climate sensitivity

Climate Sensitivity We consider climate sensitivity in a very simple - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

Climate Sensitivity We consider climate sensitivity in a very simple context. Climate Sensitivity We consider climate sensitivity in a very simple context. We consider a single-layer isothermal atmosphere. Climate Sensitivity We consider

  1. Climate Sensitivity We consider climate sensitivity in a very simple context.

  2. Climate Sensitivity We consider climate sensitivity in a very simple context. • We consider a single-layer isothermal atmosphere.

  3. Climate Sensitivity We consider climate sensitivity in a very simple context. • We consider a single-layer isothermal atmosphere. • We assume the system is in radiative balance.

  4. Climate Sensitivity We consider climate sensitivity in a very simple context. • We consider a single-layer isothermal atmosphere. • We assume the system is in radiative balance. • We assume the atmosphere is almost transparent to shortwave radiation.

  5. Climate Sensitivity We consider climate sensitivity in a very simple context. • We consider a single-layer isothermal atmosphere. • We assume the system is in radiative balance. • We assume the atmosphere is almost transparent to shortwave radiation. • We assume the atmosphere is relatively opaque to longwave radiation.

  6. Climate Sensitivity We consider climate sensitivity in a very simple context. • We consider a single-layer isothermal atmosphere. • We assume the system is in radiative balance. • We assume the atmosphere is almost transparent to shortwave radiation. • We assume the atmosphere is relatively opaque to longwave radiation. • We assume the Earth radiates like a blackbody.

  7. Climate Sensitivity We consider climate sensitivity in a very simple context. • We consider a single-layer isothermal atmosphere. • We assume the system is in radiative balance. • We assume the atmosphere is almost transparent to shortwave radiation. • We assume the atmosphere is relatively opaque to longwave radiation. • We assume the Earth radiates like a blackbody. Problems: • Compute the equilibrium temperature of the surface and of the atmosphere.

  8. Climate Sensitivity We consider climate sensitivity in a very simple context. • We consider a single-layer isothermal atmosphere. • We assume the system is in radiative balance. • We assume the atmosphere is almost transparent to shortwave radiation. • We assume the atmosphere is relatively opaque to longwave radiation. • We assume the Earth radiates like a blackbody. Problems: • Compute the equilibrium temperature of the surface and of the atmosphere. • Investigate the effects of changing parameters on the temperature.

  9. Exercise: 2

  10. Exercise: Assume that the atmosphere can be regarded as a thin layer with an absorbtivity of a S = 0 . 1 for shortwave (solar) radia- tion and a L = 0 . 8 for longwave (terrestrial) radiation. Assume the Earth’s albedo is A = 0 . 3 and the solar constant is F solar = 1370 W m − 2 . Assume that the earth’s surface radiates as a blackbody at all wavelengths. ⋆ ⋆ ⋆ 2

  11. Exercise: Assume that the atmosphere can be regarded as a thin layer with an absorbtivity of a S = 0 . 1 for shortwave (solar) radia- tion and a L = 0 . 8 for longwave (terrestrial) radiation. Assume the Earth’s albedo is A = 0 . 3 and the solar constant is F solar = 1370 W m − 2 . Assume that the earth’s surface radiates as a blackbody at all wavelengths. ⋆ ⋆ ⋆ Calculate the radiative equilibrium temperature T E of the surface and the sensitivity of T E to changes in the following parameters: • Absorbtivity of the atmosphere to shortwave radiation • Absorbtivity of the atmosphere to longwave radiation • Planetary albedo • Solar constant 2

  12. Solution: 3

  13. Solution: The net solar irradiance F S absorbed by the earth-atmosphere system is equal to the solar constant reduced by the albedo and by the areal factor of four: � 1 − A � F solar = 0 . 7 4 × 1370 = 240 W m − 2 F S = 4 4

  14. Solution: The net solar irradiance F S absorbed by the earth-atmosphere system is equal to the solar constant reduced by the albedo and by the areal factor of four: � 1 − A � F solar = 0 . 7 4 × 1370 = 240 W m − 2 F S = 4 Therefore, the incoming flux of solar radiation at the top of the atmosphere, averaged over the whole Earth, is F S = 240 W m − 2 . 4

  15. Solution: The net solar irradiance F S absorbed by the earth-atmosphere system is equal to the solar constant reduced by the albedo and by the areal factor of four: � 1 − A � F solar = 0 . 7 4 × 1370 = 240 W m − 2 F S = 4 Therefore, the incoming flux of solar radiation at the top of the atmosphere, averaged over the whole Earth, is F S = 240 W m − 2 . The absorbtivity for solar radiation is a S = 0 . 1 . We define the transmissivity as τ S = 1 − a S . 4

