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CODATU XVI, Istanbul 2-5 February, 2015 Cornie Huizenga, Secretary - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

FINANCING AND OPTIMIZING BENEFITS FROM LOW CARBON URBAN TRANSPORT - Role of Climate Finance - CODATU XVI, Istanbul 2-5 February, 2015 Cornie Huizenga, Secretary General Partnership on Sustainable Low Carbon Transport Paradigm

  1. FINANCING AND OPTIMIZING BENEFITS FROM LOW CARBON URBAN TRANSPORT - Role of Climate Finance - CODATU XVI, Istanbul 2-5 February, 2015 Cornie Huizenga, Secretary General Partnership on Sustainable Low Carbon Transport

  2. Paradigm shift on development of Transport Predict and Provide Build Roads to promote Then economic and social development Climate Access not inclusive – Air Pollution Road safety change – large groups no 3 million 1.3 million Congestion transport access deaths deaths GHG fast (urban and rural) (large part growing transport) Negative externalities of old paradigm: 6-10% of GDP at least 50 Trllion USD up to 2030 Access: (Avoid + Shift + Improve) Now Improve Expand/Improve Shift Transport to most Avoid unnecessary environmental Transport : effective mode + + infrastructure and motorized transport performance (people and goods) services transport Economic benefits of new paradigm: 70 Trillion USD up to 2050 (International Energy Agency/2012 ) - 100+ Trillion USD up to 2050 (ITDP/ 2014)

  3. Climate Finance for Transport – Not Transformational in Scale ! Number of CF Projects for Transport: CDM CTF GEF NAMA (Total in italics) China 5 14 (19) Colombia 6 1 1 7 (15) India 9 3 (12) Mexico 5 1 5 (11) Global / Regional Projects 7 (7) Argentina 1 (1) Viet Nam Azerbaijan 2 1 3 (6) 1 (1) Bangladesh 1 (1) Chile 1 4 ( 5) Belarus 1 (1) Indonesia Benin 1 3 (4) 1 (1) Explanation of CDM, CTF, etc. Botswana 1 (1) Russian Federation 4 (4) Burkina Faso 1 (1) Costa Rica South Africa 1 (1) 2 2 (4) Dis descitaepre in re nam, sequae nimos et aut repudis Dominica 1 (1) Brazil 2 1 (3) Georgia aboraerum apidemporum facero ipsunt el mil mintinctat asin 1 (1) Guatemala 1 (1) Kazakhstan 1 1 1 (3) reprorit alis dolore quam hit, quis aut reperch iliquis eumenda Jordan 1 (1) Malaysia 1 Lao People ’ s Democratic Republic 2 (3) 1 (1) quo et ea diciur, omnihit, unt. Lebanon 1 (1) Republic of Korea 3 (3) Mongolia 1 (1) To cusdae lam quam quunda cusam fugit aut adis que vit Serbia Morocco 1 2 (3) 1 (1) Nepal aligni omnimin verumqui sersperis untoremporum volent de 1 (1) Egypt 2 (2) Nicaragua 1 (1) explis renisto tem. Ribus, iume velest, tem hario et facea Nigeria Pakistan 1 1 (2) 1 (1) Paraguay 1 (1) Peru nestrum sim quam sit et molupta sinusam harcia nem fuga. 1 1 (2) Slovakia 1 (1) Philippines Tajikistan 1 (1) 1 1 (2) Tunisia 1 (1) Thailand 2 (2) Venezuela (Bolivarian Republic of) 1 (1) Argentina • 20 countries have two or more sustainable transport projects funded by climate finance mechanisms/frameworks • 24 countries have one sustainable transport project funded by climate mechanisms • 151 countries have no sustainable transport projects funded by climate mechanisms ’ SLoCaT Partnership Research 2014

  4. Climate Finance for Transport – Transformational in Direction? • Climate finance shows a current bias for Shift and Improve projects; additional emphasis on Avoid projects is needed • Green Climate Fund is making right noises: transport + ’ programmatic approach Avoid Shift Improve Multiple* N/A (Total in italics) CDM 24 8 (32) CTF 9 1 (10) NAMA 2 12 11 10 (35) GEF 47 14 2 (64) 1 SLoCaT Partnership Research 2014

  5. Key take aways • To late to pick winners: 2 Degree Scenario requires action from all sectors now • COP 21 + SDG process set targets for action on transport (as well as other sectors) • Climate is tail that wags the transport dog • Comprehensive financing strategy: – Focused around public funding, assisted by private sector – For Climate (and MDB) funding to be effective their role needs to change from implementation to enabling + facilitating • Good news: change is increasingly happening More tomorrow afternoon in 16.00 – 17.30 break-out session


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