challenges of string theory particle physics and cosmology

Challenges of string theory: particle physics and cosmology Sa ul - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

Challenges of string theory: particle physics and cosmology Sa ul Ramos-S anchez XIII Mexican Workshop on Particles and Fields October 20, 2011 Sa ul Ramos-S anchez IF-UNAM Challenges of string theory What do we know? SM = QCD

  1. Challenges of string theory: particle physics and cosmology Sa´ ul Ramos-S´ anchez XIII Mexican Workshop on Particles and Fields October 20, 2011 Sa´ ul Ramos-S´ anchez – IF-UNAM Challenges of string theory

  2. What do we know? SM = QCD ( SU(3) ) + EW ( SU(2) × U(1) Y ) � � General relativity: Cosmology Sa´ ul Ramos-S´ anchez – IF-UNAM Challenges of string theory

  3. Urge to go beyond SM... Sa´ ul Ramos-S´ anchez – IF-UNAM Challenges of string theory

  4. Urge to go beyond SM... Sa´ ul Ramos-S´ anchez – IF-UNAM Challenges of string theory

  5. Urge to go beyond SM... 200 100 150 LEP TeVa TeVa CMS jul,2011 115 < m H < 145 GeV Sa´ ul Ramos-S´ anchez – IF-UNAM Challenges of string theory

  6. Urge to go beyond SM... 200 100 150 LEP TeVa TeVa CMS jul,2011 115 < m H < 145 GeV Why? Sa´ ul Ramos-S´ anchez – IF-UNAM Challenges of string theory

  7. Urge to go beyond SM... ∆ m 2 H ∼ Λ 2 ⇒ Sa´ ul Ramos-S´ anchez – IF-UNAM Challenges of string theory

  8. Urge to go beyond SM... + SUSY @ E ∼ TeV ? H ∼ Λ 2 − Λ 2 ∆ m 2 ⇒ Sa´ ul Ramos-S´ anchez – IF-UNAM Challenges of string theory

  9. Urge to go beyond SM... Why? Sa´ ul Ramos-S´ anchez – IF-UNAM Challenges of string theory

  10. Urge to go beyond SM... Why? GUTs? Sa´ ul Ramos-S´ anchez – IF-UNAM Challenges of string theory

  11. Urge to go beyond SM... Quantum Gravity ? Sa´ ul Ramos-S´ anchez – IF-UNAM Challenges of string theory

  12. Urge to go beyond Λ CDM... V ( ϕ ) = ? What is ϕ ? Sa´ ul Ramos-S´ anchez – IF-UNAM Challenges of string theory

  13. Urge to go beyond Λ CDM... dark matter: neutralino, gravitino, ... ? dark energy: Λ ∼ 10 − 120 , chameleon, ... ? Sa´ ul Ramos-S´ anchez – IF-UNAM Challenges of string theory

  14. String Theory Sa´ ul Ramos-S´ anchez – IF-UNAM Challenges of string theory

  15. Cuerdas 1970’s: particles → strings 11D SUGRA s t T yp e I IA E 8 × E 8 t M-Theory T yp e I IB 80-90’s: 5 theories of superstrings ( + branes) SO(32) quantum consistency (no anomalies, “ghosts”, tachyons) : T yp e I → * graviton included T T * gauge bosons * supersymmetry S * 10 dimensions Sa´ ul Ramos-S´ anchez – IF-UNAM Challenges of string theory

  16. Cuerdas 1970’s: particles → strings 11D SUGRA s t T yp e I IA E 8 × E 8 t M-Theory T yp e I IB 80-90’s: 5 theories of superstrings ( + branes) SO(32) quantum consistency (no anomalies, “ghosts”, tachyons) : T yp e I → * graviton included � T T � * gauge bosons �� * supersymmetry S � * 10 dimensions Sa´ ul Ramos-S´ anchez – IF-UNAM Challenges of string theory

  17. D-Branes in type I/II Open strings → U(1) gauge symmetry ( 90’s revolution! ) Sa´ ul Ramos-S´ anchez – IF-UNAM Challenges of string theory

  18. Stacks D-Branes in type I/II Open strings → U(2) ≃ SU(2) × U(1) gauge symmetry Sa´ ul Ramos-S´ anchez – IF-UNAM Challenges of string theory

  19. Can we reproduce our universe? String Phenomenology Challenges Sa´ ul Ramos-S´ anchez – IF-UNAM Challenges of string theory

  20. M 4 ⊗ X 6 First challenge: 10 � = 4 Compactifications size ( X 6 ) ∼ ℓ 6 N = 1 X 10 = P l , X 6 : Calabi-Yau ( CY 3 ) manifolds 1 Candelas,Horowitz,Strominger,Witten (1985) Sa´ ul Ramos-S´ anchez – IF-UNAM Challenges of string theory

  21. M 4 ⊗ X 6 First challenge: 10 � = 4 Compactifications size ( X 6 ) ∼ ℓ 6 N = 1 X 10 = P l , X 6 : Calabi-Yau ( CY 3 ) manifolds 1 Candelas,Horowitz,Strominger,Witten (1985) X 6 : Orbifolds 2 Dixon,Harvey,Vafa,Witten (1985) Sa´ ul Ramos-S´ anchez – IF-UNAM Challenges of string theory

  22. M 4 ⊗ X 6 First challenge: 10 � = 4 Compactifications size ( X 6 ) ∼ ℓ 6 N = 1 X 10 = P l , X 6 : Calabi-Yau ( CY 3 ) manifolds 1 Candelas,Horowitz,Strominger,Witten (1985) X 6 : Orbifolds 2 Dixon,Harvey,Vafa,Witten (1985) Generalized, half-flat, SU(3) × SU(3) manifolds, . . . Oscar Loaiza-Brito 3 Sa´ ul Ramos-S´ anchez – IF-UNAM Challenges of string theory

  23. Second challenge: some matter! Heterotic strings E 8 × E 8 or SO(32) compact. E 8 → E 6 × SU(3) → ( 78 , 1 ) + ( 1 , 8 ) + ( 27 , 3 ) + ( 27 , 3 ) 248 E 6 GUTs � Sa´ ul Ramos-S´ anchez – IF-UNAM Challenges of string theory

  24. Second challenge: some matter! Heterotic strings E 8 × E 8 or SO(32) compact. E 8 → E 6 × SU(3) → ( 78 , 1 ) + ( 1 , 8 ) + ( 27 , 3 ) + ( 27 , 3 ) 248 E 6 GUTs � Type II A/B Berkooz et al. (1996) Sa´ ul Ramos-S´ anchez – IF-UNAM Challenges of string theory

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