Ceramic 3D pri rinting - R&D
WID IDE IN INTEREST for Ce Ceramic ic 26/10/2016 • CERAMIC = “ techn echnical cera eramic mic materi terials ’ family” • Every ery indus ustr try have e interes terest t in Cera ramic mic part rts, , for proto totypes, s, tool ols s or end use use parts ts • Tradit ition ional l metho hods to to produc uce e cust stomi omized zed Cera ramic mic part rts are e long ng and and expens ensive Prodways presents a unique solution of Ceramic 3D printing 2
How to produce ce ceramic parts ? Traditional ways to produce ceramic parts 3D printing approach to produce ceramic parts 3
Pre-process Ceramic Process 3D Printing Post-process 4
How doe oes Prodways Cer eramic 3D 3D prin rintin ing work? Prin rintin ing g layer Cleanin Cl ing De Debin indin ing an and Fini Fi nishin ing Creatio Cr ion of of CAD CAD by y layer sinterin ing fi file and and expor ort to o STL TL form ormat 5
Post processin ing of of ce ceramic par arts Cle leaning Thermal de debinding & & sin sintering Finish Fin shing • DEBINDING KILN: 1 st firing to eliminate binder – Depends on application • Manual cleaning with 600 ° C – approx. 3 days specific solvants • Rectification • SINTERING KILN : 2 nd firing to get 100% ceramic (2 to 10 min per part • Tumbling densification – up to 1750 ° C – approx. 1 day depending on part • Polishing size) • 18 to 25% shrinkage of the part • Sterilization Gr Green Sintered part pa part pa 6
Prodways - Materials Ceramic Materials - Properties for 3D Printing - Applications 7
Prodways Ceramic ic materials ls for 3D 3D prin rintin ing a b c 1 µm Alumina Hydroxyapatite / TCP Zirconia 3-points flexural purity density strength applications material/ceramic Alumina > 99,8 % > 98 % 275 MPa Highpower electronic devices, electric insulators Zirconia > 99,9 % > 99 % 1100 MPa Jewelry, high temperature parts (space, automobile) and nuclear applications HA > 99,9 % > 98 % 75 MPa Biomedical (Bone & vertebral implants) TCP > 99,9 % > 98 % 125 MPa Crane implants 8
Prodways Alu lumin ina (Al (Al 2 O 3 ) ) properties & ap appli lications COUPLING DI DIFFER ERENT PROPER ERTIES • Goo ood tem emperature res esistance • Low therm thermal con onducti tivity ty • Ex Exce cellent t di dielectri tric pr properti rties • High har hardness (vi vickers) val alues INDUSTRY / LUXURY • Goo ood abr abrasion res esistance Applications • Che Chemical ine nert rt High tem emperature el electri tric insu nsulators Su Support rts for or he heated el elements ts Grin rinding part parts Mechanical com omponents Insu nsulating rin rings 9
App ppli lications of of Alumin ina (A (Al 2 O 3 ) ) ce ceramic ic mater eria ials ls 06/10/2016 Packaged alumina resonator Measure Simulation S21 (dB) • permittivity : 9.1 • tan δ = 5 10 -5 @ 15 GHz Frequency (GHz) 10
App ppli lications of of Alumin ina (A (Al 2 O 3 ) ) ce ceramic ic mater eria ials ls 06/10/2016 Dual mode filters 4 pole quasi-elliptic filter Alumina • permittivity : 9.8 4 pole quasi-elliptic filter with enhanced spurious mode suppression • tan δ = 5 10 -5 @ 15 GHz 11
26/10/2016 Prodways Zi Zirconia ia (ZrO 2 ) ) propertie ies & ap appli lications COUPLING DI DIFFER ERENT PROPER ERTIES • Exce Ex cellent t mec echanical pr properti rties • Low therm thermal con onducti tivity ty IND NDUSTRY / / LUXUR XURY Y / / DE DENTAL • Goo ood die dielectr tric pr propert rties • High har hardness (vi vickers) ) val alues Applications • Resis esists wear Cru Crucibles • Goo ood res esistance to o metal etch ching Jewelry Je ry De Dental cr crown, brid bridges, br brackets • Che Chemical ine nert rt Ca Casting no nozz zzles Th Thermal coati tings Ion on-conducti ting materi rials 12
