CITY OF BATAVIA DATE: January 13, 2006 TO: Plan Commission Historic Preservation Commission FROM: Jerry H. Swanson, Community Development Director SUBJECT: Joint Meeting to Consider Redevelopment of the Campana and Dreyer Properties, Northwest Corner of Fabyan Parkway and Batavia Avenue The Plan Commission and the Historic Preservation Commission are holding a joint meeting to hear a proposal from the owners of the Campana Building to redevelop the 14.47 acre site at the northwest corner of Fabyan Parkway and Batavia Avenue. The site is occupied by the landmark Campana building and the Dreyer Medical office building. The property owners, Tim Ward and Frank Mares, propose to acquire the approximately 5 acre Dreyer parcel, demolish the existing medical building, and to sell a portion of the Campana property to Dreyer for the construction of a new, larger medical office building. The owners will remove the non-historic additions on the north, west and south sides of the Campana building, and convert the historic portion to medical office, retail and related uses. The west side of the property will be sold to a builder for construction of a multi-family housing project. Some freestanding retail uses will be constructed on the Fabyan Parkway side of the project. The front parking area will be reconstructed to add enough parking to support the new uses on the site. Access to the site from Fabyan Parkway will be revised, possibly to include a future signalized access point to be jointly used by the Holmstad project on the south side of the street. Finally, the façade of the Campana building itself will be remodeled to permit contemporary office and retail uses to function. As of this writing staff has not seen the details of the proposal. Mr. Mares has indicated the development team will present a computer-animated overview of the project. It is hoped that the presentation will include enough detail about the project in general, and specifically about the façade renovations, to permit the Commissions to determine if the project merits further consideration by the City. The City is currently evaluating the possibility of establishing a tax increment finance district on the property. Should the project have merit, the City will entertain a partnership with the property owner/developers to pursue the redevelopment project. Critical to that determination is a finding that the historic Campana building will be preserved. Following the property owner presentation, staff would ask the two Commissions to provide feedback on the proposal from both planning and historic preservation perspectives. No formal action is requested at this early stage of the process. Specific issues to be addressed include: the site plan, including access points, building and parking locations; the density and general concept of the housing component; the appropriateness of the changes proposed to the Campana façade; the preservation of trees at the street intersection; and, the general acceptability of the project as a whole. As a reminder, the Campana property has local landmark status, therefore any change requires Historic Preservation Commission issuance of a Certificate of Appropriateness. Cc: Mayor & City Council Frank Mares Frank Muraca, ARCH Consultants, Holmstad Project Manager Dick Untch, City of Geneva Press File
Campana Building Adaptive Reuse January 18, 2006
Introduction � Public/Private Partnership � Bring Campana Building Back to Life � Redevelopment Agreement � TIF District � Discussion & Analysis � Campana Building History � Existing Conditions � Development Proposal � Conclusions � Next Steps 2
Campana Building History Landmark Characteristics � Tower � Entry Tower 100 Feet Tall � Houses Water Tank � Neon Sign, Visible for Miles, Night and Day � Entrance Lobby � Vertical Circulation to Upper Floors � Classic International Style Elements and Finishes � Building Exterior � Strong Horizontal Orientation � Extensive Glass Block � Smooth Finishes � Rounded Corners � Art Deco Color Scheme 3
4 Campana Building History
5 Campana Building History
6 Campana Building History
7 Streamline Moderne
Campana Building History � Original Use � Opened in 1937 as Single User Factory � Approximately 80,000 Square Feet � First Floor � Shipping, Receiving and Warehousing � Limited Access to the Tower Lobby � The First Floor is Entrance Challenged � Second and Third Floors � Manufacturing, Laboratory and Offices � Limited Egress, Code Compliance Issues � No view to the Outside 8
Campana Building History � North and South Wings � Two 15,000 Sq. Ft. Additions Added in 1960ies � Pre-Engineered Steel Structures � Significant Departure from Historical Elements � West Wing � 20,000 Sq. Ft. Addition Added in 1980ies � Pre-Engineered Steel Structures � Significant Departure from Historical Elements � Precludes Further Development West of Main Building 9
10 Campana Building History
Campana Building: Existing Conditions � Existing Conditions � Property Zoned I-1, Light Industrial � Ceiling Height too Low for Warehouse Functions � Small Bay Spacing Too Tight for Warehouse Functions � Minimal Parking Spaces � Poor Accessibility, ADA Compliance � Masonry Façade Chipped and Cracked � Checkerboard Replacement Glass Block 11
12 Small Bays
13 Tower Lobby Entrance to Elevator
Campana Building: Existing Conditions 14
Campana Building: Existing Conditions 15
Campana Building: Existing Conditions 16
17 Existing Conditions
Development Proposal Campana Building
Development Proposal � Re-assemble Site Surrounding Original Factory Building � Demolish Wings to Resurrect Original Structure and Recreate Its Elegance � Relocate Dreyer Medical Clinic from its Existing Building Southwest of the Original Factory to a New Clinic in the Open Space Along the Northeast Boundary � Construct New Retail Space in the Open Space Southeast of the Original Factory Building � Revitalize First Floor of Factory Building with New Retail Space 19
Development Proposal � Provide Parking in Front of the Buildings � The 2 nd and 3 rd Floors Will be Converted to Professional Office Space � 5+ Acre Parcel West of the Original Factory Will be Redevelopment for Multifamily Housing � Frame and Preserve the View from Fabyan Parkway and Batavia Avenue for Future Generations 20
21 Development Proposal
22 Development Proposal
23 Development Proposal
24 Development Proposal
25 Development Proposal
26 Development Proposal
Conclusions � Campana � The project will save the Campana building, return it to its 1937 configuration and renovate the building to insure its financial viability � To achieve this goal: � External TIF funding is required and � Sufficient development adjacent to the property is necessary to support the adaptive reuse of this building � Dreyer clinic must be relocated to North area on front lawn � The first floor of Campana must be renovated for retail use � The upper floors of Campana will be office use � The North, South and West wings will be demolished � The building exterior will be completely rebuilt � Special emphasis on glass block replacement and � Signage for entire site 27
Conclusions � Residential � Significant residential development is required to provide the necessary EAV and enough density to support redevelopment of the Campana building � Assemblage of the Dreyer property and demolition of the West wing (with associated tenant relocation cost) is necessary to create the residential site and permit Campana redevelopment 28
Conclusions � Retail � Significant retail development is required to provide the necessary EAV and enough density to support redevelopment of the Campana building � To achieve the necessary critical mass to support retail development, new building construction and retail space in Campana is necessary � The retail building at the Southeast corner provides a significant cash contribution to the project and reduces site development cost and TIF funding requirements � Eliminating the retail building at the Southeast corner is possible but with significant negative financial consequences 29
Next Steps � Determine Project Scope � Number and configuration of residential units � New retail development building(s) � First floor Campana retail � Complete Redevelopment Agreement � Establish TIF 30
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