
Cohomology Combinatorial Cellular & Abstract - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

Cohomology Combinatorial Cellular & Abstract Eilenberg-Steenrod Ulrik Buchholtz and Favonia 1 Cohomology Groups { mappings from holes in a space } 2 Cohomology Groups { mappings from holes in a space } Cellular Axiomatic

  1. Cohomology Combinatorial Cellular & Abstract Eilenberg-Steenrod Ulrik Buchholtz and Favonia 1

  2. Cohomology Groups { mappings from holes in a space } 2

  3. Cohomology Groups { mappings from holes in a space } Cellular Axiomatic Eilenberg-Steenrod cohomology for CW complexes cohomology 2

  4. Cohomology Groups { mappings from holes in a space } Cellular Axiomatic Eilenberg-Steenrod cohomology for CW complexes cohomology Dream: prove they are the same! 2

  5. CW complexes inductively-de � ined spaces 3

  6. CW complexes inductively-de � ined spaces points 3

  7. CW complexes inductively-de � ined spaces points lines 3

  8. CW complexes inductively-de � ined spaces points lines faces 3

  9. CW complexes inductively-de � ined spaces points lines faces (and more...) 3

  10. CW complexes inductively-de � ined spaces points lines faces (and more...) Speci � ication: cells and how they a � ach 3

  11. CW complexes Sets of cells: A n 4

  12. CW complexes Sets of cells: A n A � aching: α n+1 : A n+1 × S n → X n X n is the construction up to dim. n 4

  13. CW complexes Sets of cells: A n A � aching: α n+1 : A n+1 × S n → X n X n is the construction up to dim. n X n 4

  14. CW complexes Sets of cells: A n A � aching: α n+1 : A n+1 × S n → X n X n is the construction up to dim. n a : A n+1 X n 4

  15. CW complexes Sets of cells: A n A � aching: α n+1 : A n+1 × S n → X n X n is the construction up to dim. n a : A n+1 S n α n+1 (a,-) X n 4

  16. CW complexes Sets of cells: A n A � aching: α n+1 : A n+1 × S n → X n X n is the construction up to dim. n X 0 := A 0 a : A n+1 S n α n+1 (a,-) X n 4

  17. CW complexes Sets of cells: A n A � aching: α n+1 : A n+1 × S n → X n X n is the construction up to dim. n X 0 := A 0 X n+1 := a : A n+1 A n+1 ×S n A n+1 S n α n+1 (a,-) X n α n+1 X n X n+1 4

  18. Cellular Cohomology { mappings from holes in a space } 5

  19. Cellular Cohomology { mappings from holes in a space } Cellular Homology { holes in a space } 5

  20. Cellular Cohomology { mappings from holes in a space } dualize Cellular Homology { holes in a space } 5

  21. One-Dimensional Holes* { elements of Z[A 1 ] forming cycles } holes a d c b e f g *Holes are cycles in the classical homology theory 6

  22. One-Dimensional Holes* { elements of Z[A 1 ] forming cycles } holes a d a + b + c c b e f g *Holes are cycles in the classical homology theory 6

  23. One-Dimensional Holes* { elements of Z[A 1 ] forming cycles } holes a d a + b + c c b - a - b - c e f g *Holes are cycles in the classical homology theory 6

  24. One-Dimensional Holes* { elements of Z[A 1 ] forming cycles } holes a d a + b + c c b - a - b - c e f a + b + c + e + g + f … g *Holes are cycles in the classical homology theory 6

  25. One-Dimensional Holes { elements of Z[A 1 ] forming cycles } a boundary function ∂ a ∂ ( ) = y - x c b x y 7

  26. One-Dimensional Holes { elements of Z[A 1 ] forming cycles } a boundary function ∂ a ∂ ( ) = y - x c b x y set of holes = kernel of ∂ 7

  27. One-Dimensional Holes { elements of Z[A 1 ] forming cycles } x a boundary function ∂ y a ∂ ( ) = y - x c b x y z set of holes = kernel of ∂ 7

