Common Core Counts! Florida Migrant Education Program Implementation Strategies Meeting Tallahassee, Florida September 25, 2013
Presentation Overview Common Core Mission Moment Governor’s Executive Order Florida at the core of Core Importance of Unified Academic Standards for All Students- (Especially Migrant Students) Coordinating MEP Academic Supportive Services with District Curriculum and Instruction Best Practices Expanding Your Knowledge
Florida Migrant Education Program Organization Chart United States Department of Education Office of Migrant Education Florida Department of Education Bureau of Federal Education Programs, Title I, Part C FL Migrant Education Program (FMEP) FL Portable Florida Migrant FL Migrant Parent Assisted Study FL ID&R Office Interstate Advisory Council (ESCORT) Sequence – PASS Program (PAEC) (Hillsborough) (HEC) Local Education Agencies ( LEA) Migrant Education Programs
MISS SSION ION ST STATEM ATEMENT: ENT: The Common Core State Standards (CCSS) provide a consistent, clear, understanding of what students are expected to learn, so teachers and parents know what they need to do to help them. The standards are designed to be robust and relevant to the real world, reflecting the knowledge and skills that our young people need for success in college and careers. With American students fully prepared for the future, our communities will be best positioned to compete successfully in the global economy. National Governors Association Center for Best Practices and Council of Chief State School Officers.
• Forty-five states, the District of Columbia, four territories, and the Department of Defense Education Activity have incorporated Common Core State Standards. Common Core State Standards Initiative |
Governor Rick Scott’s Executive Order September 23, 2013
FREQUENTL FREQUENTLY Y AS ASKED KED QUEST QUESTIONS IONS Wh What at ar are e ed educ ucat atio iona nal sta stand ndar ards ds? Educ ucational onal stand ndards hel elp tea each cher ers en ensur ure t e thei eir s r stud uden ents ts have e the e skill lls an and kn knowle ledge ge they ne need ed t to be e suc ucce cessful ul by p provi viding ng cl clea ear r goals ls for r stud uden ent t le learn rning ng. Wh What at is is th the e Com ommon mon Cor ore e Sta tate e Sta tand ndar ards ds In Init itia iati tive? e? Th The e Comm mmon n Core re St State e St Stand ndards Ini nitiative e is a a s state-le led ef effor ort that es establi lished ed a s sing ngle le set set of cl clea ear r ed educ ucationa nal l stand ndards for r kind nder ergarten en throug ugh h 12 12th th gra rade i e in E n Eng ngli lish la lang ngua uage e arts an and ma mathem ematics cs that states es volu luntar ntarily ly adopt. pt. Th The e stand ndards are re d des esigne ned to en ensur ure t e that stud uden ents ts gra radua uating ng from m high sch chool ool are re pre repare red to en enter er cr cred edit be beari ring ng en entry co cour urse ses in t n two or r four ur yea ear r co coll lleg ege e progr grams ms or r en enter er the w e workf rkfor orce ce. . Th The e stand ndards are re c cle lear r and nd co conc ncise e to en ensur ure e that at par aren ents, , tea each cher ers, an and st stud uden ents ts have a e a cl clea ear r und under erstan andin ding g of the e expec ectati ation ons in in r rea eadin ing, wri riting ng, spea eaking ng and nd li listen ening ng, , la lang ngua uage e and nd ma mathem ematics cs in s n sch chool. ool. Wh Who o lea eads ds th the e Com ommon mon Cor ore e Sta tate e Sta tand ndar ards ds In Init itia iati tive? e? The nation’s governors and education commissioners, through their representative org rgani nizati tions ons the N e National nal Gover ernor nors s Associa ociation on (N (NGA) A) and nd the C e Counci uncil l of Chief ef St State e Sc Schoo ool l Office cers (C (CCSSO) SSO) le led t the e devel elopm pmen ent t of the e Comm mmon n Core re St State e St Stand ndards and nd co cont ntinue nue to le lead t the e ini nitiative. e. Tea each cher ers, pare rent nts, , sch chool ool admi mini nistra rators and nd exper erts from m acr cross the e co coun untr try together ether with state e le leader ers p provi vided ed input ut int nto the d e devel elopm pment ent of the e stand ndards www www.corestandar resources ces
Wh Why y is is th the e Com ommon mon Cor ore e Sta tate e Sta tand ndar ards ds In Init itia iati tive e im impor ortant tant? ? Hig High h stan andar ards that at ar are e co cons nsist isten ent t ac across stat ates es provi vide e tea each cher ers, par aren ents, , an and stud uden ents s wit ith a a set et of cl clea ear r expec ectati tions ons that are re a ali ligne ned t to the e expec ectat tations ions in co n coll lleg ege e and nd ca care reer ers. Th The e stand ndards promo mote e equi equity by en ensur uring ng all ll s stud uden ents ts, , no no ma matter er wh wher ere t e they li live, e, are re wel ell p l pre repare red with the s e skill lls and nd kn knowle ledge ge ne nece cessary t to co coll llabora rate e and nd co compet pete e with thei eir p r pee eers in t n the e Uni United ed St States es and nd abroad.. Unli Unlike p e pre revious us state e stand ndards, , which ch wer ere u e uni nique ue to ever ery s state e in n the e co count untry, , the e Comm mmon n Core re St State e St Stand ndards en enable le co coll llabora ration on bet etwee een s n states es on n a r rang nge o e of tools ols and nd poli lici cies es, , inc nclu luding ng: : the e devel elopm pmen ent t of textboo ooks, ks, digital l me media, an and other er tea each ching ng ma mater erials ls a ali ligne ned to the s e stand ndards; ; and nd the e devel elopm pmen ent t and nd im imple leme ment ntation on of co comm mmon on co compr preh ehen ensi sive e asses essme ment nt system ems to me measur ure e stud uden ent t per erform ormanc nce e ann nnua uall lly that will ll r rep epla lace ce e existing ng state e tes esting ng system ems; ; and nd ch chang nges es ne need eded ed t to hel elp sup uppor port ed educ ucator ors and nd sc schools ools in t n tea each ching ng to the n e new stand ndards. . Wh Who o was as in invol olved ed in in th the e Com ommon mon Cor ore e Sta tate e Sta tand ndar ards ds In Init itia iati tive? e? Sta States es ac across the e co countr untry co coll llab abora rated ed wit ith tea each cher ers, , re resea earch cher ers, an and lea leadin ing exper erts to des esig ign n an and devel elop p the e Comm mmon on Core re St State e St Stand ndards. s. Each ch state e ind ndep epen endentl ently ma made e the e dec ecision n to adopt pt the e Comm mmon n Core re St State e St Stand ndards, , beg eginn nning ng in 2 n 2010. 0. Th The e fed eder eral g l gover ernm nmen ent t was N NOT T involv lved ed in n the e devel elopm pmen ent t of the s e stand ndards. . Lo Loca cal l tea each cher ers, pri rinc ncipals ls, , and nd sup uper erint ntend enden ents ts le lead t the e imple leme ment ntation on of the e Comm mmon on Core re.
FACT OR MYTH In Incorpor corporat ating ing com commo mon stan n standa dards w ds wil ill l br brin ing a g all ll states’ standards down to the lowest common den denom omin inat ator or, , wh which ich mea means ns sta states wi es with th hi high gh sta stand ndar ards, ds, such such as as M Mas assa sach chus usetts, wil tts, will l be be ta taki king ng a a st step ep ba backw ckwar ards if t ds if the hey y in incorpo corpora rate e th the e Stan tanda dards. ds. http:// the-standards/myths-vs-facts
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