time coalition update time coalition update central

TIME Coalition Update TIME Coalition Update Central Yavapai - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

TIME Coalition Update TIME Coalition Update Central Yavapai Municipal Central Yavapai Municipal Planning Organization Planning Organization Jack Lunsford WESTMARC and TIME Coalition Treasurer Who is the TIME Coalition? Who is the TIME

  1. TIME Coalition Update TIME Coalition Update Central Yavapai Municipal Central Yavapai Municipal Planning Organization Planning Organization Jack Lunsford WESTMARC and TIME Coalition Treasurer

  2. Who is the TIME Coalition? Who is the TIME Coalition? • A coalition of business organizations and individuals looking to participate in a process to identify solutions to our statewide transportation problems. • We are looking to collaborate with the Governor, the Legislature, cities, towns, transportation experts, and others to develop a comprehensive transportation plan that will reduce congestion, and continue to build the economy.

  3. TIME Members TIME Members APS Greater Phoenix Economic Council • • • Arizona Association of Realtors • Greater Phoenix Leadership • Arizona Bankers Association • Home Builders Association of Central Arizona • Arizona Chamber of Commerce North Eastern Pinal Economic • Arizona Multihousing Association • Partnership • Arizona Free Enterprise Club • Pinal Partnership • Arizona Rock Products Association Salt River Project • • Arizona Tax Research Association • Southern Arizona Leadership Arizona Tourism Alliance • Council • Arizona Transit Association Southwest Rail Corridor • • Associated General Contractors - Association Coalition Arizona Chapter • Swift Transportation Bullhead Area Chamber of • • Tucson Electric Power Commerce Tucson Metropolitan Chamber of • • East Valley Chambers of Commerce Commerce Alliance • Tucson Utility Contractors • East Valley Partnership Association • Flagstaff Chamber of Commerce • WESTMARC Greater Phoenix Chamber of • • White Mountain Regional Commerce Transportation Committee

  4. TIME Coalition Genesis TIME Coalition Genesis • BUSINESS LEADERS COUNCIL (2006) - Name Lunsford & Arnett, Co-Chairs for Transportation Issues • ACCELERATE PROP 400 – Marty Shultz • LUNSFORD, ARNETT, SHULTZ BRAINSTORM - Commerce and Economy Issue - Statewide Issue - Need to “Build the Case” • REGIONAL TRANSPORTATION SUMMITS • TIME COALITION FORMS - Chairman – David Martin, AGC - Secretary – Roc Arnett, EVP - Treasurer – Jack Lunsford, WESTMARC

  5. TIME Coalition Principles TIME Coalition Principles Our coalition is made up of organizations and individuals joined to promote • and advocate for the continued improvement and coordination of the transportation priorities for every city, town, Native American community, and county throughout the State of Arizona. • The Coalition believes that a quality transportation system drives commerce and is essential for the economic future of our state. Congestion hurts economic growth and impacts our quality of life. The Coalition believes that future transportation planning must accomplish the • following: Preserve new corridors that promote connectivity – – Expand capacity to reduce congestion – Integrate use of multimodal transportation solutions Equally consider privatization options that will expand capacity, expedite – construction, and potentially lower costs – Consider opportunities to increase our ability to transport goods and services Build a better quality of life – – Improve our environment – Proactively support right of way preservation and access control

  6. TIME Coalition Goals TIME Coalition Goals Identify funding options to address the long-term needs of a statewide • multimodal transportation system. Establish a process and timeline involving the Legislature, Executive • leadership, ADOT, Councils of Governments, Metropolitan Planning organizations, Native American communities, and the Business community. This process and timeline should be approved by the Legislature to develop a statewide transportation plan by May 31, 2007. The process would return a statewide transportation plan to the Legislature by • December 31, 2007 for approval. • Place the comprehensive statewide transportation plan on the ballot for General Election 2008 or as soon as practically possible. • In addition to the long-term transportation strategy, the committee targets to secure $500 million in immediate funding to pay for a portion of the most urgent statewide transportation needs.

  7. TIME Coalition Actions TIME Coalition Actions • BLUE RIBBON TASK FORCE LEGISLATION • FRAMEWORK STUDY LEGISLATION/FUNDING • “BUILDING THE CASE” WITH EDITORIAL BOARDS: - The Arizona Republic - East Valley Tribune - Arizona Daily Star - West Valley

  8. TIME Coalition Actions TIME Coalition Actions • “BUILDING THE CASE” WITH: - MAG & TPC Chairs - Legislators - Legislative Staff - Governor’s Growth Cabinet - Governor’s Staff - ADOT Director - MAG Staff / Inter Govs - COGs/MPOs

  9. Key Messages Key Messages • Transportation is a growing problem that will have a negative impact on our economic future as a state . • A long term comprehensive transportation plan should be explored and developed to give everyone a better understanding of our real transportation needs and how much potential solutions would cost . • It is premature to discuss funding sources or assume any sort of taxation without first developing a comprehensive plan and gaining a better understanding of all available privatization options .

  10. Key Messages Key Messages • Congestion is already hurting Arizona’s economy . It not only impacts quality of life – it also hurts economic growth. Time spent in traffic is costly for business and ultimately impacts the cost to the consumer. • Arizona does not have the capacity to handle projected population growth . In the past, the shortfalls of transportation planning have been attributed to underestimations of population, capacity requirements, unforeseen growth, and constrained budget planning. It is estimated the state’s population will hit 12 MM by 2030 and 16 MM by 2050.

  11. Key Messages Key Messages • Construction costs continue to increase . As each year passes, the costs of transportation planning, labor and materials and right of way increase. This is a global problem based on economic pressures and the rising costs of labor and materials such as concrete and steel. The longer we wait to fix the problem, the more it is going to cost. • A plan is needed to drive the budget and privatization . TIME has been steadfast in stating that a long term comprehensive statewide transportation plan is needed so a budget for a potential solution can be crafted.

  12. TIME Letter to the Legislature TIME Letter to the Legislature • We do not support shifting funds (e.g. HURF) to change the funding formula on existing transportation money. • We support funding for the statewide transportation framework studies. • We believe that STAN funding is temporary account and support additional funding. ( Ed. Note: It is an important tool that should be considered in any long-term plan .) • We believe AZ’s future economy depends on a well- developed & well-funded transportation system that effectively moves goods & services.

  13. MAG Framework Studies MAG Framework Studies Framework studies result in a detailed, long-range transportation • network that can support the projected growth within a study area. • Unlike the typical long-range plan, such as the MAG Regional Transportation Plan, the framework studies are not tied to a set time horizon but rather use information about the active and planned developments and land use plans, to develop projections. • Framework studies are especially relevant to areas that may have modest population levels today but are projected to be major urbanized areas in the future. • The framework studies result in an integrated system of freeways, parkways and arterial streets that are needed to support the projected growth. In particular, the framework identifies major corridors and future • interchange locations.

  14. MAG Reconnaissance Process MAG Reconnaissance Process

  15. TIME Coalition TIME Coalition Thank You! Thank You! Questions? Questions?


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