  28. One-Dimensional Holes { elements of Z[A 1 ] forming cycles } x a boundary function ∂ y a ∂ ( ) = y - x c b x y ∂ (a+b+c) = (y - x) + (z - y) z + (x - z) = 0 set of holes = kernel of ∂ 7

  29. First Homology Groups { un � illed one-dimensional holes } a p c b 8

  30. First Homology Groups { un � illed one-dimensional holes } a 2-dim. boundary function ∂ 2 p a c b ∂ 2 ( ) = a + b + c p c b 8

  31. First Homology Groups { un � illed one-dimensional holes } a 2-dim. boundary function ∂ 2 p a c b ∂ 2 ( ) = a + b + c p c b � illed holes = image of ∂ 2 8

  32. First Homology Groups { un � illed one-dimensional holes } a 2-dim. boundary function ∂ 2 p a c b ∂ 2 ( ) = a + b + c p c b � illed holes = image of ∂ 2 H 1 (X) := kernel of ∂ 1 / image of ∂ 2 (un � illed (all holes) ( � illed holes) holes) 8

  33. Homology Groups { un � illed holes } C n := Z[A n ] formal sums of cells (chains) 9

  34. Homology Groups { un � illed holes } C n := Z[A n ] formal sums of cells (chains) ∂ n+2 ∂ n+1 ∂ n ∂ n-1 ⋯ → C n+2 → C n+1 → C n → C n-1 → C n-2 → ⋯ 9

  35. Homology Groups { un � illed holes } C n := Z[A n ] formal sums of cells (chains) ∂ n+2 ∂ n+1 ∂ n ∂ n-1 ⋯ → C n+2 → C n+1 → C n → C n-1 → C n-2 → ⋯ H n (X) := kernel of ∂ n / image of ∂ n+1 9

  36. Cohomology Groups ∂ n+2 ∂ n+1 ∂ n ∂ n-1 ⋯ → C n+2 → C n+1 → C n → C n-1 → C n-2 → ⋯ Dualize by Hom(—, G). Let C n = Hom(C n , G). δ n+2 δ n+1 δ n δ n-1 ⋯ ← C n+2 ← C n+1 ← C n ← C n-1 ← C n-2 ← ⋯ 10

  37. Cohomology Groups ∂ n+2 ∂ n+1 ∂ n ∂ n-1 ⋯ → C n+2 → C n+1 → C n → C n-1 → C n-2 → ⋯ Dualize by Hom(—, G). Let C n = Hom(C n , G). δ n+2 δ n+1 δ n δ n-1 ⋯ ← C n+2 ← C n+1 ← C n ← C n-1 ← C n-2 ← ⋯ H n (X; G) := kernel of δ n+1 / image of δ n 10

  38. Higher-Dim. Boundary a p c b a ∂ 2 ( ) = a + b + c p c b How to compute the coe � icients from α 2 ? 11

  39. Higher-Dim. Boundary a p c b a a a α 2 (p,—) identify squash points other loops coe � icient = winding number of this map 12

  40. Higher-Dim. Boundary α 2 (p,—) X n /X n-1 ≃⋁ S n S n S n X n α n+1 (p,—) identify squash lower structs. coe � icient = degree of this map 13

  41. Higher-Dim. Boundary α 2 (p,—) X n /X n-1 ≃⋁ S n S n S n X n α n+1 (p,—) identify squash lower structs. coe � icient = degree of this map - squashing needs decidable equality - linear sum needs closure- � initeness 13

  42. Higher-Dim. Boundary S n A n ×S n-1 A n+1 ×S n A n A n+1 X n-1 X n X n+1 X n /X n-1 ≃⋁ S n 1 S n 14

  43. Cohomology Groups { mappings from holes in a space } Cellular Axiomatic Eilenberg-Steenrod cohomology for H n (X; G) CW-complexes cohomology Dream: prove they are the same! 15

