community engagement of expats

Community Engagement of Expats from sociocultural integration to - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

Community Engagement of Expats from sociocultural integration to civic participation La Larry y Moffett ffett AB ABRA RA Member mber Meeting eting 17 September tember 2015 Presentation Outline About me About expats (population,

  1. Community Engagement of Expats from sociocultural integration to civic participation La Larry y Moffett ffett AB ABRA RA Member mber Meeting eting 17 September tember 2015

  2. Presentation Outline  About me  About expats (population, characteristics)  Expat sources of information and interaction  Sociocultural integration  Top concerns  Confrontation  Civic participation  Political power  My solution  Discussion

  3. About Me 1969 Family moved from NYC to Brussels 1969-78 Attended Belgian French-language schools 1978 Repatriated to US for university studies 1996 Returned to Brussels 1998 Started my company e-Strategy sprl-bvba 2006 Moderator of Xpats in Belgium (mailing list) 2007 Expats in Belgium (Facebook group) 2008 Expats Networking in Brussels (LinkedIn group) 2010 @seven International Community (social events) 2012 Brussels municipal elections (article and debate)

  4. Foreign and EU Population in Brussels and Antwerp AREA POPULATION FOREIGN %FOREIGN EU %EU Brussels Region 1.175.000 399.000 34 265.000 23 Antwerp 513.570 103.152 20 51.919 10 Etterbeek 46.800 21.450 46 16.700 36 Ixelles-Elsene 84.800 40.400 48 30.200 36 St Gilles-St. Gillis 50.500 24.300 48 17.400 34

  5. Characteristics of Urban Expats • Estimated at +/-100.000 in Brussels (= 1/4 of the foreign population) • Working and residing in the city (  high proportion of the active population) • Geographically concentrated within certain neighborhoods (e.g. European Quarter in Brussels) • White-collar professionals with relatively high disposable incomes (  disproportionate share of spending power) • Highly educated, well traveled, with international experience and multicultural exposure (  broad-minded but demanding) • Low awareness of Belgian politics (  lack of political influence)

  6. Sources of Information • Print : The Bulletin (1962- 2012), JV Magazine (2007), Agenda Magazine (2008?), … • E-mail : The Network (1998), Expats in Belgium (2003) • Websites : (1998), (2002), (2004?), (2011) • Social media : Facebook (2007), LinkedIn (2004), Twitter (2008), InterNations (2009) • Radio : Radio X (2012) • Television : Brussels international (2008?)

  7. Social Interaction - Facebook International (English) : Life in Belgium, Brussels Connected, I Love Brussels, • Expats in Belgium, Brussels Expats, Interactive Expats Brussels, Expats in Antwerp, New expats in Antwerp, Expats in Gent, … Italian : Italiani a Bruxelles, Italiani e Italiane a Bruxelles, Italiani ad Anversa • Spanish : Españoles en Belgica, Españoles en Bruselas, Bruselas Me Gusta • German : Deutsche in Brüssel, Deutsche in Antwerpen • Dutch : Dutch Network Brussels, Nederlanders in Antwerpen • French : Français à Bruxelles •

  8. Social Interaction – LinkedIn and Twitter • Living/working in Brussels, Expats Networking in Brussels • Antwerp Network, Antwerp Business Network • Expats in Belgium @ExpatBelgium • This Is Antwerp @_thisisantwerp_ • Brussels Expats @BrusselsExpats, Expats In Brussels @ExpatsinBxl • Bad Service Belgium @badservice_be

  9. Sociocultural Integration: In & Out of the Expat Bubble Afterwork Social Events for Professionals : @seven International Community (since 2003): EU Presidency, Croatia Accession, US Thanksgiving, • Bollywood, Oktoberfest, Brazilian Carnival, Russian Winter, Christmas, Easter… InterNations (2009): global social network for expats with communities in Brussels, Antwerp, Gent, Leuven • 38.000 members in Belgium (about 15% Belgian). Community get-togethers and activity groups Aperitivo Milano (2010): weekly Italian-style aperitivo • Place du Luxembourg (2003): informal afterwork every Thursday in and around the bars across from • the European Parliament Outdoor markets : drinking, eating and socializing after the weekly neighborhood food markets Physical activities : dance lessons (salsa, tango), exercise classes (e.g. Friskis & Svettis), gyms Volunteering : Serve the City (Brussels, Leuven, St. Truiden), helping refugees

  10. The T op 5 Concerns of Expats in Belgium 1. Customer Service ( courtesy, care, efficiency, information ) 2. Administration ( pace, efficiency, bureaucracy, consistency ) 3. Personal Safety ( crime, harassment, security, police ) 4. Mobility ( traffic, public transport, works, cycling, sidewalks ) 5. Environment ( waste removal, street cleaning, maintenance and repair, air quality, noise, green areas )

  11. The T op Concerns of Expats and Belgians 1. Customer Service ( courtesy, care, efficiency, information ) 2. Administration ( pace, efficiency, bureaucracy, consistency ) 3. Personal Safety ( crime, harassment, security, police ) 4. Mobility ( traffic, public transport, works, cycling, sidewalks ) 5. Environment ( waste removal, street cleaning, maintenance and repair, air quality, noise, green areas )

  12. Confrontation: The Negative Spiral Blame Anecdote Validation You should Oh yes, have… I had a bad me too! experience with… Denial Not me. See? That’s Belgium! Generalization Stereotype Those unfriendly Belgians! So why You What would don’t you ungrateful Belgium be leave? expats! without us?! Rejection Stereotype “Colonialism”

  13. Civic Participation: The Expat Vote • EU citizens may vote since 2000 and be candidates since 2006 in Belgian municipal elections • Non-EU citizens with minimum 5 years residency may vote since 2006 • In 2012, only 14% of EU citizens in Brussels and Flanders, 15.5% of eligible foreigners in Brussels and 10% of eligible foreigners in Flanders exercised their right to vote

  14. The Untapped Power of the Expat Electorate AREA % FOREIGN % EU Etterbeek 46 36 Ixelles-Elsene 48 36 St Gilles-St. Gillis 48 34

  15. Expatriates Association – Mission • To represent the collective interests of its members and of all expatriates residing and/or working in the city • To advocate on their behalf through constructive engagement with Belgian authorities, public agencies, retail businesses and service providers • To enhance their relationship with Belgians and promote positive, fruitful interaction with the local host community • To contribute to the quality of living for all citizens


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