commissioner orientation

Commissioner Orientation TJPDC Commission Meeting February 1, 2018 - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

Commissioner Orientation TJPDC Commission Meeting February 1, 2018 Thomas Jefferson Planning District Commission Mission The Thomas Jefferson Planning District Commission serves our local governments by providing regional vision,

  1. Commissioner Orientation TJPDC Commission Meeting February 1, 2018

  2. Thomas Jefferson Planning District Commission Mission The Thomas Jefferson Planning District Commission serves our local governments by providing regional vision, collaborative leadership and professional service to develop effective solutions.  Regional Vision  Collaborative Leadership  Professional Service

  3. Thomas Jefferson Planning District Commission The TJPDC is directed by a twelve-member board, About – consisting of two representatives appointed by each local governing board.  City of Charlottesville  Albemarle County Members  Fluvanna County  Greene County  Louisa County  Nelson County Meet the 1 st Thursday at 7:00 pm of every month except July and January. Annual meeting and election of officers every June

  4. Thomas Jefferson Planning District Commission About – TJPDC receives funding from:  Member local government appropriations  Annual state appropriations through DHCD Funding  Program funding grants from federal & state sources  Contracts for services  Private grants and foundations

  5. Thomas Jefferson Planning District Commission History  Planning District Commissions were established by the Virginia General Assembly in 1969.  TJPDC was formally created in 1972.  There are 21 PDCs and Regional Commissions in Virginia.  Commissions are made up of elected officials and citizens appointed by local governments.

  6. Thomas Jefferson Planning District Commission Regional Cooperation Act of 1995 Enabling  Geographic regions established by the state Legislation  Membership must be at least 51% elected  Towns may be members upon request  Universities may be members with legislative approval  Must adopt a strategic plan  Must submit annual updates of plan  Review state and federal funding requests in region

  7. Thomas Jefferson Planning District Commission  Latest version – 2003 Updated 2017 TJPDC  Establishes the name Charter  Members  Meeting dates & special meetings By-Laws  Quorum is at least 7 commissioners  Equal votes  Officers of chair , vice chair , treasurer & secretary  Chair and vice can not be from same local government  May have Standing & Special Committees

  8. Thomas Jefferson Planning District Commission  April nominating committee for officers By-Laws  Officers elected at annual meeting in June  Executive Director is appointed to manage day to day operations and prepare annual budget  Fiscal Year is July 1 to June 30  Annual budget approved at or before the May regular meeting  All localities must be present to consider a per capita change  2/3 vote is required to amend the by-laws

  9. Thomas Jefferson Planning District Commission Additional information  List of relevant web sites listed in your orientation packet

  10. Thomas Jefferson Planning District Commission  The Virginia Association of Planning District Commissions (VAPDC) is an organization comprised of the 21 Planning District Commissions/Regional Councils in Virginia. VAPDC works to bring diverse resources together at the regional level in partnership with local, state, and federal entities to strengthen regions and the Commonwealth.  The purpose of the Association is to promote coordination and cooperation among the Commonwealth's Planning District Commissions/Regional Councils to heighten their effectiveness and efficiency; provide mutual assistance and the exchange of ideas; and otherwise promote understanding for how PDCs/RCs can help save their regions and the Commonwealth time and money.  VAPDC’s activities include: Two annual conferences (Winter and Summer); an annual meeting with State Agency heads; the formal and informal exchange of ideas and best practices; relationship building and interaction amongst the individual PDCs/RCs and various state agencies; PDC/RC staff training opportunities; and much more.