  44. Eilenberg-Steenrod* cohomology A family of functors h n (—): pointed spaces → abelian groups * Ordinary, reduced cohomology theory 16

  45. Eilenberg-Steenrod* cohomology A family of functors h n (—): pointed spaces → abelian groups 1. h n+1 (susp(X)) ≃ h n (X), natural in X * Ordinary, reduced cohomology theory 16

  46. Eilenberg-Steenrod* cohomology A family of functors h n (—): pointed spaces → abelian groups 1. h n+1 (susp(X)) ≃ h n (X), natural in X 2. f A B 1 Cof f * Ordinary, reduced cohomology theory 16

  47. Eilenberg-Steenrod* cohomology A family of functors h n (—): pointed spaces → abelian groups 1. h n+1 (susp(X)) ≃ h n (X), natural in X h n (A) h n (A) h n (B) 2. f A B exact! Cof f h n (Cof f ) 1 * Ordinary, reduced cohomology theory 16

  48. Eilenberg-Steenrod* cohomology A family of functors h n (—): pointed spaces → abelian groups 1. h n+1 (susp(X)) ≃ h n (X), natural in X 3. h n ( ⋁ i X i ) ≃ ∏ i h n (X i ) h n (A) h n (A) h n (B) 2. f if the index type A B exact! satis � ies set-level AC Cof f h n (Cof f ) 1 * Ordinary, reduced cohomology theory 16

  49. Eilenberg-Steenrod* cohomology A family of functors h n (—): pointed spaces → abelian groups 1. h n+1 (susp(X)) ≃ h n (X), natural in X 3. h n ( ⋁ i X i ) ≃ ∏ i h n (X i ) h n (A) h n (A) h n (B) 2. f if the index type A B exact! satis � ies set-level AC Cof f h n (Cof f ) 4. h n (2) trivial for n ≠ 0 1 * Ordinary, reduced cohomology theory 16

  50. Cohomology Groups { mappings from holes in a space } Cellular Axiomatic Eilenberg-Steenrod cohomology for H n (X; G) h n (X) CW-complexes cohomology Dream: prove they are the same! 17

  51. Our Dream ? h n (X) ≃ H n (X; h 0 (2)) 18

  52. Our Dream ? h n (X) ≃ H n (X; h 0 (2)) := ker( δ n+1 )/im( δ n ) 18

  53. Our Dream ? h n (X) ≃ H n (X; h 0 (2)) ≃ ? := ker( δ ' n+1 )/im( δ ' n ) ker( δ n+1 )/im( δ n ) 18

  54. Our Dream ? h n (X) ≃ H n (X; h 0 (2)) ≃ ? := ker( δ ' n+1 )/im( δ ' n ) ker( δ n+1 )/im( δ n ) 1. Find δ ' such that h n (X) ≃ ker( δ ' n+1 )/im( δ ' n ) done and fully mechanized in Agda 2. Show δ and δ ' are equivalent domains and codomains are isomorphic commutativity in progress 18

  55. Our Dream: Step 1 (done!) For any pointed CW-complex X where 1. all cell sets A n satisfy set-level AC and 2. the point of A 0 is separable (pt = x is decidable) there exist homomorphisms δ ' δ ' n+2 δ ' n+1 δ ' n δ ' n-1 ⋯ ← D n+2 ← D n+1 ← D n ← D n-1 ← D n-2 ← ⋯ such that h n (X) ≃ kernel of δ ' n+1 / image of δ ' n 19

  56. Important Lemmas for Step 1 Long exact sequenses h n (A) h n (B) f A B n++ Cof f h n (Cof f ) 1 20

  57. Important Lemmas for Step 1 Long exact sequenses h n (A) h n (B) f A B n++ Cof f h n (Cof f ) 1 Wedges of cells h m (X n /X n-1 ) ≃ hom(Z[A n ], h 0 (2)) when m = n or trivial otherwise h m (X 0 ) ≃ hom(Z[A 0 \{pt}], h 0 (2)) when m = 0 or trivial otherwise 20


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