App ppli lications of of Zirconia ia (Zr (ZrO 2 ) ) cer ceramic ic materia ials 06/10/2016 Electromagnetic bandgap waveguide Zirconia (ZrO 2 ) : S11 (dB) S21 (dB) • r = 31.2 S21 (dB) • tan = 1.3 10 -3 Frequency (GHz) Frequency selective waveguide depending on : - dielectric material - rod size - spacing between rods 13
App ppli lications of of Zirconia ia (Zr (ZrO 2 ) ) cer ceramic ic materia ials 06/10/2016 Metal Bragg reflector Resonant cavity Zirconia (ZrO 2 ) : • r = 31.2 • tan = 1.3 10 -3 Metal Computed electric field à 33 GHz o IN y x Max OU T Min waveguide 14
App ppli lications of of Zirconia ia (Zr (ZrO 2 ) ) cer ceramic ic materia ials 06/10/2016 Resonant cavity with Bragg reflectors : 3 pole Tchebychev filter S (dB) f 0 = 32.9 GHz Δ f -3dB = 1% 15
App ppli lications of of Zirconia ia (ZrO (ZrO 2 ) ) & Alum umin ina (A (Al 2 O 3 ) ) cer ceramic ic materia ials 06/10/2016 Antennas Al-Zr: ZTA 30 mm 20 mm E plane : FDTD simulation . : Measured co-polar. : Measured cross-polar 16
Prodways Hydroxyapatite (H (HA) ) properties & ap appli lications COUPLING DI DIFFER ERENT PROPER ERTIES • Close to Clo o bone’s che chemical str truc ucture • Bi Bio-compatible • Osth theoconductive • Goo ood mec echanical pr properti rties BIO ME BIO MEDICAL • No Non-resorb rbable Applications Bone sub Bo ubsti titutes Rec econstr tructi tive sur urgery ry 17
Prodways Tric ricalciu ium phos osphate propertie ies (TCP) COUPLING DI DIFFER ERENT PROPER ERTIES • Clo Close to o bone’s che chemical str truc ucture • Osth theoconductive • Reso esorbable • Bio-compatible Bi BIO BIO ME MEDICAL • Goo ood mec echanical pr propert rties Applications Bone sub Bo ubsti titutes Rec econstr tructi tive sur urgery ry 18
Prodways, your partner in Customer specific developing new materials & paste development applications 19
Customer pas aste development process for use se on on ProMaker V6000 ce ceramic prin rinter Material qu quali lity is is key • formulation • powder loading and specification + UV resin esin Customer Cus Prod odways Mix Mix Fina Fi nal l cus ustomer Ceramic Cer ic Bi Binder pas paste powder po
Prodways offering on custom ceramic paste development Cus Custom cer ceramic pas paste de development bas based on on Prodways PLA PLASTCure Bin Binder 100 100 Paste Supply of Cus Custom Pas aste Production of production test specific ceramic benchmarks Develo lopment with Prodways powder (green parts) binder (1 L) Tes est customer Prodways Prodways Paste production Transfer of Final paste Fi Fina nal l pas paste process competencies for production with engineering & prod pr oduction on paste production Prodways binder consulting support Prodways Prodways customer 21
Prodways 3D 3D prin rintin ing process 3D cer 3D ceramic pr prin inter V60 V6000 • Production by polymerizing successive layers • Multiple images of 3*6cm • With pixels of 32µm and layer thickness down to 10µm • Printing area 150 x 150 mm • Multiple ceramic materials printer Gr Green part part 22
06/10/2016 www.prodways.com FOLLOW US @prodways 23
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