cmb polarisation toward an observational proof of cosmic

CMB Polarisation: Toward an Observational Proof of Cosmic Inflation - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

CMB Polarisation: Toward an Observational Proof of Cosmic Inflation Eiichiro Komatsu, Max-Planck-Institut fr Astrophysik Higgs Centre Colloquium, Univ. of Edinburgh February 27, 2015 March 17, 2014 BICEP2s announcement January 30, 2015

  1. CMB Polarisation: Toward an Observational Proof of Cosmic Inflation Eiichiro Komatsu, Max-Planck-Institut für Astrophysik Higgs Centre Colloquium, Univ. of Edinburgh February 27, 2015

  2. March 17, 2014 BICEP2’s announcement

  3. January 30, 2015 Joint Analysis of BICEP2 data and Planck data

  4. The search continues!! COBE WMAP 1989–1993 2001–2010 Planck 202X– 2009–2013

  5. WMAP Spacecraft Spacecraft WMAP Radiative Cooling: No Cryogenic System upper omni antenna back to back line of sight Gregorian optics, 1.4 x 1.6 m primaries 60K passive thermal radiator focal plane assembly feed horns secondary reflectors 90K thermally isolated instrument cylinder 300K warm spacecraft with: medium gain antennae - instrument electronics - attitude control/propulsion - command/data handling deployed solar array w/ web shielding - battery and power control MAP990422

  6. WMAP Science Team July 19, 2002

  7. WMAP Collaboration 23 GHz

  8. WMAP Collaboration 33 GHz

  9. WMAP Collaboration 41 GHz

  10. WMAP Collaboration 61 GHz

  11. WMAP Collaboration 94 GHz

  12. Data Analysis • Decompose temperature fluctuations in the sky into a set of waves with various wavelengths • Make a diagram showing the strength of each wavelength

  13. WMAP Collaboration Amplitude of Waves [ μ K 2 ] Long Wavelength Short Wavelength 180 degrees/(angle in the sky)

  14. The Power Spectrum, Explained

  15. Outstanding Questions • Where does anisotropy in CMB temperature come from? • This is the origin of galaxies, stars, planets, and everything else we see around us, including ourselves • The leading idea: quantum fluctuations in vacuum, stretched to cosmological length scales by a rapid exponential expansion of the universe called “ cosmic inflation ” in the very early universe

  16. Starobinsky (1980); Sato (1981); Guth (1981); Linde (1982); Albrecht & Steinhardt (1982) Cosmic Inflation • In a tiny fraction of a second, the size of an atomic nucleus became the size of the Solar System • In 10 –36 second, space was stretched by at least a factor of 10 26

  17. Stretching Micro to Macro Quantum fluctuations on microscopic scales Inflation! • Quantum fluctuations cease to be quantum • Become macroscopic, classical fluctuations

  18. Scalar and Tensor Modes • A distance between two points in space d ` 2 = a 2 ( t )[1 + 2 ⇣ ( x , t )][ � ij + h ij ( x , t )] dx i dx j • ζ : “curvature perturbation” (scalar mode) • Perturbation to the determinant of the spatial metric • h ij : “gravitational waves” (tensor mode) • Perturbation that does not change the determinant (area) X h ii = 0 i

  19. Tensor-to-scalar Ratio r ⌘ h h ij h ij i h ζ 2 i • We really want to find this quantity! • The upper bound from the temperature anisotropy data: r<0.1 [WMAP & Planck]

  20. Heisenberg’s Uncertainty Principle • You can borrow energy from vacuum, if you promise to return it immediately • [Energy you can borrow] x [Time you borrow] = constant

  21. Heisenberg’s Uncertainty Principle • [Energy you can borrow] x [Time you borrow] = constant • Suppose that the distance between two points increases in proportion to a(t) [which is called the scale factor] by the expansion of the universe • Define the “expansion rate of the universe” as H ≡ ˙ a [This has units of 1/time] a

  22. Fluctuations are proportional to H • [Energy you can borrow] x [Time you borrow] = constant H ≡ ˙ a • [This has units of 1/time] a • Then, both ζ and h ij are proportional to H • Inflation occurs in 10 –36 second - this is such a short period of time that you can borrow a lot of energy! H during inflation in energy units is 10 14 GeV

  23. WMAP Collaboration Amplitude of Waves [ μ K 2 ] Long Wavelength Short Wavelength 180 degrees/(angle in the sky)

  24. Amplitude of Waves [ μ K 2 ] Long Wavelength Short Wavelength Removing Ripples: Power Spectrum of Primordial Fluctuations 180 degrees/(angle in the sky)

  25. Amplitude of Waves [ μ K 2 ] Long Wavelength Short Wavelength Removing Ripples: Power Spectrum of Primordial Fluctuations 180 degrees/(angle in the sky)

  26. Amplitude of Waves [ μ K 2 ] Long Wavelength Short Wavelength Removing Ripples: Power Spectrum of Primordial Fluctuations 180 degrees/(angle in the sky)

  27. Amplitude of Waves [ μ K 2 ] Long Wavelength Short Wavelength Let’s parameterise like Wave Amp. ∝ ` n s − 1 180 degrees/(angle in the sky)