  16. Solution: The net solar irradiance F S absorbed by the earth-atmosphere system is equal to the solar constant reduced by the albedo and by the areal factor of four: � 1 − A � F solar = 0 . 7 4 × 1370 = 240 W m − 2 F S = 4 Therefore, the incoming flux of solar radiation at the top of the atmosphere, averaged over the whole Earth, is F S = 240 W m − 2 . The absorbtivity for solar radiation is a S = 0 . 1 . We define the transmissivity as τ S = 1 − a S . The downward flux of short wave radiation at the surface is the incoming flux multiplied by the transmissivity, τ S F S . 4

  17. Solution: The net solar irradiance F S absorbed by the earth-atmosphere system is equal to the solar constant reduced by the albedo and by the areal factor of four: � 1 − A � F solar = 0 . 7 4 × 1370 = 240 W m − 2 F S = 4 Therefore, the incoming flux of solar radiation at the top of the atmosphere, averaged over the whole Earth, is F S = 240 W m − 2 . The absorbtivity for solar radiation is a S = 0 . 1 . We define the transmissivity as τ S = 1 − a S . The downward flux of short wave radiation at the surface is the incoming flux multiplied by the transmissivity, τ S F S . Let F E be the longwave flux emitted upwards by the surface. 4

  18. Solution: The net solar irradiance F S absorbed by the earth-atmosphere system is equal to the solar constant reduced by the albedo and by the areal factor of four: � 1 − A � F solar = 0 . 7 4 × 1370 = 240 W m − 2 F S = 4 Therefore, the incoming flux of solar radiation at the top of the atmosphere, averaged over the whole Earth, is F S = 240 W m − 2 . The absorbtivity for solar radiation is a S = 0 . 1 . We define the transmissivity as τ S = 1 − a S . The downward flux of short wave radiation at the surface is the incoming flux multiplied by the transmissivity, τ S F S . Let F E be the longwave flux emitted upwards by the surface. Since the absorbtivity for terrestrial radiation is a L = 0 . 8 , the longwave transmissivity is τ L = 1 − a L = 0 . 2 . 4

  19. Thus, there results an upward flux at the top of the atmo- sphere of τ L F E . 5

  20. Thus, there results an upward flux at the top of the atmo- sphere of τ L F E . Let F L be the long wave flux emitted upwards by the atmo- sphere; this is also the long wave flux emitted downwards . 5

  21. Thus, there results an upward flux at the top of the atmo- sphere of τ L F E . Let F L be the long wave flux emitted upwards by the atmo- sphere; this is also the long wave flux emitted downwards . Thus, the total downward flux at the surface is τ S F S + F L 5

  22. Thus, there results an upward flux at the top of the atmo- sphere of τ L F E . Let F L be the long wave flux emitted upwards by the atmo- sphere; this is also the long wave flux emitted downwards . Thus, the total downward flux at the surface is τ S F S + F L Radiative balance at the surface (upward flux equal to down- ward flux) gives: F E = τ S F S + F L 5

  23. Thus, there results an upward flux at the top of the atmo- sphere of τ L F E . Let F L be the long wave flux emitted upwards by the atmo- sphere; this is also the long wave flux emitted downwards . Thus, the total downward flux at the surface is τ S F S + F L Radiative balance at the surface (upward flux equal to down- ward flux) gives: F E = τ S F S + F L The upward and downward fluxes at the top of the atmo- sphere must also be in balance, which gives us the relation F S = τ L F E + F L 5

  24. Thus, there results an upward flux at the top of the atmo- sphere of τ L F E . Let F L be the long wave flux emitted upwards by the atmo- sphere; this is also the long wave flux emitted downwards . Thus, the total downward flux at the surface is τ S F S + F L Radiative balance at the surface (upward flux equal to down- ward flux) gives: F E = τ S F S + F L The upward and downward fluxes at the top of the atmo- sphere must also be in balance, which gives us the relation F S = τ L F E + F L To find F E and F L , we solve the simultaneous equations F E − F L = τ S F S τ L F E + F L = F S 5

  25. Repeat: to find F E and F L , we must solve F E − F L = τ S F S τ L F E + F L = F S 6

  26. Repeat: to find F E and F L , we must solve F E − F L = τ S F S τ L F E + F L = F S This gives the values � 1 + τ S � � 1 − τ S τ L � F E = F S F L = F S 1 + τ L 1 + τ L ⋆ ⋆ ⋆ 6

  27. Repeat: to find F E and F L , we must solve F E − F L = τ S F S τ L F E + F L = F S This gives the values � 1 + τ S � � 1 − τ S τ L � F E = F S F L = F S 1 + τ L 1 + τ L ⋆ ⋆ ⋆ Assuming that the Earth radiates like a blackbody, the Stefan-Boltzman Law gives σT 4 surface = F E 6

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