coax coalition tie technology integration experiment

CoAX Coalition TIE Technology Integration Experiment AFRL Rome, - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

DARPA CoAX Coalition TIE Technology Integration Experiment AFRL Rome, AIAI, Boeing, Dartmouth, DERA Malvern, Lockheed Martin ATL, Michigan, OBJS, USC/ISI, UWF/IHMC Support from BBN, GITI, ISX, MITRE, MIT Sloan, Schafer, Stanford Coalition

  1. DARPA CoAX – Coalition TIE Technology Integration Experiment AFRL Rome, AIAI, Boeing, Dartmouth, DERA Malvern, Lockheed Martin ATL, Michigan, OBJS, USC/ISI, UWF/IHMC Support from BBN, GITI, ISX, MITRE, MIT Sloan, Schafer, Stanford Coalition Agents eXperiment (CoAX)

  2. Briefing Outline CoAX  Aims and Contributions  Demonstration  Next Steps and Summary CoAX/Briefing - 2

  3. Context CoAX  Increasing military requirements for coalition operations  Belief that agent computational model is a good fit to meet coalition interoperability requirements  US and UK Agent Research Programmes  US DARPA Control of Agent Based Systems (CoABS)  UK DERA Agents Project  Need for “middleware” such as is provided by CoABS Grid Infrastructure CoAX/Briefing - 3

  4. Aim of Coalition TIE CoAX  To address unique aspects of coalition operations through the development and evaluation of:  agent domain management services  agent task, process and event management services  Aim will be met through delivery of:  Phased technical demonstrations of increasing complexity  Connection of a variety of diverse agent systems  Development of generic Coalition-oriented grid services  Requirements:  Use of a wide variety of different agent systems  Use of existing military (non-agent) applications CoAX/Briefing - 4

  5. Key Coalition Drivers CoAX  Different cultures, doctrines, and languages:  Different doctrine, decision making, rules of engagement and, in general, mission “agendas”  Command authorities - agreement and transfers  Different interpretation of situational information  Incompatibility of respective national information systems:  Different technology skill and equipment levels  Lack of information systems resource sharing agreements  Variable reliability of components and infrastructures  Lack of compatible security architectures  Need for rapid configuration and reconfiguration by personnel with limited training  Limited models for coalition force operations Derived from LeRoy Pearce (Canadian MOD), 1999 CoAX/Briefing - 5

  6. Key Technical Drivers CoAX  Cannot assume interoperability, reliability or availability of different nations systems  Need for partial (secure) sharing and visualization of processes, data and facilities  Need to work with agents in multiple dynamically determined domains  Need for flexible inter-agent task, process & event management  Need for rapid formation, management and change of agent relationships CoAX/Briefing - 6

  7. CoAX Components CoAX Agent Frameworks KAoS Agents (Boeing, IHMC) NOMADS Mobile Agents (IHMC) EMAA/CAST Agents (LM-ATL) Agents on the Grid D’Agents (Dartmouth) AODB Agent (LM-ATL) eGents (OBJS) Observer Agents (Dartmouth) eGents E-mail Agents (OBJS) Malicious Agents (IHMC) DARPA LAN Grid Web Weather Agent (USC/ISI) LAN CoABS Grid … (GITI, ISX) LAN Military Systems Agent Grid Services CAMPS (AFRL,GITI, BBN) Task and Process Management (AIAI) MBP (DERA) Domain Management Services (IHMC, Boeing) … Asynchronous Wireless Connectivity (OBJS) Plan Deconfliction (Michigan) CoAX/Briefing - 7

  8. Agent Domain CoAX Management in CoAX Broadens typical distributed security concerns to include:  Access management: Who can access what services?  Registration management: Who can join the domain under what  circumstances? Resource management: Who can have which kind and how much of  a given computing resource? Mobility management: What constraints should be placed on mobile  code? Communication management: What constraints govern interaction  between conversing agents? Obligation management: Are agents meeting their commitments?  Initial capability shown in 9-month demo Initial Capability slated for 18-month demo Initial capability slated for 30-month demo CoAX/Briefing - 8

  9. Task, Process, and Event CoAX Management in CoAX  Initially maintains an overview of the current status of the coalition C2 processes in accessible shared military terms.  Can take on and address “issues” in the C2 process.  Later adds the ability to monitor, plan and control the coalition C2 processes and deal with events arising from execution.  Links to and assists with domain management, authority, exception management and other Grid management services.  To be packaged as generic task and process management facilities that can be made available to other Grid applications. Initial capability shown in 9-month demo Initial Capability slated for 18-month demo Initial capability slated for 30-month demo CoAX/Briefing - 9

  10. Demo Overview CoAX  Focus on information-gathering phase of a Coalition Operation  First interoperation of agent-wrapped legacy and existing US and UK systems (AFRL/BBN/GITI CAMPS and DERA MBP)  Agents and domains  6 agent domains and ~25 agents  USC/ISI Ariadne agent providing publicly-available weather info  Initial AIAI Process Panel  Domain management functionality  Malicious observer agent thwarted by IHMC KAoS domain management and NOMADS resource control mechanisms  IHMC KAoS Policy Administration Tool (KPAT) administering communication, registration, and resource policies  Stand-alone demonstrations:  MIT exception handling  U. Michigan plan deconfliction  Dartmouth ‘observer agents’  OBJS eGents CoAX/Briefing - 10

