communities leading

COMMUNITIES LEADING Community & Clinical Linkages HEALTHY - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

COMMUNITIES LEADING Community & Clinical Linkages HEALTHY CHANGE Team COMMUNITY & CLINICAL BCCHC Meeting LINKAGES OVERVIEW April 26, 2015 Valerie Quintana, MA, PTP Community & Clinical Linkages Coordinator Communities

  1. COMMUNITIES LEADING Community & Clinical Linkages HEALTHY CHANGE – Team COMMUNITY & CLINICAL BCCHC Meeting LINKAGES OVERVIEW April 26, 2015 Valerie Quintana, MA, PTP Community & Clinical Linkages Coordinator Communities Leading Healthy Change – REACH Grant Presbyterian Healthcare Services

  2. COMMUNITIES LEADING HEALTHY CHANGE (CLHC) OVERVIEW  BCCHC is the lead coalition and the CLHC Lead Team is sub- group in charge of driving the project  Presbyterian Healthcare Services and the BCCHC are backbone organizations to this process (Collective Impact)  Guide vision and strategy  Support aligned activities  Establish shared measurement practices  Build public will  Advance policy  Mobilize funding

  3. OVERVIEW CONT.  Focused on Hispanic and Native American community in the International District and South Valley  MANY community partners  Goal is to reduce chronic disease  Physical Activity  Healthy Eating  Community and Clinical Linkages

  4. COMMUNITY & CLINICAL LINKAGES  3-year goal  Increase the number of people who have access to opportunities that support the control of chronic disease to 41,592 by September 29, 2017.  Partners  First Choice Community Health/SV Community Commons Coalition  First Nations Community Healthsource  Bernalillo County Community Health Workers Network  Adelante Development Center  Presbyterian Medical Group clinics on Isleta and San Mateo  NM Department of Health  Rx for Wellness (Prescription Trails, MyCD, Kitchen Creations)  Mid Regional Council of Governments (MRCOG)  Bernalillo County Health & Social Services  ShareNM  Presbyterian Health Plan  Others

  5. YEAR ONE  Develop a referral source to facilitate the community partners accessing health education program resources such as MyCD.  Identify the needs the referral source from providers and community partners  Bring in key partners to develop the referral source design  Ensure adequate resources are in the ShareNM directory to support the referral system  Provide Leader Training for community clinics, partner organizations, Community Health Workers/Representatives and other community providers in the MyCD program.  Recruit Community Health Workers and other community leaders to be trained as Leaders of MyCD.  Offer self-management Leader Training to interested partners  Create and implement a schedule of programs with all partners

  6. Resources: Racial & Ethnic Approaches to Community Health (REACH) Presbyterian Healthcare Services – Community Health http://presnet2/presnet/community_health/index.htm Bernalillo County Community Health Council ShareNM THANKS! *Funding for this conference was made possible (in part) by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. The views expressed in written conference materials or publications and by speakers and moderators do not, necessarily, reflect the official policies of the Department of Health and Human Services, nor does the mention of trade names, commercial practices, or organizations imply endorsement by the U.S. Government. Valerie Quintana, MA, PTP O: (505) 724-8193 | C: (505) 321-9186


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