challenges in decomposing encodings of verification

Challenges in Decomposing Encodings of Verification Problems Peter - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

Challenges in Decomposing Encodings of Verification Problems Peter Schrammel HCVS 2016 Eindhoven, The Netherlands Introduction 2LS for Program Analysis Encoding Decomposition Lessons Learned Motivation Modern software verification tools:

  1. Challenges in Decomposing Encodings of Verification Problems Peter Schrammel HCVS 2016 Eindhoven, The Netherlands

  2. Introduction 2LS for Program Analysis Encoding Decomposition Lessons Learned Motivation Modern software verification tools: program formula solver verification problem specification 2 / 24

  3. Introduction 2LS for Program Analysis Encoding Decomposition Lessons Learned Motivation Modern software verification tools: program formula solver verification problem specification Large programs: Problem: Formula too large for existing backend solvers 2 / 24

  4. Introduction 2LS for Program Analysis Encoding Decomposition Lessons Learned Motivation Modern software verification tools: program formula solver verification problem specification Large programs: Problem: Formula too large for existing backend solvers Solution: Make formula smaller 2 / 24

  5. Introduction 2LS for Program Analysis Encoding Decomposition Lessons Learned Motivation Modern software verification tools: program formula solver verification problem specification Large programs: Problem: Formula too large for existing backend solvers Solution: Make formula smaller program preprocess formula solver verification problem specification 2 / 24

  6. Introduction 2LS for Program Analysis Encoding Decomposition Lessons Learned Motivation Modern software verification tools: program formula solver verification problem specification Large programs: Problem: Formula too large for existing backend solvers Solution: Make formula smaller program solver solver preprocess formula decompose solver verification problem specification 2 / 24

  7. Introduction 2LS for Program Analysis Encoding Decomposition Lessons Learned Case Studies: Termination Analyses (ASE’15) Universal termination: Result: terminating / potentially non-term. / non-terminating Decision problem Conditional termination: Result: sufficient precondition for termination Inference problem 3 / 24

  8. Introduction 2LS for Program Analysis Encoding Decomposition Lessons Learned Case Studies: Termination Analyses (ASE’15) Universal termination: Result: terminating / potentially non-term. / non-terminating Decision problem Conditional termination: Result: sufficient precondition for termination Inference problem 3 / 24

  9. Introduction 2LS for Program Analysis Encoding Decomposition Lessons Learned Example: Universal Termination Analysis Encoding of the modular universal termination problem: ∃ 2 Summary f 1 , . . . , Summary f n : � f ∈ F ∃ 2 Inv f , RR f : ∀ x inf , x f , x ′ f , x outf : Init f ( x inf , x f ) = ⇒ Inv f ( x f ) h i ∈ H f Summary h ( x p inh i , x p outh i ) Inv f ( x f ) ∧ Trans f ( x f , x ′ f ) ∧ � ∧ = ⇒ Inv f ( x ′ f ) ∧ RR f ( x f , x ′ f ) Init f ( x inf , x f ) ∧ Inv f ( x ′ f ) ∧ Out f ( x ′ f , x outf ) ∧ ⇒ Summary f ( x inf , x outf ) = Decomposition: Procedural, top-down, context-sensitive 4 / 24

  10. Introduction 2LS for Program Analysis Encoding Decomposition Lessons Learned Example: Universal Termination Analysis Benchmarks: Product line benchmarks from SV-COMP (597 benchmarks, 1.6 MLOC) Non-trivial procedural structure (on average 67 procedures, 5.5 loops) 2LS IPTA 2LS MTA Results: expected Ultimate TAN terminating 264 249 26 18 50 non-terminating 333 320 333 3 324 potentially non-terminating — 14 1 425 0 timed out (0.5h) — 237 150 43 14 errors — 0 0 1 180 total run time (h) — 58.7 119.6 92.8 23.9 5 / 24