  28. Amplitude of Waves [ μ K 2 ] Long Wavelength Short Wavelength WMAP 9-Year Only: 2001–2010 n s =0.972±0.013 (68%CL) Wave Amp. ∝ ` n s − 1 180 degrees/(angle in the sky)

  29. Amplitude of Waves [ μ K 2 ] South Pole Telescope [10-m in South Pole] 1000 Atacama Cosmology Telescope [6-m in Chile] 100

  30. Amplitude of Waves [ μ K 2 ] South Pole Telescope [10-m in South Pole] 1000 n s =0.965±0.010 Atacama Cosmology Telescope [6-m in Chile] 100

  31. Amplitude of Waves [ μ K 2 ] 2009–2013 Planck 2013 Result! Residual 180 degrees/(angle in the sky)

  32. Amplitude of Waves [ μ K 2 ] 2009–2013 Planck 2013 Result! n s =0.960±0.007 First >5 σ discovery of n s <1 from the CMB data alone Residual 180 degrees/(angle in the sky)

  33. Expectations • Inflation must end • Inflation predicts n s ~1, but not exactly equal to 1. Usually n s <1 is expected • The discovery of n s <1 has been the dream of cosmologists since 1992, when the CMB anisotropy was discovered and n s ~1 (to within 10%) was indicated Slava Mukhanov said in his 1981 paper that n s should be less than 1

  34. Courtesy of David Larson WMAP(temp+pol)+ACT+SPT+BAO+H 0 WMAP(pol) + Planck + BAO ruled out! No Evidence for Gravitational Waves in CMB Temperature Anisotropy

  35. How do we know that primordial fluctuations were of quantum mechanical origin ?

  36. Fraction of the Number of Pixels Having Those Temperatures Quantum Fluctuations give a Gaussian distribution of temperatures. Do we see this in the WMAP data? [Values of Temperatures in the Sky Minus 2.725 K] / [Root Mean Square]

  37. Fraction of the Number of Pixels Having Those Temperatures Histogram: WMAP Data Red Line: Gaussian YES!! [Values of Temperatures in the Sky Minus 2.725 K] / [Root Mean Square]

  38. Testing Gaussianity Fraction of the Number of Pixels Since a Gauss distribution Having Those Temperatures is symmetric, it must yield a vanishing 3-point function Z ∞ h δ T 3 i ⌘ d δ T P ( δ T ) δ T 3 −∞ More specifically, we measure Histogram: WMAP Data this using temperatures at Red Line: Gaussian three different locations and average: [Values of Temperatures in the Sky Minus h δ T (ˆ n 1 ) δ T (ˆ n 2 ) δ T (ˆ n 3 ) i 2.725 K]/ [Root Mean Square]

  39. Non-Gaussianity : A Powerful Test of Quantum Fluctuations • The WMAP data show that the distribution of temperature fluctuations of CMB is very precisely Gaussian • with an upper bound on a deviation of 0.2% • With improved data provided by the Planck mission, the upper bound is now 0.03%

  40. CMB Research: Next Frontier Primordial Gravitational Waves Extraordinary claims require extraordinary evidence. The same quantum fluctuations could also generate gravitational waves, and we wish to find them

  41. CMB Polarisation • CMB is [weakly] polarised!

  42. Stokes Parameters North East

  43. WMAP Collaboration 23 GHz Stokes Q Stokes U

  44. WMAP Collaboration 23 GHz North Stokes Q Stokes U East

  45. WMAP Collaboration 33 GHz Stokes Q Stokes U

  46. WMAP Collaboration 41 GHz Stokes Q Stokes U

  47. WMAP Collaboration 61 GHz Stokes Q Stokes U

  48. WMAP Collaboration 94 GHz Stokes Q Stokes U

  49. How many components? • CMB: T ν ~ ν 0 • Synchrotron: T ν ~ ν –3 • Dust: T ν ~ ν 2 • Therefore, we need at least 3 frequencies to separate them

  50. Seeing polarisation in the WMAP data • Average polarisation data around cold and hot temperature spots • Outside of the Galaxy mask [not shown], there are 11536 hot spots and 11752 cold spots • Averaging them beats the noise down

  51. WMAP Collaboration Radial and tangential polarisation around temperature spots • This shows polarisation generated by the plasma flowing into gravitational potentials • Signatures of the “scalar mode” fluctuations in polarisation • These patterns are called “ E modes ”

  52. Planck Collaboration Planck Data!

  53. Seljak & Zaldarriaga (1997); Kamionkowski et al. (1997) E and B modes • Density fluctuations [scalar modes] can only generate E modes • Gravitational waves can generate both E and B modes E mode B mode

  54. Physics of CMB Polarisation By Wayne Hu • Necessary and sufficient conditions for generating polarisation in CMB: • Thomson scattering • Quadrupolar temperature anisotropy around an electron

  55. Origin of Quadrupole • Scalar perturbations : motion of electrons with respect to photons • Tensor perturbations : gravitational waves

  56. Gravitational waves are coming toward you! • What do they do to the distance between particles?

  57. Two GW modes • Anisotropic stretching of space generates quadrupole temperature anisotropy. How?


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