ChAT-Meeting, Nürnberg 30 September 2011 Hue San Do
European Benchmarking Chinese Project (EBCL) Common European Framework of References for Languages: Learning, teaching assessment European Benchmarking Chinese Project Challenges and Opportunities
European Benchmarking Chinese Project (EBCL) � Background � Objectives � Implications � Project team � Work done so far
European Benchmarking Chinese Project (EBCL) Backgrounds to the project - Increasing demand and provision for Chinese language in Europe - Increasing collaboration between Europe and China - Need for some coherence in Chinese language learning, teaching and assessment - Interest in CEFR from outside Europe - Shared interest from colleagues and institutions
European Benchmarking Chinese Project (EBCL) Objectives - A framework of competence descriptors for Chinese in European context - Raise awareness of social and linguistic differences between Chinese and European languages - Network in Europe and beyond for universities, teachers, and other institutions concerned - break away from the old tradition of a knowledge and structure based approach to teach Chinese in Europe - provide a tool for the production of a new generation of curricula/syllabi, textbooks and assessments for the European context (multilingualism, integration and globalisation)
European Benchmarking Chinese Project (EBCL) Implications - Comparability of learning outcomes - Course and syllabus design - Material/textbook development - Assessment contents - Quality of information and services
European Benchmarking Chinese Project (EBCL) Project team Partner Institutions : � Rennes II, France � Freie University Berlin, Germany � La Sapienza, University of Rome, Italy � School of Oriental and African Studies, University of London, UK Associated partners : � Collège-Lycée Emile Zola de Rennes, France � Geschwister Scholl Gesamtschule, Germany � The Convitto Nazionale di Roma "Vittorio Emanuele II", Italy � Kingsford Community School, UK
European Benchmarking Chinese Project (EBCL) Work done so far - Survey of European universities and use of CEFR for their teaching of Chinese – Rome Seminar 19-20 May 2011 - Survey of existing descriptors and proposed ones for A1/2 by mid October – Paris Seminar 14-15 Oct 2011 - Project website:
CEFR: Descriptors Reception Interaction Production Listening Reading Spoken Interaction Written Interaction Spoken Production Written Production A2 I can understand phrases I can read very short, I can communicate in simple I can write short, simple I can use a series of I can write a series of and the highest simple texts. I can find and routine tasks requiring a notes and messages relating phrases and sentences to simple phrases and frequency vocabulary specific, predictable simple and direct exchange of to matters in areas of describe in simple terms sentences linked with related to areas of most information in simple information on familiar topics immediate need. I can write my family and other simple connectors like immediate personal everyday material such and activities. I can handle a very simple personal people, living conditions, „and", „but“ and relevance (e.g. very as advertisements, very short social exchanges, letter, for example thanking my educational „because“. basic personal and prospectuses, menus even though I can't usually someone for something. background and my present family information, and timetables and I understand enough to keep the or most recent job shopping, local can understand short conversation going myself. geography, simple personal letters employment). I can catch the main point in short, clear, simple messages and announcements A1 I can recognise familiar I can understand I can interact in a simple way I can write a short, simple I can use simple phrases I can write simple words and very basic familiar names, words provided the other person is postcard, for examples and sentences to describe isolated phrases and phrases concerning and very simple prepared to repeat or rephrase sending holiday greetings. I where I live and people I sentences. myself, my family and sentences, for example things at a slower rate of can fill in forms with know. immediate concrete on notices and posters speech and help me formulate personal details, for surroundings when or in catalogues. what I'm trying to say. I can example entering my name, people speak slowly and ask and answer simple nationality and address on a clearly. questions in areas of hotel registration form. immediate need or on very familiar topics.
Challenges and Opportunities � European Context � Use of Chinese in Europe vs. use of Chinese in China � Intercultural awareness/skill � Language use out of its natural environment � Reading/writing cf. listening/speaking � Distance between them – form and style � Any recommended number of characters � Collaboration and continual development
European Benchmarking Chinese Project (EBCL) Thank you!
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