  11. Thomas Jefferson Planning District Commission  City of Charlottesville Louisa County Members * Mike Signer Tommy Barlow Genevieve Keller, TJPDC Chair * Toni Williams  Albemarle County Nelson County Rick Randolph, TJPDC Vice-Chair * Ernie Reed * Vacant * Jesse Rutherford  Fluvanna County * New Commissioners Tony O’Brien Keith Smith, TJPDC Treasurer  Greene County Dale Herring Andrea Wilkinson, Past Chair

  12. Thomas Jefferson Planning District Commission  Support the work of the TJPDC and provide Commission mission-based leadership and strategic Duties governance.  Attend meetings  3 consecutive absences must notify local government  Read materials  Review, participate and approve budget and financial reports  Relay information to governments and stakeholders

  13. Thomas Jefferson Planning District Commission Name Title Staff David Blount Legislative Liaison Chip Boyles Executive Director Billie Senior Program Manager, Community and Housing Campbell Development Will Cockrell Director of Planning, Urban and Community Planning Faruk Planner Hesenjan Wood Hudson Planning Manager, Transportation Nick Morrison Planner Sara Program Manager, RideShare Pennington Don Reed Finance Director Gretchen Administrative Assistant Thomas Kristian Planner Zimmerman

  14. Thomas Jefferson Planning District Commission Meeting Schedules  In your binder is a list of regional Council, Supervisor and Planning Commission meetings  The CY2018 TJPDC schedule is included in your packet.  Meet monthly except for January and July.  Try to visit 2 to 3 member localities per year  Annual meeting is June with election of officers

  15. Thomas Jefferson Planning District Commission  2015-2018 Strategic Plan Strategic Plan  Adopted in May, 2015  2019-2021  Established organizational actions to accomplish the strategic goals of the TJPDC  Building relationships with all members and stakeholders  Building the financial capacity of the organization

  16. Thomas Jefferson Planning District Commission Monthly Staff provides the Commission a monthly project update of active and future projects with staff contact and current status Project Progress This spreadsheet is updated at monthly staff meetings

  17. Thomas Jefferson Planning District Commission Programs & Functional  Community Planning Areas  Mapping Services  Environmental Planning  Housing & Human Services  Legislative  Transportation

  18. Thomas Jefferson Planning District Commission TJPDC provides services of: About –  Transportation Planning  Land Use Planning  Grant writing and management Services  Environmental Planning  Technical Assistance  Legislative Liaison  Housing Program  Leadership Facilitation

  19. Thomas Jefferson Planning District Commission  Directly funded service of the TJPDC Legislative Liaison  Annual list of regional and local legislative priorities that are followed and promoted throughout the General Assembly  Annual Legislative Forum held to interact with Commonwealth Legislators and to discuss key initiatives  Members receive periodic email updates during the General Assembly and all year on key issues and legislation

  20. Thomas Jefferson Planning District Commission  JAUNT History of  C-A MPO Programs  Thomas Jefferson Housing Improvement Corp & Projects (Piedmont Housing Alliance)  TJPDC Corporation  HOME Consortium  Coalition for the Homeless  Central Virginia Partnership for Economic Development  JABA

  21. Thomas Jefferson Planning District Commission About – Funding

  22. Thomas Jefferson Planning District Commission Financials  When not considering grants that “pass - through” Total the TJPDC, the funding revenues are mostly Revenues federal and local with a very close state.  Total FY16 revenues were $1,012,363 without pass through contracts.  Again, without “pass -throughs ” Transportation makes up the most expenses at 54%  Pass-through funds do not financially benefit the PDC. They are contractual obligations to pass funds from the state/fed to other local uses

  23. Thomas Jefferson Planning District Commission Financials  In February the staff submits an amended current Annual year’s budget with updated revenues and Budget expenses  In October , a Projected budget is submitted estimating the next year’ s operating budget. This projected budget establishes the local government funding requests for the upcoming fiscal year

  24. Thomas Jefferson Planning District Commission  Executive Committee gives direction to the staff Financials of key items to be considered in the budget Annual preparation such as staff salary increases, Budget staffing changes, insurance changes, capital purchases, building costs, etc. Process  This begins in January/February of each year for a May approval  This process begins in August for the November consideration of the next year’ s Projected budget

  25. Thomas Jefferson Planning District Commission  In each budget, it is usually shown the past year’s Financials actual revenues & expenses, current approved and Annual amended revenues & expenses and recommended Budget budget for upcoming year  FY 16 Operating budget estimated a net gain of $ 14,639  FY 16 Actual budget produced a net gain of $80,287  Future Year projected budgets are always balanced to no gain or loss


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