > 5000 4
CSPP Software (Apr 2015) CSPP Software Product Description 1. SDR VIIRS, CrIS, and ATMS geolocated and calibrated earth observations. 2. VIIRS EDR VIIRS imager cloud mask, active fires, surface reflectance, vegetation indices, sea surface temperature, land surface temperature, and aerosol optical depth. 3. HSRTV Hyperspectral infrared sounder retrievals of temperature and moisture profiles, cloud properties, total ozone, and surface properties. 4. Polar2grid Reprojected imagery (single and multi-band) in GeoTIFF and AWIPS formats. 5. Hydra Interactive visualization and interrogation of multispectral imagery and hyper spectral soundings. 6. MIRS Microwave sounder retrievals of temperature and moisture profiles; surface properties; snow and ice cover; rain rate; and cloud/rain water paths. 7. CLAVR-x Multispectral imager retrievals of cloud properties; aerosol optical depth; surface properties; ocean properties. 8. NUCAPS Combined hyperspectral infrared sounder and microwave sounder retrievals of temperature and moisture profiles, cloud cleared radiances, and trace gases. 9. IAPP Combined infrared sounder and microwave sounder retrievals of temperature and moisture profiles, water vapor, total ozone, and cloud properties. 10. ACSPO Multispectral imager retrievals of sea surface temperature. 5
CSPP Satellite/Sensor/Product Matrix Satellite Multispectral Imager Infrared Sounder Microwave Sounder Suomi NPP VIIRS CrIS ATMS SDRs (Level 1B), Images, SDRs (Level 1B) SDRs (Level 1B), Visualization, Clouds, Atmospheric Profiles, Atmospheric Profiles, Aerosols, Land, Ocean Clouds, Visualization Precipitation, Visualization Metop-A/B AVHRR IASI, HIRS AMSU, MHS Clouds, Aerosols, Land Atmospheric Profiles, Atmospheric Profiles, Surface, SST, Visualization Clouds, Visualization Precipitation NOAA-18/19 AVHRR HIRS AMSU, MHS Clouds, Aerosols, Land Atmospheric Profiles Atmospheric Profiles, Surface, SST, Visualization Precipitation Terra MODIS N/A N/A Images, Visualization Aqua MODIS AIRS AMSU Images, Visualization Atmospheric Profiles, Atmospheric Profiles, Clouds, Visualization Precipitation, Visualization 6
CSPP Registered User Locations February, 2015 7
Metop-B 2015/03/30 02:01 UTC MIRS Examples SNPP 2015/03/18 11:03 UTC Metop-B AMSU/MHS 840 hPa temperature and water vapor SNPP ATMS Surface Skin Temperature with Rain Rate contours and isosurface of Rain Mass Profile 8
CLAVR-x Examples SNPP 2013/03/10 23:00 UTC VIIRS False Color SST Ancillary Data Cloud Masked SST Cloud Top Temperature Cloud Water Path Rain Rate 9
NUCAPS Examples SNPP 2015/04/03 19:07 UTC Temperature Water Vapor Mixing Ratio 10
ACSPO Examples 2015/04/02 VIIRS SST 17:44 UTC AVHRR SST 18:31 UTC MODIS SST 18:35 UTC VIIRS SST 2015/03/18 07:40 UTC 11
CSPP Summary • CSPP continues to support the polar orbiting satellite DB community with a wide range of software and products supporting Suomi NPP, Metop, NOAA, and EOS satellites. • CSPP GEO now supports geostationary satellites. • We look forward to JPSS-1 in early 2017. 12
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