characteristic evaluation to promote the connotative

Characteristic Evaluation to Promote the Connotative Development of - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

APQN 2014 Conference & AGM Hanoi, Vietnam March 7-8, 2014 Characteristic Evaluation to Promote the Connotative Development of HE: Based on the Exploration of Theory & Practice of the Programme of Characteristic Evaluation in HVIs

  1. APQN 2014 Conference & AGM Hanoi, Vietnam March 7-8, 2014 Characteristic Evaluation to Promote the Connotative Development of HE: Based on the Exploration of Theory & Practice of “the Programme of Characteristic Evaluation in HVIs” in Yunnan in China Prof. Dr. Jianxin ZHANG Yunnan Higher Education Evaluation Center (YHEEC), Kunming, China Research Institute of Higher Education in Yunnan University, Kunming, China Parallel Session 2(B): 2:40 pm – 3:35 pm, March 7; Crowne Plaza West

  2. Outline 1 New-cycle evaluation: the Programme of Characteristic Evaluation 2 3 Indexes from Evaluation pattern from connotative one into goal-oriented to combining connotative performance evaluation & characteristic ones

  3. Preface 3 rd -cycle Evaluation: a 3 provincial QAA, how YHEEC took the QA path of connotative development?” 2 2nd- cycle evaluation ( 2009-2013 ) is the “connotative evaluation” : development of students, characteristic & innovation of HVIs. 1 1st-cycle evaluation( 2003-2008 ), many largest ones: participants, evaluation experts, audited papers, thesis, lectures... “astonished” the public.

  4. II. New-cycle evaluation: the Programme of Characteristic Evaluation Characteristic 100 HVIs’ Self- Characteristic (特 Evaluation (CE) the evaluation Report : 色 ) : “ 特 ” special hot & difficult topic: 486 items are & “ 色 ” colorful: unified plan & ambiguous words of uniqueness of administration, HVIs “striving, the individual formed the pattern hardworking”, HVI, CE of similarity of “all Why does CE lack appeared among with the same the uniqueness & the 6 indexes in feature”, i.e. specialty? “Evaluation “thousands of HVIs Scheme”. with one face( 千人 一面) ”. 36

  5. Programme of Characteristic Evaluation (CE) 5 HVIs Index is a 5 purposes: evaluated : guiding baton. In (1) promote the (1)Yunnan Vocational 2012 YHEEC explicit definition of the Institute issued HVIs’ target & of Energy development direction; “Programme of Technology ; Characteristic (2) Kunming (2) deepen the reform Metallurgy College in connotative Evaluation” , 17 development; articles of the 8 (3) summarize the items; 1st excellent experiences; programme of (4) give guiding & EQA for the demonstrative role ; HVIs in China. (5) perfect the system of EQA .

  6. III. Evaluation Pattern pattern of goal-oriented evaluation pattern of performance evaluation Goal a process to provide information a process of how administrators & service for administrators to make employees achieving the goal of an decisions; goal-centered, paying agreement attention to the evaluation of the goal itself. Subject educators demanders (a total of 8 subjects) Content degree to reach the evaluation goal, main key result areas (KRA) achieving comparing the intended results to satisfactory results to realize the the actual results, emphasis on “ 3 overall goal 4 KRAs in HVIs: correspondences ” : (1) goal & (1)social evaluation; (2)process & demand; (2) status & the goal; & administration; (3)learning & (3) effect & goal. innovation; & (4)resources. Logic logic decomposition, fact judgment results - cause - effect Method Priority to checking & verifying Priority to the in-depth interview

  7. Largest differences: the evaluation subject p p u u o o e e r m r m p p g g l l o o y y e e r r t t s s r r e e p p x x e e •subject of goal- higher higher oriented evaluation is administrators administrators authorities authorities the single educators; in HVIs in HVIs subjects society & alumnae •while that the Teachers Teachers students students performance evaluation s is 360 ° -multiple s t t u u d d e e n n t t p p subjects: 8 a a r r e e n n t t s s

  8. Indexes from connotative one into combining connotative & characteristic ones Main evaluation Indexes Main evaluation indexes of Observation points of CE connotative development 1. Leadership 1.1. development plan 1. Plan & localization 2. Faculty 1.2. goal & localization 2.1. investment funds 3. Curriculum 2. Guarantee & measurement 2.2. equipment & 4. Practice teaching personnel 3.1. project 5. Characteristic of academic programme implementation 3. Implemental 3.2. process administration administration 6. Teaching administration 3.3. implementing mechanism 7. Social evaluation 4.1. personnel training 4. Reputation effect 1. reach the “standard” ; 2. speciality 4.2. social services

  9. What is Characteristic Evaluation? achieved carried out in long remarkable •Re-form & practice results reflect the goals improve it in the & visions of long run HVIs with stable mechanisms formed in the long practice implementation of HVIs

  10. Case: Yunnan Vocational Institute of Energy Technology comparative advantages, reflects core competitiveness & social reputation of comparative advantages, reflects core competitiveness & social reputation of HVIs, sum up their advantages in the long practice, develop the characteristic HVIs, sum up their advantages in the long practice, develop the characteristic system of HVIs’ connotation, mechanism, process & effect, highlight the system of HVIs’ connotation, mechanism, process & effect, highlight the administration of “conditions, process & performance” in the QA process. administration of “conditions, process & performance” in the QA process. Question: Education for Evaluate or Evaluate for Education? 35-year 2012 1978 2002 2007 history …… R e 云 云 云 云 Build Qualified n 云 云 ??? a 南 南 南 南 特 特 南 南 m 能 能 省 省 色 色 能 能 e 源 源 煤 煤 评 评 源 源 职 职 炭 炭 估 估 职 职 业 业 工 工 业 业 技 技 业 业 技 技 术 术 学 学 术 术 学 学 校 校 学 学 院 院 院 院 2013 2007

  11. Questions for Searching Characteristic No. Questions to be Answered by HVIs 1 Where do HVIs find the characteristic? 2 Does this characteristic exist? 3 Is this characteristic mature? 4 Does the characteristic have the value of promotion? 5 What is the future of this characteristic? 6 … 26

  12. Characteristic of Characteristic Evaluation Connotative One system, reflecting the development unification between both : • generalization & characteristic Combine • similarity & uniqueness Characteristic To form a complete integration of development the general & different requirements

  13. Conclusion Not only confidence & but determination in promoting characteristics evaluation to the end & enrich the theory & practice in the new cycle of evaluation. There’s no turning back, YHEEC‘s characteristic evaluation in 2012, till now, 5 HVIs as pilot evaluations, acquiring the appraisal of “excellent results” in the national survey by MoE. YHEEC adopts “the model of characteristic evaluation” to achieve the “harmonized development of multiple values”. Completing the QA system has a bright future but the 13 Your road twists & turns Logo

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