  11. Introduction 2LS for Program Analysis Encoding Decomposition Lessons Learned 2LS for Program Analysis Verification and static analysis on logical formulae Approximates solution to 2OL by reduction to FOL program template- template- template- abstract based based preprocess formula based verification & refine synthesis synthesis synthesis problem specification Bit-precise analysis SV-COMP’16 (including floating-point arithmetic) Template-based synthesis (using strategy iteration for optimisation) Analysis features: Interprocedural static analysis, termination analysis Incremental BMC, k -induction, k I k I (SAS’15) 6 / 24

  12. Introduction 2LS for Program Analysis Encoding Decomposition Lessons Learned Logical Specification of Verification Problems Safety verification: ∀ x in , x , x ′ . ∃ 2 Inv . � Init ( x in , x ) = � ⇒ Inv ( x ) ∧ ( Inv ( x ) ∧ Trans ( x , x ′ ) = ⇒ Inv ( x ′ )) ∧ ( Inv ( x ) = ⇒ ¬ Err ( x )) (Blass and Gurevich ’87, Grebenshchikov et al ’12, David et al ’15, ...) 7 / 24

  13. Introduction 2LS for Program Analysis Encoding Decomposition Lessons Learned Logical Specification of Verification Problems Safety verification: ∀ x in , x , x ′ . ∃ 2 Inv . � Init ( x in , x ) = � ⇒ Inv ( x ) ∧ ( Inv ( x ) ∧ Trans ( x , x ′ ) = ⇒ Inv ( x ′ )) ∧ ( Inv ( x ) = ⇒ ¬ Err ( x )) Invariant inference: min Inv . ∀ x , x ′ . ( Init ( x ) = ⇒ Inv ( x )) ∧ ( Inv ( x ) ∧ Trans ( x , x ′ ) = ⇒ Inv ( x ′ )) (Blass and Gurevich ’87, Grebenshchikov et al ’12, David et al ’15, ...) 7 / 24

  14. Introduction 2LS for Program Analysis Encoding Decomposition Lessons Learned Logical Specification of Verification Problems Safety verification: ∀ x in , x , x ′ . ∃ 2 Inv . � Init ( x in , x ) = � ⇒ Inv ( x ) ∧ ( Inv ( x ) ∧ Trans ( x , x ′ ) = ⇒ Inv ( x ′ )) ∧ ( Inv ( x ) = ⇒ ¬ Err ( x )) Invariant inference: min Inv . ∀ x , x ′ . ( Init ( x ) = ⇒ Inv ( x )) ∧ ( Inv ( x ) ∧ Trans ( x , x ′ ) = ⇒ Inv ( x ′ )) Termination verification: ∀ x , x ′ . ∃ 2 RR , Inv . ( Init ( x ) = ⇒ Inv ( x )) ∧ � � Inv ( x ) ∧ Trans ( x , x ′ ) = ⇒ Inv ( x ′ ) ∧ RR ( x , x ′ ) . . . (Blass and Gurevich ’87, Grebenshchikov et al ’12, David et al ’15, ...) 7 / 24

  15. Introduction 2LS for Program Analysis Encoding Decomposition Lessons Learned Template-Based Synthesis Reduction to first-order logic via templates, e.g. safety verification: ∃ 2 Inv . ∀ x , x ′ 1 . ( Init ( x ) = ⇒ Inv ( x )) ∧ ( Inv ( x ) ∧ Trans ( x , x ′ ) = ⇒ Inv ( x ′ )) ∧ ( Inv ( x ) = ⇒ ¬ Err ( x )) 8 / 24

  16. Introduction 2LS for Program Analysis Encoding Decomposition Lessons Learned Template-Based Synthesis Reduction to first-order logic via templates, e.g. safety verification: ∀ x , x ′ . ( Init ( x ) = ⇒ T ( x , d )) ∧ ∃ d . ( T ( x , d ) ∧ Trans ( x , x ′ ) = ⇒ T ( x ′ , d )) ∧ ( T ( x , d ) = ⇒ ¬ Err ( x )) where d are template parameters. (Graf & Sa¨ ıdi CAV’97, . . . , Reps et al, . . . Brauer et al, . . . , Srivastava et al, . . . ) 8 / 24

