charter expansion presentation

Charter Expansion Presentation Darcie Cimarusti President, - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

Charter Expansion Presentation Darcie Cimarusti President, Highland Park Board of Education Potential Increase in Charter Seats in Middlesex/Somerset Full 16/17 17/18 18/19 19/20 Expansion Total number of charter schools seats 2316

  1. Charter Expansion Presentation Darcie Cimarusti – President, Highland Park Board of Education

  2. Potential Increase in Charter Seats in Middlesex/Somerset Full 16/17 17/18 18/19 19/20 Expansion Total number of charter schools seats 2316 3105 3838 4391 5283 in Middlesex and Somerset Counties If all pending applications are approved, there will be a 128% increase in charter seats in our two counties. 2

  3. Breakdown of Charter Growth School Campus 2016 Full Expansion Ailanthus Franklin Campus 360 CJCP Franklin Campus 480 1248 New Brunswick CJCP 504 Campus TEECS Franklin Campus 540 780 TEECS Old Bridge Campus 360 TEECS Perth Amboy Campus 360 Academy for Urban Perth Amboy Campus 500 600 Leadership New Brunswick Greater Brunswick 396 396 Campus Hatikvah East Brunswick 400 675 3 TOTAL 2316 5283

  4. Percentage of Students from Sending Districts CJCP TEECS Hatikvah (Franklin, North (Franklin, North (East Brunswick) FY 2016 Brunswick, New Brunswick, South Brunswick) Brunswick) Percentage of Students from 87% 96% 48% Sending Districts - Edison (2), Highland Park (1), Piscataway (11), Woodbridge (1), Sayerville Edison (1), Piscataway (1), Woodbridge (1), Butler (7), Hillsborough (2), Other Districts (1), Hillsborough (3), North Sayerville (3), Linden (1), (see next page) Impacted Plainfield (1), South Bound Highland Park (1), Brook (1) Plainfield (50), Lyndhurst (1) Bridgewater Raritan (1), Manville (1), Montgomery 4 (1) If charter can’t fill their seats with students from their district(s) of residence, why are they allowed to take students from other districts?

  5. In FY17 Hatikvah is serving 26 districts in 7 counties 5

  6. The number of students at Hatikvah that come from East Brunswick is dwindling 6

  7. So they are advertising to attract students from other communities 7

  8. So is Central Jersey College Prep 8

  9. How quickly things can change... 9 TEECS’ original 2010 application

  10. TEECS Expansion Plans ‐ Franklin Campus 2016-17 2017-18 2018-19 2019-20 Full Expansion 60 60 60 60 60 Kindergarten 60 60 60 60 60 Grade 1 60 60 60 60 60 Grade 2 Grade 3 60 60 60 60 60 Grade 4 60 60 60 60 60 Grade 5 60 60 60 60 60 Grade 6 60 60 60 60 60 Grade 7 60 60 60 60 60 Grade 8 60 60 60 60 60 Grade 9 60 60 60 60 Grade 10 60 60 60 Grade 11 60 60 10 Grade 12 60 TOTAL 540 600 660 720 780

  11. TEECS Expansion Plans ‐ Old Bridge Campus Full 2016-17 2017-18 2018-19 2019-20 Expansion 60 60 60 60 Kindergarten 60 60 60 60 Grade 1 60 60 60 60 Grade 2 Grade 3 60 60 60 Grade 4 60 60 Grade 5 60 TOTAL 180 240 300 360 11

  12. TEECS Expansion Plans ‐ Perth Amboy Campus Full 2016-17 2017-18 2018-19 2019-20 Expansion 60 60 60 60 Kindergarten 60 60 60 60 Grade 1 60 60 60 60 Grade 2 60 60 60 Grade 3 60 60 Grade 4 60 Grade 5 180 240 300 360 TOTAL TEECS was originally approved for 378 seats, 12 now wants 1,500 with 3 locations

  13. Locations of existing and proposed charter schools 13

  14. Franklin Township Public Schools Charter School Cost Analysis School Year 2013‐2014 2014‐2015 2015‐2016 2016‐2017 State Budget Budget $5,175,104 $5,911,066 $7,487,080 $9,043,447 Actual $5,143,661 $5,679,293 $6,951,397 Transportation $ 447,254 $ 526,456 $ 612,118 $ 812,654 School 2016‐2017 State Projected Cost Per Pupil Enrollment Payment Central Jersey College Prep 355 $4,804,649 $13,534.22 Thomas Edison EnergySmart 322 $3,715,985 $11,540.33 Greater Brunswick 18 $ 304,001 $16,888.94 Hatikvah International 13 $ 179,886 $13,837.38 Unity 2 $ 20,878 $10,439.00 14 Barack Obama Green Charter 1 $ 18,048 $18,048.00 Total 711 $9,043,447 $12,719.33

  15. Highland Park Public Schools Charter School Cost Analysis School Year 2013‐2014 2014‐2015 2015‐2016 2016‐2017 State Budget Budget $464,607 $562,473 $391,473 $388,698 Actual $324,772 $394,775 $386,002 $392,128 Transportation $ 57,983 $ 60,431 $ 61,864 $63,000 School 2016‐2017 State Projected Cost Per Pupil Enrollment Payment Central Jersey College Prep 1 $33,990 $33,990 Thomas Edison EnergySmart 1 $11,147 $11,147 Greater Brunswick 3 $35,304 $14,862.67 Hatikvah International 23 $311,687 $14,961.30 Unity NA NA NA 15 Barack Obama Green Charter NA NA NA Total $392,128 $18,740.24


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