channel migration zone cmz

Channel Migration Zone (CMZ) Draft Study and Map Public Meeting - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

Cedar River Channel Migration Zone (CMZ) Draft Study and Map Public Meeting February 4, 2015 2 Presentation Why CMZs are mapped Study area How CMZ maps are used CMZ mapping on the Cedar River 3 Why Map Channel Migration

  1. Cedar River Channel Migration Zone (CMZ) Draft Study and Map Public Meeting February 4, 2015

  2. 2 Presentation • Why CMZs are mapped • Study area • How CMZ maps are used • CMZ mapping on the Cedar River

  3. 3 Why Map Channel Migration Hazards? • Channel migration is a type of flood hazard  Differs from flood inundation hazard • Identify hazard areas:  Inform public about potential hazards Raging River

  4. 4 Study Area/Uses of CMZ Study & Map • Study area: Landsburg to mouth • Support Cedar River Corridor process • Serve as regulatory map in unincorporated areas • For use by property owners in making land use choices

  5. 5 Channel Migration Terms • Channel Migration : The shifting of a river within a river valley • Channel Migration Zone (CMZ) : The area within which a river channel can be Example CMZ expected to migrate over time

  6. 6 Types of Channel Migration Lateral • Lateral migration: migration Progressive channel movement across floodplain • Channel expansion: Channel widening Avulsion • Avulsion: Abrupt shift of channel location

  7. 7 CMZ mapping on the Cedar River • Evaluate present conditions & historical migration to predict future hazard  Geology, riverbank materials  Historical channels  Lateral migration rates  Avulsion pathways • Field observations; computer analyses • Map and combine CMZ components

  8. 8 Geology, riverbank materials - natural Erosion-resistant bluff Erodible alluvium

  9. 9 Riverbank materials - artificial Bank armoring: riprap rock lining riverbank SR 169 & Cedar R Trail bridges & road prisms constrain channel thru much of valley

  10. 10 Historical channel locations Aerial Photos 1936 1948 inserts 1959 1964 1970 1980 1989 2000 2011 Lateral migration rate = distance / time

  11. 11 Potential avulsion pathways • Shaded relief map • Colors: elevation difference between floodplain topography SR and in-channel water 169 surface during a moderate flood event • Indicates low-lying areas Taylor Creek area, Cedar River Cedar River Mile 13-14

  12. 12 Channel Migration Zone Components Map CMZ components (State Ecology) • Historical Migration Zone (HMZ) • Avulsion Hazard Zone (AHZ) • Erosion Hazard Area (EHA) • Disconnected Migration Area (DMA) CMZ = HMZ + AHZ + EHA - DMA

  13. 13 CMZ = HMZ + AHZ + EHA – DMA State Highway CMZ DMA EHA C han n e e l tiv c A y a d - t n e s re P AHZ H i s HMZ t o r ical Ch a n n e l s Bedrock EHA C M Z HMZ AHZ CMZ FLOW EHA DMA

  14. 14 Delineation of Erosion Hazard Area State Highway CMZ DMA EHA 50 years C han n e e l tiv 100 years c A y a d - t n e s re P AHZ H i s HMZ t o r ical Ch a n n e l s 50 years 100 yrs Bedrock 50 years EHA 100 years C M Z HMZ AHZ CMZ FLOW EHA DMA

  15. 15 Delineation of Moderate and Severe Hazard Areas • Widths are calculated as the average lateral migration rate times a certain number of years • Width is delineated as the greater of two distances: Measured from Hazard Area Historical Migration Measured from Present-Day Zone Active Channel Moderate 50 years times average 100 years times average migration rate migration rate Severe 25 years times average 50 years times average migration rate migration rate

  16. Moderate and Severe Hazard Areas State Highway CMZ h a n n C e e tiv l c A y a d - t n e s e r P Bedrock CMZ CMZ Present-day active channel Severe hazard area FLOW Moderate hazard area

  17. 17 Taylor Creek area, example maps SR 169 Draft Cedar River CMZ components CMZ map

  18. 18 Next Steps – Updated 2/11/5 • Public comment period ends, 3/6/15 3/23/15 • DNRP reviews comments, revises study & map as appropriate, 3/31/15 4/17/15 • DNRP sends final maps & study to DPER, 3/31/15 4/17/15 • Final map becomes effective 30 days after adoption by DPER, May June 2015 DPER=Dept of Permitting and Environment Review DNRP=Dept of Natural Resources and Parks

  19. 19 Contact Information • Comments on Draft Cedar River CMZ study: Terry Butler: • Comments on channel migration public rule: Steve Bottheim: • CMZ study map & public rule amendment at:   Dept. of Permitting and Environmental Review  Fairwood Library, 17009 140 th Ave SE, Renton  Maple Valley Library, 20844 SE 248 th St, Maple Val


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