characterization of branched covers with simplicial

Characterization of Branched Covers with Simplicial Branch Sets - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

Characterization of Branched Covers with Simplicial Branch Sets Eden Prywes University of California, Los Angeles University of Hawaii, March 24th, 2019 Joint work with Rami Luisto Eden Prywes Branched Covers Branched Covers Defintion A

  1. Characterization of Branched Covers with Simplicial Branch Sets Eden Prywes University of California, Los Angeles University of Hawai’i, March 24th, 2019 Joint work with Rami Luisto Eden Prywes Branched Covers

  2. Branched Covers Defintion A branched cover is a continuous map f : Ω → R n , where Ω is a domain in R n , that is discrete and open. Eden Prywes Branched Covers

  3. Branched Covers Defintion A branched cover is a continuous map f : Ω → R n , where Ω is a domain in R n , that is discrete and open. At most points f is a local homeomorphism. The branch set of f , denoted B f , is the set of points where f fails to be a local homeomorphism. Eden Prywes Branched Covers

  4. Branched Covers Defintion A branched cover is a continuous map f : Ω → R n , where Ω is a domain in R n , that is discrete and open. At most points f is a local homeomorphism. The branch set of f , denoted B f , is the set of points where f fails to be a local homeomorphism. Branched covers are topological generalization of quasiregular maps. Eden Prywes Branched Covers

  5. Branched Covers in Dimension Two In two dimensions the typical example of a branched cover is a rational map f : � C → � C . The branch set is the finite set of critical points of f . Near the branch points, f behaves like the map z d , where d is the degree of the critical point. Eden Prywes Branched Covers

  6. Branched Covers in Dimension Two In two dimensions the typical example of a branched cover is a rational map f : � C → � C . The branch set is the finite set of critical points of f . Near the branch points, f behaves like the map z d , where d is the degree of the critical point. Topologically, this map is equivalent to a winding map: ( r , θ ) �→ ( r , d θ ). Eden Prywes Branched Covers

  7. Branched Covers in Dimension Two Up to homeomorphism, this characterizes every branched cover. Theorem (Sto¨ ılow) Let f : S 2 → � C be a branched cover. Then there exists a C → S 2 so that f ◦ h is a rational map. homeomorphism h : � Eden Prywes Branched Covers

  8. Branched Covers in Dimension Two Up to homeomorphism, this characterizes every branched cover. Theorem (Sto¨ ılow) Let f : S 2 → � C be a branched cover. Then there exists a C → S 2 so that f ◦ h is a rational map. homeomorphism h : � Corollary Every branched cover from S 2 → S 2 is equivalent up to a homeomorphism to a piecewise linear (PL) map. Eden Prywes Branched Covers

  9. Motivation Definition A map f : Ω → R n is K - quasiregular if f ∈ W 1 , n loc (Ω) and for almost every x ∈ Ω, � Df � n ≤ KJ f , where Df is the derivative of f and J f = det( Df ). Eden Prywes Branched Covers

  10. Motivation Definition A map f : Ω → R n is K - quasiregular if f ∈ W 1 , n loc (Ω) and for almost every x ∈ Ω, � Df � n ≤ KJ f , where Df is the derivative of f and J f = det( Df ). By a theorem due to Reshetnyak, quasiregular maps are branched covers. Eden Prywes Branched Covers

  11. Motivation Definition A map f : Ω → R n is K - quasiregular if f ∈ W 1 , n loc (Ω) and for almost every x ∈ Ω, � Df � n ≤ KJ f , where Df is the derivative of f and J f = det( Df ). By a theorem due to Reshetnyak, quasiregular maps are branched covers. The converse is generally false and it is difficult to construct quasiregular maps. PL maps are generally quasiregular. Eden Prywes Branched Covers

  12. Higher Dimensions Theorem (Church and Hemmingsen, ’60) Let f : Ω → R n be a branched cover, where Ω is a domain in R n . If f ( B f ) can be embedded into a codimension 2 plane, then f is topologically equivalent to a winding map. Eden Prywes Branched Covers

  13. Higher Dimensions Theorem (Church and Hemmingsen, ’60) Let f : Ω → R n be a branched cover, where Ω is a domain in R n . If f ( B f ) can be embedded into a codimension 2 plane, then f is topologically equivalent to a winding map. By a theorem due to ˇ Cernavskiˇ i and V¨ ais¨ al¨ a, B f and f ( B f ) have topological dimension less than n − 2. In dimension 2 this hypothesis is always satisfied, but it is not always satisfied in higher dimensions. Eden Prywes Branched Covers

  14. Counterexample to Church and Hemmingsen Let P be the Poincar´ e homology sphere. Eden Prywes Branched Covers

  15. Counterexample to Church and Hemmingsen Let P be the Poincar´ e homology sphere. S 3 is the universal covering space of P . Eden Prywes Branched Covers

  16. Counterexample to Church and Hemmingsen Let P be the Poincar´ e homology sphere. S 3 is the universal covering space of P . If π : S 3 → P is the covering map, then we can take the suspension of both sides to get a map Σ π : S 4 → Σ P . Eden Prywes Branched Covers