  11. Briefing Outline CoAX  Aims and Contributions  Demonstration  Next Steps and Summary CoAX/Briefing - 11

  12. Coalition Domain Types CoAX UK Country Other 'Domain' Nation's 'Domain' JFAC HQ's Organizational 'Domain' JTFHQ's Organizational 'Domain' Tactical Air Operations Functional 'Domain' US Country 'Domain' CoAX/Briefing - 12

  13. Current Demo Agents and Domains CoAX Gao Intel Db ii DM2 Intel2 MM2 Db i JTF HQ JFAC HQ PP' US MM3 MBP DM3 Intel1 DM4 MM4 AL Plan Weather Observers AODB MM1 Viz (Intel) MM5 DM1 DAO DM5 Gao Obs. LM-ATL CAMPS Ariadne GAO AODB Weather ALDB NOMADS Guarded “Observers” CoAX/Briefing - 13

  14. Binni - Gateway to the CoAX Golden Bowl of Africa Kaso Cape Amstado Lagoon Daka Pra Cape Vincent Rathmell, R.A. (1999) A Coalition Force Scenario 'Binni - Gateway to the Golden Bowl of Africa', In Proceedings of the International Workshop on Knowledge-Based Planning for Coalition Forces, (ed. Tate, A.) pp. 115-125, Edinburgh, Scotland, 10th-11th May 1999. CoAX/Briefing - 14

  15. Forces separated by Firestorm Cape Kaso GAO Lagoon Amstado Daka Binni Gao forces Pra Agadez Cape Vincent forces AGADEZ

  16. GRAND UN GOVERNMENTS STRATEGIC UN Secretary National Grand Strategic CoAX General Joint HQs OGDs HOME BASE MILITARY UN SRSG STRATEGIC NGOs THEATRE US JOINT TASK FORCE HQ JTFC Joint Task Force (JTF HQ) Commander Staffs: J1 - 9 + Nat'l Reps Other Components: OPERATIONAL GAO Joint Force Maritime Joint Force Land Joint Force Air Component Commander Component Commander Component Commander LOGISTICS, (JFMCC in JFMC HQ) (JFLCC in JFLC HQ) (JFACC in JFAC HQ) MARINES, Staffs: N1 - 9 + Nat'l Reps Staffs: G1 - 9 + Nat'l Reps Staffs: A1 - 9 + Nat'l Reps SF etc JFMCC JFLCC JFACC Coalition Coalition Coalition Nat'l Nat'l Nat'l TACTICAL Maritime Pers- Land Pers- Air Pers- onnel onnel onnel Units Units Units Binni Coalition - C2 Structure and Commanders' Responsibilities CoAX/Briefing - 16

  17. Grandville Antok Red Sea GAO Kaso Cape Kaso Lagoon Amstado To Cunmege Dado Q Minga Gamba Libar Anala Bave CACA Biloo Laval 876 Kolla REGION Zatu Hakkali Dinga Nanga Q Higgville Caca Dam Q Esuko Laponga SIKASSO Masembi Brongo 527  Q Daka Asoba BANDAR CACA REGION NORTHERN REGION Blackman Binni Tonka 268 BANDAR 788 Gambaga Bonrope REGION Jinja Gao 775 Kamongo Wonka Sagiba Zaribe UGWULU forces  Adaido 123 175 WESTERN REGION Aida Q Achobo Gonobo Grandvache Kwanabouri Saltpond ASHANTI REGION Zingato Libretto Diplombo 613 Elmina Epidurango CENTRAL REGION Nedalla 707 Komenda  Jamestown LAKI Pra Donga 482 Sandosta St Andrews COSTA DEL Q AGADEZ Polia Slafito Laki Safari MARIA 390  Agadez Park Kingtown Slabo Sago- UPPER REGION Cape Sellerham 752 town Vincent Forces Sonara  Suthertown 588 Salisbury Langford Lissa Bisha EASTERN REGION 436 Wazilla Belucar Wampimba Akimbo False Agadez Kutchi Anguiba 542 Deanville forces 613 To Petit Paris AGADEZ Bisa

  18. Observers Domain Structure CoAX Gao Intel JTF HQ JFAC HQ US Observers (Intel) MM DAO DM Gao Obs. GAO NOMADS Guarded “Observers” CoAX/Briefing - 18

  19. Briefing Outline CoAX  Aims and Contributions  Demonstration  Next Steps and Summary CoAX/Briefing - 19

  20. CoAX Demo Emphasis CoAX Execution Initial Planning Recovery • Political aims • Conflict resolution • Variable Organizations • Military guidance • Re-deployment • An opponent • Campaign planning • Peace support • Campaign re-planning • Commander's intent • Short-notice taskings • Deployment • Operation execution • Execution monitoring • Reporting / feedback • Outcome assessment Dynamic / iterative More Linear More Linear uncertain Is the focus of the Is the focus of the CoAX 18-month current demo demo CoAX 30-month demo Covers all the above, plus greater levels of dynamic response and adaptation to changes in Coalition structures, capabilities and services. CoAX/Briefing - 20

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