charter school marketing

CHARTER SCHOOL MARKETING Utilizing Data to Shape and Inform your - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

INDIANA DEPARTMENT OF EDUCATION CHARTER SCHOOL MARKETING Utilizing Data to Shape and Inform your Enrollment Marketing November 13, 2018 1 OUR SERIES Date Topic 10/16/18 @ 12:00 Introduction: Understanding the foundations of enrollment

  1. INDIANA DEPARTMENT OF EDUCATION CHARTER SCHOOL MARKETING Utilizing Data to Shape and Inform your Enrollment Marketing November 13, 2018 1

  2. OUR SERIES Date Topic 10/16/18 @ 12:00 Introduction: Understanding the foundations of enrollment marketing 11/13/18 @12:00 Operations: Utilizing Data to Shape and Inform your Enrollment Marketing 12/11/18 @ 12:00 Operations: Your environment and your customer 1/8/19 @ 12:00 Marketing: Inbound marketing and building your culture of marketing 2/12/19 @ 12:00 Marketing: Lead nurturing and social media 3/12/19 @ 12:00 Recruitment: The school tour 4/9/19 @ 12:00 Retention: From first to last day 5/14/19 @ 12:00 Retention: Surveys and communication at your school 2

  3. ABOUT BRIGHT MINDS MARKETING Boutique school enrollment and marketing firm 3

  4. REVIEW OF OUR LAST LESSON Macro Issues • The importance of enrollment to your school o Largest source of funding o Your key for sustainability • Changing student landscape o Lower birthrates o Shrinking K-12 population in the state except for the Marion county area Indiana charter school dynamics • o Good charter school environment o Lower state funding o Continued growth of vouchers providing a competitive alternative to charter schools 4

  5. REVIEW OF OUR LAST SESSION The different frameworks that we will use • Using our enrollment funnel • The power of the “5 whys” to diagnose your opportunities • The 4 pillars of successful enrollment management o Operations o Marketing o Recruitment o Retention 5

  6. THE 4 COMPONENTS TO A STRONG ENROLLMENT SYSTEM Marketing Recruitment Retention 1. Positive 1. Listening to your 1. Attracting experience at constituents prospects every recruitment event 2. Measuring your 2. Identifying constituent’s 2. Closing the deal / those prospects satisfaction enroll 3. Nurturing those 3. Improving based 3. Create a positive prospects onboarding upon their experience feedback Come to a recruiting event Enrolling students Retaining students Operations: Know your self, your environment, your competition, and your customer. Create messages that resonate with her and have ways to deliver those messages 6


  8. 8

  9. WHY IS UNDERSTANDING YOUR DATA IMPORTANT? 1. Data allows you to base decision on fact not intuition or hunches 2. If you can measure it, you can manage it 3. Data will answer most of your questions if you ask it the right way. 4. Having strong data eventually becomes a business asset 9

  10. WHAT BENEFITS DOES GOOD DATA PROVIDE TO YOUR SCHOOL 1. It makes your enrollment marketing more effective o More efficient spend of your marketing dollars • The ability to say no to certain opportunities o More effective time spent • Focus on what is important and what will generate more new students 2. It provides clarity and an ability to prioritize retention activities o Improving areas that most parents have identified rather than just the ones from the loudest voices 10

  11. PRINCIPALS OF GOOD DATA MANAGEMENT • Garbage in = garbage out o Clean, updated, constant focus on it o Registrar / school secretary must understand the importance • Don’t just gather data / analyze it o What do you want the data to do? o Are you gathering the right data? • Use a system o CRM, SIS, Google sheets 11

  12. EXAMPLE OF USING DATA TO IMPROVE YOUR ENROLLMENT • Charter school X had poor engagement on their website o Average session was under 1 minute and poor click through rates on scheduling their open house o Analyzed their Google analytics o Discovered that 72% of traffic was via a mobile device but their site was not optimized for mobile • Redesigned their website to be mobile optimized o Improved time on the site, click rates and customer experience 12

  13. TWO TYPES OF DATA • Trend data o How does the data evolve over time? • Enrollment over 5 years • Retention rates across the school over the past 5 years Strategic • Customer satisfaction rates • Snapshot data o How did a single event do • A specific email open rate Tactical • Clicks to a certain video 13

  14. EACH PILLAR OF ENROLLMENT HAS DIFFERENT DATA NEEDS • Operations o Baseline information o Total enrollment • Marketing o Website traffic o Identified prospects o Nurturing activities • Recruitment o # of inquiries / tours / shadow days o Yield or closure rate • Retention o Retention for the school o Retention for specific grades 14

  15. YOUR IWIKS • List out all the things that “ I W ish I K new” • How do you gather this information? • Would knowing the answer improve your efforts? • Living document • Helps to shape your whole data strategy 15

