celeste cant general manager what is sawpa santa ana

Celeste Cant General Manager What is SAWPA? Santa Ana - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

Celeste Cant General Manager What is SAWPA? Santa Ana Watershed Project Authority SAWPA Member Agencies & Stakeholders 97 Water-related Agencies 4 Counties 59 Cities

  1. Celeste ¡Cantú ¡ General ¡Manager ¡

  2. What is SAWPA? Santa Ana Watershed Project Authority SAWPA Member Agencies & Stakeholders 97 ¡Water-­‑related ¡ § Agencies ¡ 4 ¡Counties ¡ § 59 ¡Cities ¡ § State ¡water, ¡ § environmental, ¡and ¡ regulatory ¡agencies ¡ Federal ¡Agencies ¡ § Special ¡Districts ¡ §

  3. Salt Concentrations

  4. Salt ¡Levels ¡(TDS) ¡ 45,000 44,000 40,000 35,000 TDS (mg/L or ppm) 30,000 30,000 25,000 Potable Water Use < 1,000 mg/l TDS 20,000 15,000 3,000 - 10,000 10,000 7,000 250 - 4,000 5,000 700 300 0 Sacramento Colorado Groundwater Brine Seawater Human Salton Delta River Tears Sea

  5. How Bad is It? 37,000 dump trucks lined up end-to-end from Los Angeles to Las Vegas (every year) Bunker Hill Chino 0.6 Million Tons/Yr Riverside/Corona Orange County Perris/Hemet Elsinore Santa Ana River Watershed and Groundwater Basins

  6. Groundwater Desal

  7. Power Plants

  8. Biotechnology

  9. Price Comparisons Approximate Disposal Cost for One Million Gallons of Brine Water $ 250,000 * Does not include $ 250,000 substantial treatment and treatment and capacity $ 200,000 purchase/lease $ 150,000 ** Does not include Transport $ 100,000 *** Based on $.25 per $ 50,000 gallon rate Does not $ 9,500 $ 7,500 $ 0 include transport SARI SARI Line Non – SARI Truck Dump ** Connection Disposal *** Includes O & M *

  10. TDS/Nutrient Plan Declaration of Conformance


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