cell and neoplasm biology

Cell and neoplasm biology Review Comparison of HeLa cell viability - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

Cell and neoplasm biology Review Comparison of HeLa cell viability based on temperature The experiment was testing how well cells can survive in different temperatures of incubation. The graph presented on previous slide shows the results.

  1. Cell and neoplasm biology Review

  2. Comparison of HeLa cell viability based on temperature

  3. The experiment was testing how well cells can survive in different temperatures of incubation. The graph presented on previous slide shows the results. Based on presented information, try to answer the following questions. 1. What is optimal temperature for HeLa cells growth? 2. Explain what are practical laboratory implication of presented results? 3. Try to explain what is cell viability?

  4. Comparison of HeLa cell viability based on ethanol concentration

  5. The experiment was testing how well HeLa cells can survive under different concentrations of ethanol. The graph presented on previous slide shows the results. Based on presented information, try to answer the following questions. 1. What is the negative control? 2. What is the most potent ethanol concentration to inhibit cell vaibility?

  6. Journal of Visualized Experiments June 2015 | 100 | e52528 | Dose response of MMT cells to anti-proliferative agents. Digital photomicrographs of MMT cells grown in the presence of antiproliferative agents at varying concentrations for 96 hrs. Metformin: (C1) 2 mM (C2) 4 mM (C3) 6 mM (C4) 8 mM (C5) 10 mM; Ethanol (100%) and Untreated are both controls. 100X, scale=0.1 mm, indicated by blue lines making up each square within the grid.

  7. Graphical representation of dose response experiments of MMT cells to anti-proliferative agent metformin. Effects of increasing concentrations of anti-proliferative agent metformin on MMT cell viability. Results are expressed as a percentage of control after 48 hrs of treatment, although cell treatment continued for 96 hrs. n=3, STD is indicated.

  8. Based on information presented on previous slide, try to answer the following questions. 1. What is the negative control? 2. Which metformin concentration exhibits the strongest anti-proliferative effect?

  9. Graphical representation of time course analysis of MMT cellular response to anti- proliferative agents. Time course study of the effects of tamoxifen (0.216mM), curcumin (0.216mM), and metformin (10 mM) on MMT cell viability over 96 hrs. Results are expressed as a percentage of control after 48 hrs of treatment. Shown here are results of a representative experiment, n=1.

  10. Based on information presented on previous slide, try to answer the following questions. 1. At what time after the metformin administration the strongest anti-proliferative effect is observed? 2. At what time after the curcumin administration the strongest anti-proliferative effect is observed? 3. At what time after the tamoxifen administration the strongest anti-proliferative effect is observed? 4. Which of the agents (tamoxifen, curcumin, metformin) exhibit the strongest anti- proliferative effect? 5. Which of the agents (tamoxifen, curcumin, metformin) exhibit the weakest anti- proliferative effect?


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