CENG 3420 Lecture 06: Pipeline Bei Yu byu@cse.cuhk.edu.hk CENG3420 L06.1 Spring 2020
Outline q Pipeline Motivations q Pipeline Hazards q Exceptions q Background: Flip-Flop Control Signals CENG3420 L06.2 Spring 2020
Outline q Pipeline Motivations q Pipeline Hazards q Exceptions q Background: Flip-Flop Control Signals CENG3420 L06.3 Spring 2020
Review: Instruction Critical Paths q Calculate cycle time assuming negligible delays (for muxes, control unit, sign extend, PC access, shift left 2, wires) except: G Instruction and Data Memory (4 ns) G ALU and adders (2 ns) G Register File access (reads or writes) (1 ns) Instr. I Mem Reg Rd ALU Op D Mem Reg Wr Total R- 4 1 2 1 8 type 4 1 2 4 1 12 load 4 1 2 4 11 store 4 1 2 7 beq jump 4 4 CENG3420 L06.4 Spring 2020
Review: Single Cycle Disadvantages & Advantages q Uses the clock cycle inefficiently – the clock cycle must be timed to accommodate the slowest instr G especially problematic for more complex instructions like floating point multiply Cycle 1 Cycle 2 Clk lw sw Waste q May be wasteful of area since some functional units (e.g., adders) must be duplicated since they can not be shared during a clock cycle but q It is simple and easy to understand CENG3420 L06.5 Spring 2020
How Can We Make It Faster? q Start fetching and executing the next instruction before the current one has completed G Pipelining – (all?) modern processors are pipelined for performance G Remember the performance equation: CPU time = CPI * CC * IC q Under ideal conditions and with a large number of instructions, the speedup from pipelining is approximately equal to the number of pipe stages G A five stage pipeline is nearly five times faster because the CC is “nearly” five times faster q Fetch (and execute) more than one instruction at a time G Superscalar processing – stay tuned CENG3420 L06.6 Spring 2020
The Five Stages of Load Instruction Cycle 1 Cycle 2 Cycle 3 Cycle 4 Cycle 5 IFetch Dec Exec Mem WB lw q IFetch: Instruction Fetch and Update PC q Dec: Registers Fetch and Instruction Decode q Exec: Execute R-type; calculate memory address q Mem: Read/write the data from/to the Data Memory q WB: Write the result data into the register file CENG3420 L06.7 Spring 2020
A Pipelined MIPS Processor q Start the next instruction before the current one has completed G improves throughput - total amount of work done in a given time G instruction latency (execution time, delay time, response time - time from the start of an instruction to its completion) is not reduced Cycle 1 Cycle 2 Cycle 3 Cycle 4 Cycle 5 Cycle 6 Cycle 7 Cycle 8 lw IFetch Dec Exec Mem WB IFetch Dec Exec Mem WB sw IFetch Dec Exec Mem WB R-type - clock cycle (pipeline stage time) is limited by the slowest stage - for some stages don’t need the whole clock cycle (e.g., WB) - for some instructions, some stages are wasted cycles (i.e., nothing is done during that cycle for that instruction) CENG3420 L06.8 Spring 2020
Single Cycle versus Pipeline Single Cycle Implementation (CC = 800 ps): Cycle 1 Cycle 2 Clk lw sw Waste 400 ps Pipeline Implementation (CC = 200 ps): lw IFetch Dec Exec Mem WB sw IFetch Dec Exec Mem WB IFetch Dec Exec Mem WB R-type q To complete an entire instruction in the pipelined case takes 1000 ps (as compared to 800 ps for the single cycle case). Why ? q How long does each take to complete 1,000,000 adds ? CENG3420 L06.9 Spring 2020
Pipelining the MIPS ISA q What makes it easy G all instructions are the same length (32 bits) - can fetch in the 1 st stage and decode in the 2 nd stage G few instruction formats (three) with symmetry across formats - can begin reading register file in 2 nd stage G memory operations occur only in loads and stores - can use the execute stage to calculate memory addresses G each instruction writes at most one result (i.e., changes the machine state) and does it in the last few pipeline stages (MEM or WB) G operands must be aligned in memory so a single data transfer takes only one data memory access CENG3420 L06.10 Spring 2020
MIPS Pipeline Datapath Additions/Mods q State registers between each pipeline stage to isolate them IF:IFetch ID:Dec EX:Execute MEM: WB: MemAccess WriteBack IF/ID ID/EX EX/MEM Add Add MEM/WB Shift 4 left 2 Read Addr 1 Instruction Data Register Read Memory Memory Data 1 Read Addr 2 Read PC File Read Address Address ALU Write Addr Data Read Data 2 Write Data Write Data Sign Extend 16 32 System Clock CENG3420 L06.11 Spring 2020