  16. IWIKS (I WISH I KNEW) Topic Question Source • • General Enrollment What is our 5-year average of new students? Analysis of enrollment trends • Is there a difference based for grade level? • What is the 5-year average of our class sizes • What is our true replacement number? • • New Student Information What channel was successful in recruiting students? Admissions questionnaire • Why did they choose our schools? • What school did they previously attend? • Who referred them / what channel closed the deal? • • Overall Satisfaction How do parents feel about the schools? Annual parent satisfaction survey • What are areas that the school needs to improve to keep students? • Annual staff satisfaction survey • How do they feel about our teachers and administrators? • How satisfied is our staff? • • Retention What is our average retention rate? Core enrollment data • • Are there specific grade levels at risk? Exit interview • Why are they leaving our school? • What school are they going to? • Why are they leaving • • Follow up with admissions directors at Academic Effectiveness How are our graduates perceived at their colleges? • colleges How valuable was the experience of our schools in the minds of graduates • Alumni follow up interviews / survey • • Channel Effectiveness What is our acquisition cost per channel? Comparison of newly enrolled students with • marketing channel against channel cost What is our closure rate by channel? 16 • What is our open house closure rate / shadow day closure rate? • Closure rate at open houses


  18. YOUR CORE DATA (QUANTITATIVE) • Enrollment 1. Total enrollment for the school over time. 2. How many new students joined our school each year? 3. What is the grade level distribution for new students? • Retention 1. Retention percentages for the school. 2. Do certain grade levels lose more students than others? 18

  19. TOTAL ENROLLMENT TRENDS Total Enrollment Trends 379 400 375 354 340 350 328 300 250 200 150 100 Total 2013-2014 2014-2015 2015-2016 2016-2017 2017-2018 19

  20. NEW STUDENTS PER YEAR 5 Year New Enrollment 70 60 61 50 52 49 40 44 41 Total 30 20 10 0 2013-2014 2014-2015 2015-2016 2016-2017 2017-2018 20

  21. NEW ENROLLMENT BY GRADE LEVEL Focus on your entry grade New Enrollment by grade level 80 61 60 52 49 45 44 41 40 35 31 29 25 20 18 17 16 16 15 0 2013-2014 2014-2015 2015-2016 2016-2017 2017-2018 New Enrollment New Enrollment K New Enrollment Other 21

  22. RETENTION DATA • This can vary depending upon how you want to look at retention: o Number of students enrolled in year 1 that re-enroll in year 2 o Number of students enrolled in year 1 (first day) that are still enrolled in year 1 (last day) • Key Metrics 1. Total school retention rates 2. Retention rates by grade level 22

  23. TOTAL RETENTION TRENDS Average Retention Trends (All Grades) 100% 89% 87% 90% 84% 82% 80% 80% 70% 60% 50% 2013-2014 2014-2015 2015-2016 2016-2017 2017-2018 23

  24. CHARTING OUT YOUR RETENTION RATES Retention 2013-2014 2014-2015 2015-2016 2016-2017 2017-2018 Retention full school 80% 82% 84% 87% 89% Kindergarten 55% 62% 60% 58% 65% 1st Grade 78% 85% 82% 93% 100% 2nd Grade 90% 85% 95% 100% 96% 3rd Grade 85% 90% 84% 90% 92% 4th Grade 84% 82% 90% 91% 96% 5th Grade 92% 85% 91% 88% 78% 6th Grade 62% 55% 64% 68% 71% 7th Grade 78% 90% 89% 96% 100% 8th Grade 95% 100% 100% 96% 100% 24

  25. HIGH ISSUE GRADES VERSUS SCHOOL AVERAGE High issue grades against the school average 100% 89% 87% 84% 82% 80% 80% 60% 40% 20% 0% 2013-2014 2014-2015 2015-2016 2016-2017 2017-2018 School average K 6 25

  26. WHAT DID WE LEARN – WHAT ARE THE NEXT STEPS • The school is facing declining enrollment o Non-K grades are attracting around 17 students and is stable o Kindergarten enrollment is down 30% over 5 years o Focus on kindergarten enrollment! • The school is improving its’ retention rate o Kindergarten and 6 th grades are significantly below all school average o Understand why those grades are at risk. o Start creating retention programs for the kindergarten to 1 st grade transition and 6 th to 7 th grade transition years. 26

  27. KEY TAKE AWAYS FROM ENROLLMENT AND RETENTION CHARTING • Charting your enrollment and retention are critical to allow you to understand your core trends rather than what happened last year • Cutting the data allows you to isolate and focus your efforts • You can use first day of school, count day, or other day, just be consistent and use the same one every time 27



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