chp renewable energy the perfect marriage chp is not in

CHP & Renewable Energy The Perfect Marriage CHP is not in an - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

CHP & Renewable Energy The Perfect Marriage CHP is not in an Evolution, but Rather a Revolution Late 19th century Reciprocating steam engines powered the first electric generators in the 1880's Because they were

  1. CHP & Renewable Energy The Perfect Marriage

  2. CHP is not in an Evolution, but Rather a “Revolution” • Late 19th century • Reciprocating steam engines powered the first electric generators in the 1880's • Because they were inefficient, a lot of waste steam was generated • This steam was sent from the power plant, via piping networks, to buildings for heating purposes • One of the first district heating applications was in 1884 for the Del Coronado Hotel in San Diego, CA • The New York Steam Company began providing service in Lower Manhattan on March 3, 1882

  3. A Brief History of Energy Generation (USA) (cont’d) In September of 1882 Edison used a steam engine to drive his dynamo to generate direct current electric power for a central power generating station on Pearl Street in New York City http://www.electric- Electricity.htm

  4. A Brief History of Energy Generation (USA) (cont’d) • The 20th century • In an effort to satisfy expanding energy needs, larger and larger steam turbine generating stations were built • Generating efficiencies improved from 3.7% in 1902 to 16.5% in 1932 • Federal regulation of the utility industry began in the 1930's, generation and supply of electrical energy were separate from generation and supply of heat energy. This model would predominate well into the 1980's • Following WWII power demand started increasing 10% annually until the 70s where increase in power demand dropped to 5% and it is almost flat today • This led to even larger power plants – mainly coal – being built away from the cities

  5. The Current State of CHP • The 21st century • Fast forward 100+ years from the first CHP plant, and we see CHP taking on a whole new role in the energy sector Energy Efficiency Lower ecological footprint Flexibility (fuel source, Resilience demand response) Affordability Security

  6. The Current State of CHP (cont’d)

  7. Renewable Energy’s Boom Driving Factors • Incentive programs • Subsidies and grants • Fee-in tariffs (long-term contracts) • Tax deductions (up to 30% of installation costs in the US) • Decreasing manufacturing and installation costs (1) • 2012 to 2014: 60% drop in cost of Solar PV • Residential PV cost in 2014: $4.25 per Watt • Residential PV cost in 2017: $2.88 per Watt (projected) • Utility-scale solar in 2009: $7 per Watt • Utility-scale solar in 2014: $2.5 per Watt • Low financing costs (low interest rates) (1)

  8. Renewable Energy’s Boom The Result - Solar PV Growth

  9. Renewable Energy’s Boom The Result - Wind Energy Growth

  10. CHP and Renewable Energy Sources Biomass CHP Carbon- Neutral? Absolutely!

  11. CHP and Renewable Energy Sources CHP and Geothermal Energy PG&E completes Unit 1, the first commercial geothermal electric unit in the Western Hemisphere, generating 11 megawatts of electricity (1960) http://www.geysers. com/history.aspx

  12. CHP and Renewable Energy Sources CHP and Geothermal Energy (Cont’d) Traditional Geothermal

  13. CHP and Renewable Energy Sources CHP and Geothermal Energy (Cont’d) CHP & Geothermal The cooling towers are replaced with one or more circuits that supply hot water to nearby houses and buildings. http://decarboni. se/publications/geothermal- electricity-and-combined-heat- power/combined-heat-power

  14. CHP and Renewable Energy Sources CHP and Concentrating Solar (

  15. CHP and Renewable Energy Sources Solar Cogeneration

  16. CHP and Renewable Energy Sources CHP and Wind/Solar PV CHP makes up for intermittency and unpredictability

  17. CHP and Renewable Energy Sources Thermal versus Electric Energy Storage

  18. CHP and Renewable Energy Sources Thermal versus Electric Energy Storage Load leveling • Thermal energy storage can improve part load efficiency by up to 10% (varies based on project conditions) thereby reducing operational costs Peak shaving • Thermal energy storage can also serve in reducing the peak capacity of a CHP plant by up to 10% (varies based on project conditions) thereby reducing capital costs

  19. Examples of High-Performance CHP (cont’d) Innovation Park - Muscat – Oman

  20. Examples of High-Performance CHP (cont’d) Innovation Park - Muscat – Oman

  21. Examples of High-Performance CHP (cont’d) Innovation Park - Muscat – Oman Performance highlights • The ultimate Tri-generation Design combined with renewable energy with one of world highest performance • Overall efficiency of 87% for generation + heat recovery • Overall COP of 3.6 Awards: • Climate Control Magazine/ CPI Industry - “DC PRO Engineering” and “The Research Council of Oman” have jointly won the distinguished award for “Honorable Mention for Sustainable Project of the Year”

  22. Examples of High-Performance CHP (cont’d) Innovation Park - Muscat – Oman

  23. Examples of High-Performance CHP (cont’d) Innovation Park - Muscat – Oman • Serving 20 Buildings dedicated to research, innovation & higher education • 4 x 1450 KW high efficiency (41.7%) Natural Gas Generators with two-stage Exhaust heat recovery (first stage to produce 10 Bar steam & second stage to produce hot water) and Jacket Heat Recovery • Synchronized with the grid to provide backup and to shoulder the Gas engines’ operation • Jacket and 2nd stage Heat Recovery serving 2 x 450 Ton single-effect absorption chillers (COP= 0.7) • Exhaust Heat recovery produce steam at 205 deg. C serving triple-effect absorption chillers 2 Nos. x 550 Ton Capacity (COP = 1.75 to 1.8) • The absorption chillers are put in series with 4 x 1,450 Ton series counterflow pair of Water cooled centrifugal chillers fed by electricity from NG engine generators • Thermal Energy storage of 1,800 Ton peak capacity and 10,250 Ton-Hr offers load leveling and operating flexibility. It also optimize capital cost of both generating plant and chiller plant • 1 MW Photovoltaic plant synchronized with the NG generators to provide the renewable component and work as supplementary power


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