climate change and its effect climate change and its

Climate Change and its Effect Climate Change and its Effect on - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

COP11 and COP/ MOP1 side event COP11 and COP/ MOP1 side event Global Challenges Toward Low- - Carbon Economy Carbon Economy Global Challenges Toward Low - Focus on Country Focus on Country- - Specific Scenario Analysis Specific Scenario

  1. COP11 and COP/ MOP1 side event COP11 and COP/ MOP1 side event Global Challenges Toward Low- - Carbon Economy Carbon Economy Global Challenges Toward Low - Focus on Country Focus on Country- - Specific Scenario Analysis Specific Scenario Analysis- - - Climate Change and its Effect Climate Change and its Effect on Sustainable Development on Sustainable Development December 3, 2005 December 3, 2005 Montreal Montreal Mr. Hiroshi Ohki Mr. Hiroshi Ohki Chairperson of COP3, Chairperson of COP3, Secretary General of GEA Secretary General of GEA Former Minster of the Environment, Japan Former Minster of the Environment, Japan

  2. � Honored by the Honored by the � presence of Their presence of Their Imperial Highnesses Imperial Highnesses Crown Prince Crown Prince Naruhito and Crown and Crown Naruhito Princess Masako Princess Masako � Prime Minister Prime Minister � Junichiro Koizumi Koizumi Junichiro encouraged GEA to encouraged GEA to take the lead in take the lead in realizing a realizing a sustainable society sustainable society


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