MIPS Pipeline Control Path Modifications q All control signals can be determined during Decode G and held in the state registers between pipeline stages PCSrc ID/EX EX/MEM Control IF/ID Add MEM/WB Branch Add RegWrite Shift 4 left 2 Read Addr 1 Instruction Data Register Read Memory Memory Data 1 MemtoReg Read Addr 2 ALUSrc Read PC File Read Address Address ALU Write Addr Data Read Data 2 Write Data Write Data ALU cntrl MemRead Sign Extend 16 32 ALUOp RegDst CENG3420 L06.12 Spring 2020
Pipeline Control q IF Stage: read Instr Memory (always asserted) and write PC (on System Clock) q ID Stage: no optional control signals to set EX Stage MEM Stage WB Stage Reg ALU ALU ALU Brch Mem Mem Reg Mem Dst Op1 Op0 Src Read Write Write toReg R 1 1 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 lw 0 0 0 1 0 1 0 1 1 X 0 0 1 0 0 1 0 X sw beq X 0 1 0 1 0 0 0 X CENG3420 L06.13 Spring 2020
Graphically Representing MIPS Pipeline ALU IM Reg DM Reg q Can help with answering questions like: G How many cycles does it take to execute this code? G What is the ALU doing during cycle 4? G Is there a hazard, why does it occur, and how can it be fixed? CENG3420 L06.14 Spring 2020
Other Pipeline Structures Are Possible q What about the (slow) multiply operation? G Make the clock twice as slow or … G let it take two cycles (since it doesn’t use the DM stage) MUL ALU IM Reg DM Reg q What if the data memory access is twice as slow as the instruction memory? G make the clock twice as slow or … G let data memory access take two cycles (and keep the same clock rate) ALU IM DM1 DM2 Reg Reg CENG3420 L06.15 Spring 2020
Other Sample Pipeline Alternatives q ARM7 IM Reg EX PC update decode ALU op IM access reg DM access access shift/rotate commit result (write back) q XScale Reg ALU IM1 DM1 IM2 Reg SHFT DM2 PC update decode DM write ALU op BTB access reg 1 access reg write start IM access start DM access shift/rotate IM access exception reg 2 access CENG3420 L06.16 Spring 2020
Why Pipeline? For Performance! Time (clock cycles) Once the Inst 0 ALU pipeline is full, IM Reg DM Reg I one instruction n is completed s Inst 1 ALU IM Reg DM Reg t every cycle, so r. CPI = 1 ALU Inst 2 IM Reg DM Reg O r d ALU Inst 3 IM Reg DM Reg e r ALU Inst 4 IM Reg DM Reg Time to fill the pipeline CENG3420 L06.17 Spring 2020
Outline q Pipeline Motivations q Pipeline Hazards q Exceptions q Background: Flip-Flop Control Signals CENG3420 L06.18 Spring 2020
Can Pipelining Get Us Into Trouble? q Yes: Pipeline Hazards G structural hazards: - a required resource is busy G data hazards: - attempt to use data before it is ready G control hazards: - deciding on control action depends on previous instruction q Can usually resolve hazards by waiting G pipeline control must detect the hazard G and take action to resolve hazards CENG3420 L06.19 Spring 2020
Structure Hazards q Conflict for use of a resource q In MIPS pipeline with a single memory G Load/store requires data access G Instruction fetch requires instruction access q Hence, pipeline datapaths require separate instruction/data memories G Or separate instruction/data caches q Since Register File CENG3420 L06.20 Spring 2020
Resolve Structural Hazard 1 Time (clock cycles) Reading data from lw ALU Mem Reg Mem Reg memory I n s Inst 1 ALU Mem Reg Mem Reg t r. ALU Inst 2 Mem Reg Mem Reg O r d ALU Inst 3 Mem Reg Mem Reg e r ALU Inst 4 Mem Reg Mem Reg Reading instruction from memory q Fix with separate instr and data memories (I$ and D$) CENG3420 L06.21 Spring 2020
Resolve Structural Hazard 2 Time (clock cycles) Fix register file add $1, ALU access hazard by IM Reg DM Reg I doing reads in the n second half of the s Inst 1 ALU IM Reg DM Reg t cycle and writes in r. the first half ALU Inst 2 IM Reg DM Reg O r d ALU add $2,$1, IM Reg DM Reg e r clock edge that controls clock edge that controls loading of pipeline state register writing registers CENG3420 L06.22 Spring 2020
Data Hazards: Register Usage q Dependencies backward in time cause hazards ALU add $1, IM DM Reg Reg ALU sub $4,$1,$5 IM DM Reg Reg ALU and $6,$1,$7 IM DM Reg Reg ALU or $8,$1,$9 IM DM Reg Reg ALU IM DM Reg Reg xor $4,$1,$5 q Read before write data hazard CENG3420 L06.24 Spring 2020
Data Hazards: Load Memory q Dependencies backward in time cause hazards ALU lw $1,4($2) IM DM Reg Reg I n s ALU sub $4,$1,$5 IM DM Reg Reg t r. ALU and $6,$1,$7 IM DM Reg Reg O r d ALU or $8,$1,$9 IM DM Reg Reg e r ALU IM DM Reg Reg xor $4,$1,$5 q Load-use data hazard CENG3420 L06.25 Spring 2020
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