  17. Counterexample to Church and Hemmingsen Let P be the Poincar´ e homology sphere. S 3 is the universal covering space of P . If π : S 3 → P is the covering map, then we can take the suspension of both sides to get a map Σ π : S 4 → Σ P . Σ P is not a topological manifold, but ΣΣ P ≃ S 5 . So ΣΣ π : S 5 → S 5 is a branched cover with branch set B ≃ S 1 . Eden Prywes Branched Covers

  18. Counterexample to Church and Hemmingsen Let P be the Poincar´ e homology sphere. S 3 is the universal covering space of P . If π : S 3 → P is the covering map, then we can take the suspension of both sides to get a map Σ π : S 4 → Σ P . Σ P is not a topological manifold, but ΣΣ P ≃ S 5 . So ΣΣ π : S 5 → S 5 is a branched cover with branch set B ≃ S 1 . Note that π 1 ( S 5 \ B ) has order 120. Eden Prywes Branched Covers

  19. Generalizing Church and Hemmingsen Theorem (Martio and Srebro, ’79) Let f : Ω → R 3 be a branched cover and x 0 ∈ B f . If there exists and open neighborhood V of x 0 so that the image of the branch set f ( B f ∩ V ) can be embedded into a union of finitely many line segments originating from f ( x 0 ) , then f is topologically equivalent on V to a cone of a rational map g : � C → � C . A cone of a map g is the map g × id: cone( � C ) → cone( � C ) , � C × [0 , 1] cone( � C ) = { ( z , 0) ∼ ( w , 0) } ( � C × [0 , 1] with this identification is homeomorphic to B 3 ). Eden Prywes Branched Covers

  20. Generalizing Church and Hemmingsen Theorem (Martio and Srebro, ’79) Let f : Ω → R 3 be a branched cover and x 0 ∈ B f . If there exists and open neighborhood V of x 0 so that the image of the branch set f ( B f ∩ V ) can be embedded into a union of finitely many line segments originating from f ( x 0 ) , then f is topologically equivalent on V to a cone of a rational map g : � C → � C . A cone of a map g is the map g × id: cone( � C ) → cone( � C ) , � C × [0 , 1] cone( � C ) = { ( z , 0) ∼ ( w , 0) } ( � C × [0 , 1] with this identification is homeomorphic to B 3 ). This implies that f is topologically equivalent to a PL map. Eden Prywes Branched Covers

  21. Main Result Theorem (Luisto and P., ’18) Let f : Ω → R n be a branched cover and x 0 ∈ B f . If there exists an open neighborhood V of x 0 so that the image of the branch set f ( B f ∩ V ) can be embedded into an ( n − 2) -simplicial complex, then f is topologically equivalent on V to a cone of a PL map g : S n − 1 → S n − 1 . Eden Prywes Branched Covers

  22. Main Result Theorem (Luisto and P., ’18) Let f : Ω → R n be a branched cover and x 0 ∈ B f . If there exists an open neighborhood V of x 0 so that the image of the branch set f ( B f ∩ V ) can be embedded into an ( n − 2) -simplicial complex, then f is topologically equivalent on V to a cone of a PL map g : S n − 1 → S n − 1 . This implies that f is topologically equivalent to a PL map. Eden Prywes Branched Covers

  23. Main Result Theorem (Luisto and P., ’18) Let f : Ω → R n be a branched cover and x 0 ∈ B f . If there exists an open neighborhood V of x 0 so that the image of the branch set f ( B f ∩ V ) can be embedded into an ( n − 2) -simplicial complex, then f is topologically equivalent on V to a cone of a PL map g : S n − 1 → S n − 1 . This implies that f is topologically equivalent to a PL map. This theorem also extends to a global result for f : S n → S n . Eden Prywes Branched Covers

  24. Main Result We can use this result to construct quasiregular maps. Corollary For each n ∈ N there exists a quasiregular map f : R 2 n → CP n . Eden Prywes Branched Covers

  25. Main Result We can use this result to construct quasiregular maps. Corollary For each n ∈ N there exists a quasiregular map f : R 2 n → CP n . The map ([ z 1 : w 1 ] , · · · , [ z n : w n ]) �→ � n [ z 1 · · · z n : z 1 · · · � z i · · · z n w i : · · · : w 1 · · · w n ] i =1 is a branched cover from CP 1 × · · · × CP 1 → CP n . Eden Prywes Branched Covers

  26. Normal Neighborhoods Theorem (Luisto and P., ’18) Let f : Ω → R n be a branched cover and x 0 ∈ B f . If there exists an open neighborhood V of x 0 so that the image of the branch set f ( B f ∩ V ) can be embedded into an ( n − 2) -simplicial complex, then f is topologically equivalent on V to a cone of a PL map g : S n − 1 → S n − 1 . Let f : Ω → R n be a branched cover and x 0 ∈ Ω be a point. There exists a radius r 0 > 0 and a family of neighborhoods, denoted U ( x 0 , r ), such that for 0 < r ≤ r 0 x 0 ∈ U ( x 0 , r ) f ( U ( x 0 , r )) = B ( f ( x 0 ) , r ) f ( ∂ U ( x 0 , r ) = ∂ B ( f ( x 0 ) , r ) f − 1 { f ( x 0 ) } ∩ U ( x 0 , r ) = { x 0 } Eden Prywes Branched Covers


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