community co operative

Community Co-operative: Ecosystem-based community forestry in - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

Harrop-Procter Community Co-operative: Ecosystem-based community forestry in domestic watersheds Duhamel Watershed Society public forum June 16, 2016 Rami Rothkop Erik Leslie, RPF Mill Manager, Forest Manager, HPCC HPFP President, BCCFA

  1. Harrop-Procter Community Co-operative: Ecosystem-based community forestry in domestic watersheds Duhamel Watershed Society public forum June 16, 2016 Rami Rothkop Erik Leslie, RPF Mill Manager, Forest Manager, HPCC HPFP President, BCCFA

  2. 1980’s and 90’s: The ‘War in the Woods’

  3. 7

  4. Harrop-Procter Forest Products

  5. Erik: Outline 1. Management objectives 2. Ecosystem-based forest planning 3. Forestry operations 4. Climate change adaptation 12

  6. How the movement started  Rami

  7. Ecosystem-based community forestry  Explicitly manage for community values  Internalize the ‘externalities’  Precautionary approach  Work with natural cycles

  8. HPCC Management Plan objectives  #1 : minimize the impacts of roads and timber harvesting on hydrology and water quality;  maintain and enhance forest structural diversity;  improve community wildfire protection;  maintain sustainable timber harvest rates, while considering ecosystem resilience and climate change projections;  etc.

  9. Narrows and Duhamel Similarities Differences  Community watersheds  Roads/ logging history  Wildland-urban interface  North vs. south aspects  Similar terrain  Focal wildlife species  Old growth/ biodiversity  Community uses values 20

  10. 29

  11. Site-level practices  Low risk approach to water — reserves, access  Wide range of retention  Experimentation

  12. 31

  13. 32

  14. 37

  15. 38

  16. Climate change adaptation project Key values: water, biodiversity, infrastructure, timber/ jobs  Analyze risks  Drought, wildfire, hydrology  Specific strategies  Fuel breaks  Harvest methods  Regeneration methods  Community discussion  Regional outreach  CBT funding

  17. Significant changes over past 30 years 40

  18. Climate models: simplified summary Over the next 30 to 50 years:  Fall/ winter/ spring 2 - 5 warmer and 10 - 25% wetter  Summers 3 - 7 warmer and up to 30% drier  ~5 to 50 times more average annual area burned  Increased frequency and magnitude of extreme precipitation events Good enough to get started… 41

  19. Thank you! 44


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