  17. Introduction 2LS for Program Analysis Encoding Decomposition Lessons Learned Template-Based Synthesis Reduction to first-order logic via templates, e.g. invariant inference: ∀ x , x ′ . min d . ( Init ( x ) = ⇒ T ( x , d )) ∧ ( T ( x , d ) ∧ Trans ( x , x ′ ) = ⇒ T ( x ′ , d )) where d are template parameters. (Graf & Sa¨ ıdi CAV’97, . . . , Reps et al, . . . Brauer et al, . . . , Srivastava et al, . . . ) 8 / 24

  18. Introduction 2LS for Program Analysis Encoding Decomposition Lessons Learned Solver Hierarchy verification, synthesis, inference ∃ 2 ∀ 1 min 2 ∀ 1 Eldarica, Spacer, . . . Symba, MathSAT-opt, . . . min 1 ∀ 1  ∃ 1 ∀ 1    CVC4, Z3, MathSAT, . . . ∃ 1    ∃ -propositional MiniSAT, Glucose, . . . 9 / 24

  19. Introduction 2LS for Program Analysis Encoding Decomposition Lessons Learned Solver Hierarchy verification, synthesis, inference ∃ 2 ∀ 1 min 2 ∀ 1 Eldarica, Spacer, . . . ——————————————reduction Symba, MathSAT-opt, . . . min 1 ∀ 1  ∃ 1 ∀ 1    CVC4, Z3, MathSAT, . . . ∃ 1    ∃ -propositional MiniSAT, Glucose, . . . 9 / 24

  20. Introduction 2LS for Program Analysis Encoding Decomposition Lessons Learned Program Encoding Non-recursive programs with multiple procedures Init ( x in , x ) Out ( x , x out ) � Trans ( x , x ′ ) � Procedure f : , , 10 / 24

  21. Introduction 2LS for Program Analysis Encoding Decomposition Lessons Learned Program Encoding Non-recursive programs with multiple procedures Init ( x in , x ) Out ( x , x out ) � Trans ( x , x ′ ) � Procedure f : , , unsigned f( unsigned z) { unsigned w = 0; w 0 = 0 if (z > 0) ∧ g 4 = z > 0 w = h(z); ∧ h 0 ( z , r h 0 ) ∧ w 1 = r h 0 w φ ∧ 2 = g 4 ? w 1 : w 0 r h = x φ return w; ∧ 1 } unsigned h( unsigned y) { unsigned x; g 0 = true for (x=0; ∧ x 0 = 0 g 1 = g 0 ∧ x φ 1 = ( ls 3 ? x lb ∧ 3 : x 0 ) g 2 = ( x φ x < 10; ∧ 1 < 10 ∧ g 1 ) x 2 = x φ x+=y); ∧ 1 + y r h = x φ return x; ∧ 1 } 10 / 24

  22. Introduction 2LS for Program Analysis Encoding Decomposition Lessons Learned Program Encoding Non-recursive programs with multiple procedures Init ( x in , x ) Out ( x , x out ) � Trans ( x , x ′ ) � Procedure f : , , unsigned f( unsigned z) { unsigned w = 0; w 0 = 0 if (z > 0) ∧ g 4 = z > 0 w = h(z); ∧ h 0 ( z , r h 0 ) ∧ w 1 = r h 0 w φ ∧ 2 = g 4 ? w 1 : w 0 r h = x φ return w; ∧ 1 } unsigned h( unsigned y) { unsigned x; g 0 = true for (x=0; ∧ x 0 = 0 g 1 = g 0 ∧ x φ 1 = ( ls 3 ? x lb ∧ 3 : x 0 ) g 2 = ( x φ x < 10; ∧ 1 < 10 ∧ g 1 ) x 2 = x φ x+=y); ∧ 1 + y r h = x φ return x; ∧ 1 } 10 / 24


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