Characterization and grading of the Pixel Vertex Detector modules for Belle II Philipp Leitl Max Planck Institute for Physics Semiconductor Laboratory of the MPG DPG Frühjahrstagung - Münster 28th of March 2017 Philipp Leitl Characterization of PXD modules 1 / 16
SuperKEKB and Belle II Integrated luminosity Goal of Belle II/SuperKEKB (ab -1 ) 9 months/year 20 days/month Peak luminosity Shutdown for upgrade (cm -2 s -1 ) Calendar Year Upgrade of the KEKB accelerator at the High Energy Accelerator Research Organization in Tsukuba, Japan Asymmetrical electron-positron accelerator (7 GeV e − , 4 GeV e + ) Design luminosity: 8 · 10 35 cm − 2 s − 1 Philipp Leitl Characterization of PXD modules 2 / 16
CP-violation in the B meson system Υ (4S) resonance at 10.58 GeV threshold for BB production higher statistics → higher precision and more rare decays lower boost as for KEKB → higher vertex resolution necessary higher luminosity and higher background → higher occupancy Philipp Leitl Characterization of PXD modules 3 / 16
Belle II Detector K 0 Time of Propagation counter L / µ Detector (outside) Superconducting Magnet with 20 mm quartz bars homogeneous field of 1 . 5 T RPC Plates and plastic MCP-PMT readout scintillators with SiPM readout Electromagnetic Calorimeter 8000 CsI Crystals, 16 X 0 PMT/APD readout Pixel Vertex Detector 2 layer pixel detector (8MP) DEPFET technology Silicon Vertex Detector 4 layer double sided strips 20 − 50 ns shaping time Central Drift Chamber Aerogel RICH proportional wire drift chamber Proximity focusing RICH with silica 15000 sense wires in 58 layers aerogel Philipp Leitl Characterization of PXD modules 4 / 16
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